Consumer Goods Identity Management Customer Case Study User Provisioning and Password Reset
  • 12 years ago
Avatier designs and develops industry leading identity management enterprise solutions for user provisioning, access certification, enterprise risk management, and self-service password reset. In 2008, Miller and Coors entered a joint venture to create the second largest beer company in America, MillerCoors. With nine billion in annual sales, the company employs around 9,000 people and outsources another 4,000.

MillerCoors turned to Avatier for their self-service active directory password reset and identity and user account provisioning. Though MillerCoors had multiple systems with different directories, Avatier automated user provisioning, active directory group management and their enterprise password manager. MillerCoors is currently using over 30 different connectors, all supported by Avatier’ Identity Management software. These systems include SAP systems, AIX servers, multiple active directory domains, sequel servers, Oracle servers and DB2 databases. Avatier covers just about every application and system MillerCoors has in place. Now that Avatier’s identity access management software is deployed at MillerCoors, operations are more efficient from built-in audit controls while IT cyber security has improved at the same time.