Transformation Truth: How to Shape, Firm, and Tone

  • 12 years ago
The Diet Solution Program
Truth About Abs ... Be aFit Fast and Strong All-Natural Athlete. Episode 15 of Chris Krueger`s Transformation Truth. The Health and Fitness vlog that separates fact from fiction and gives you the truth. It`s all abut how to achieve true & health and fitness and dispelling the ridiculous myths and bogus supplements that the \"health and fitness\" industry spend millions of dollars try to brainwash us with. Honest, up front and shooting from the hip. Chris Krueger injects reality into a world gone mad. Chris Krueger brings you another episode of his vlog Transformation Truth to youtube. His no nonsense health and fitness style. that cuts through all the hype and gives you the facts. This episode is dedicated to weight training for women. Women can see tremendous benefits from proper weight training. True health and fitness is about putting your body and life into balance. Being smart and following the TSC Nutrition Program will help keep your body and life in balance. Shape-up, Tone-up, and Firm-Up Purchase the TSC heart of a Champion Training Program and make it happen. The TSC Heart of a Champion Program... It`s all abut how to achieve true & health and fitness. Chris loves dispelling the rediculous myths and bogus supplements that the \"health and fitness\" industry spend millions of dollars try to brainwash us with. Honest, up front and shooting from the hip. Chris Krueger injects reality into a world gone mad. It`s important for all of us to reach and ...
