Doga: Standing Poses for Small Dogs
  • 13 years ago
Doga: Standing Poses for Small Dogs - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. We are now going to move into standing poses for smaller dogs. Yes I know that there are different poses for different size dogs. A big dog, you are not going to be able to balance them on your legs in warrior one pose, you are not going to be able to lift them in the air but, these are the poses that work well for small dogs. Triangle pose here, balancing them on your waist. All these poses you hold for a little bit of time, 5-10 breaths, moving through postures where your using the dog to help support you and your supporting them. “Good girl, very nice Curly.” Then we just keep moving through a few different moves. “Nice.” One of curly’s favorite poses are balancing poses. We do poses where she stays on top..just getting comfortable and steady together. That is one of the keys to Doga and Yoga; comfortable, steady, no pain, no strain. We can move into other poses from here, can work on balancing with one leg, we can work on squats. So these definitely are poses you do with a smaller dog. “Good girl Curly. You want to get off?” and then you just lower down, “Good girl, jump off baby. Very nice. Good job lady, that was good.” There are definitely a lot of poses you can do while standing with your dog, a medium sized dog or any dog that you can lift up. Mountain pose: a fabulous pose to work on for stability and strength and just balance. Just holding your pet in with you here, body nice and strong and then you can lift the dog up into the air. “Very nice.” You also use the dog here as a little bit of a weight. “Very nice Curly.” We also use the dog to take us deeper into a forward bend; holding the dog into your arms and bending forward, “Good girl, good girl.” and using their weight to take you a little deeper into the pose. In standing poses with a smaller dog, for warrior one, you can balance your dog on your front leg. You can also use your dog on your chest. And you can also lift them up. “Very nice.” For warrior two poses, balancing on the side, “Very nice Curly.” and she is getting her nice stretch here.