Hand Exercises Part 1
  • 12 years ago
Click Here For Hand Exercises: http://www.exercises-without-equipment.com/hand-exercises

Hand Exercises

This little video is just one of a series of videos describing exercises to do at home such as hand stretching exercises and their advantages.

Lack of fitness, diseases and injuries can set us back; even make us prefer to quit trying because we don't know ways to feel better. Strengthening your health and wellbeing is always possible, whatever your age is or your degree of ability!

A healthy body needs muscles, ligaments, joints and nerves working together in harmony. Nevertheless, this balance can be easily upset by disease, injury or more commonly a lack of regular fitness.

By doing exercises without equipment at home you can learn ways to manage these conditions by correcting and improving your body's ability to heal itself through techniques such as:

Mobilization and Manipulation of Joints
Guidance on posture
Structured exercises
And most importantly - a "can do" attitude

Hand exercises only call for common sense and your ability to listen to your body. By observing these simple guidelines while doing hand stretching exercises, you will help your body to heal itself without causing any further injury.

Listen to your body
Be patient
Believe in yourself

That is all it requires to use the following three stages to achieve great outcomes with your hand exercises:

1) Mobility (Essential)
Use exercises at this level to gently encourage and improve movement of the joint (s).

2) Flexibility (Intermediate)
These exercises will require you to hold a stretch for a specific amount of minutes while slowly increasing the time.

3) Strength and Stability (Advanced)
Back muscle and ab exercises without equipment will strengthen your core to protect your internal organs and sustain a healthy posture.

Exercises without equipment at home are a hands-on method to increasing your body's capacity to heal itself.

Do you want to enjoy the benefits of hand exercises?

For more information visit my youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/exercisesnoequipment