Talk Show Legend Larry King Questioned About 2012

  • 12 years ago
Standing out front of Red O Restaurant with his wife, Shawn, Larry King is asked about 2012 and the typical "end of the world" calls that accompany talk on this subject. The talk show king replies that everyone's who's predicted the end of the world has been wrong.

For the real juice on 2010 and Mayan predictions, you might want to check out Drunvalo Melchizedek's original webcast about the Mayan prophecies about 2012 here: . This the first and only time the Mayans have ever officially communicated to the world anything about 2012, and Drunvalo is exclusively authorized by the leader of Mayan Council of Elders, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, to communicate such teachings to the rest of the world.
