Rezolvarea exercitiilor cu GET cu particula

  • 12 years ago
Dictionar englez roman online - get. Rezolvarea exercitiilor cu GET cu particula

1. It’s Saturday and I can (sa ma scol) later today.

2. I never (nu m-am impacat) well with Maths.

3. He said he (se va apuca) English the next week.

4. Don’t worry, she (va trece peste asta) when she meets a nice guy.

5. She told me that John (a intrat in bucluc) because he stole important papers from his boss.

6. We can’t (sa scapam de) this nasty winter!

7. “What are you doing?” “I’m spying on my neighbour – he (se coboara) his car and (se urca) a coach which has just stopped in front of his house…”
