Want to Reverse Brain Age? Turn Off Your Autopilot

  • 12 years ago
Want to Reverse Brain Age? Turn Off Your Autopilot
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
It's an unfortunate fact of evolutionary heredity that, by the time we are in our thirties, our brain is already experiencing a decline in cognitive function.

And, it's not just the effects of the morning coffee, evening wine and the luxury of working in a crowded open plan office. As we grow older, the rate of decline increases, and the cumulative effects become more noticeable.

We have increasing difficulty remembering, paying close attention, responding rapidly and performing complex tasks. Many other cognitive functions that once came easily are now more difficult. Our children become impatient with our momentary "brain lapses" and we find our sentences finished before they have even begun. This is both disturbing and disheartening, but our seemingly deteriorating brain also provides all those past their biological "peak" with a solution.

At the Mind and Its Potential Conference, Dr. Michael Merzenich reveals that neuroplasticity exists from cradle to the grave and that radical improvement in cognitive functioning is possible even in the elderly. Thanks to the brain's neuroplasticity, and Dr. Merzenich's coterie of targeted brain exercises, old dogs can easily learn new tricks.