Old Paris Tower Block Torn Down
  • 12 years ago
A large 14-story tower block on the outskirts of Paris was demolished in a matter of seconds on Wednesday. French authorities brought the building down as a crowd of curious spectators looked on.
But the authorities had not thought about the wind direction. The wind blew a thick cloud of dust onto spectators gathered in a nearby stadium.

The building was opened in the 1960s as part of a large social housing development but had fallen short of modern standards. French media reported that a 280 million euro local housing project is ongoing in the area.

The building was the last of three similar ones to be destroyed in recent years. Some locals wish that the buildings had been left standing.

[Antonio De Sousa, Onlooker]:
"Now it's really sad to see the last one go. While there was still one standing it was all right, it was still Balzac. Now everything has been torn down we've lost our youth. It's even more than that because we have shared so many things between us with our colleagues and so on."

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