How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch
  • 13 years ago
How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats.

When we are teaching dogs to 'fetch' one thing we do as humans is that we start with it too far. We usually toss the ball way too far and the dog goes. 'Oh, you go get it, it is just way too far.' So what we try to do is we try to get it where about to go ball up against the wall.

So I am going to stay about maybe 2 feet from a wall. I will stay here and I have the dog here, and I will bounce the ball against the wall and I will catch it. Now this starts the dogs' play drive, and starts the dog going, 'O, you have got something that I want', and you know how we are, we always want something we can't have.

So as I am bouncing it back, the dog is getting interested, dog is getting interested. I will let him get it. Then I will call his name and he will bring it to me. Alright! By then you should have your dog being taught 'drop'. If he does not know 'drop' you don't want to teach 'fetch' yet, he needs to know 'drop' first.

So you have the dog 'drop' it, and then you do it a little further. Then you can get further way, further way. And then you get to where you were throwing the ball. I would keep the dog on a longline, like a 15 foot longline, especially if you are going to be using this game as an exercise game if you live in apartments and stuff, and then re-call the dog back to you and still have control over the dog with the longline. Have him come to you and 'drop'. That is the best way to teach 'fetch'.