GOP 2012: Moderate Jon Huntsman's mission improbable

  • 12 years ago Republican Jon Huntsman was a high-school dropout who wanted to play rock music. But his Mormon family had other ideas. He spent two years in Taiwan as a missionary. He moved swiftly up in the business world, before turning to politics. As governor of Utah, he was revered for cutting taxes and creating jobs. Some say President Obama offered Huntsman the job of ambassador to China as he feared a 2012 presidential bid. Huntsman grabbed the opportunity. With his knowledge of Chinese, Huntsman was well-suited for the job. However, when the time came for a presidential bid, he didn't hesitate to quit. Almost alone among this crop of GOP candidates, Huntsman accepts both evolution and global warming. His moderate stance makes him popular with liberals, but doesn't do him any favor with conservatives. With the rest of the field so far to his right, it seems Huntsman has little chance of actually securing the nomination. Huntsman has tried his best to turn himself into a candidate tea partiers could accept. But it might be too little too late.