500 Chinese Villagers Protest Solar Plant Pollution

  • 13 years ago
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In East China, another factory is in trouble for improper waste disposal. Local villagers rioted against the company for polluting their river.

In China's Zhejiang Province in Haining City, over 500 villagers stormed a solar panel manufacturing company—overturning vehicles and destroying offices. They are accusing the factory of pollution.

The villagers started protesting on Thursday when they invaded the Jinko Solar Holding company complex. According to Chinese state media, the company's waste disposal facilities have been failing pollution tests since April. Toxic waste from the factory has killed large schools of fish in a nearby river. Angry protestors overturned eight company vehicles and four police cars before being dispersed.

Police ordered the Jinko Solar Holding Company to suspend their operations.

Pollution is becoming a bigger problem for the Chinese regime. Earlier in August, a similar incident occurred where thousands of protestors forced a paraxylene plant to shut down in Dalian.


