Call to Remove Mao Zedong's Tiananmen Portrait

  • 13 years ago
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Calls have emerged in China for the removal of an iconic portrait in Beijing. A small group of elderly Communist Party members says the giant portrait of Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square is "shameful." The former officials say they know firsthand the disastrous results of many of Mao Zedong's policies and want the portrait to be taken down.

For more than six decades, this portrait of Mao Zedong has overlooked Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Now a group of veteran Communist Party members are calling for it to be removed. They believe Mao's rule did more harm than good, and want his portrait to be replaced by one of Sun Yat-sen's—the man who founded Asia's first republic.

The seven communist cadres from Yunnan Province issued an online letter on Saturday, October 15. They echoed earlier calls from six elders in Hubei Province to remove the portrait. The veterans say they experienced firsthand the disastrous policies Mao implemented during his rule, from 1949 to 1976.

The letter lists Mao's policies, including denouncing more than three million intellectuals as right-wing extremists. Many were tortured to death in jail. Mao also initiated the "Great Leap Forward" campaign—widely believed to have resulted in a great famine that starved to death over 30-million people. Mao's Cultural Revolution is notorious for having killed more than 20 million people, and destroying China's cultural legacy.

[Li Deqiang, Signatory of Open Letter]:
"Mao Zedong is someone with a bad character. During his leadership in China, more than 60-million people died. To hang a portrait of someone like this is a humiliation to Chinese people. Mao has not earned this place."


