Lap Band Reviews From Patients

  • hace 12 años
---Lap Band Reviews From Patients. Just like you, I've struggled with being severely obese for years! At the age of 24, I weighed 302 lbs and tried diet after diet unsuccessfully, before I had lap band surgery...

I believed that getting the lap band would solve all my weight-loss problems... I wanted, so badly, to be thin, attractive, healthier... and to just be seen as a normal person!

But as my lap band "honeymoon period" came to an end, trying to "stick with it" became so emotionally and mentally exhausting and draining... that I reached my breaking-point!

Since you're here, I'm assuming that you're experiencing some disappointment and frustration with your lap band situation too.

Lap, Band, Reviews, From, Patients, Lap banding, Lap band surgery, Laparoscopic gastric Banding, Lapbands, Stomach Banding, gastric lap band, lap band diet, lap band insurance, gastric bypass, lap band cost, the lap band
