Catastrophe in Japan | Made in Germany

  • 13 years ago
Shock and bewilderment – the earthquake in Japan means great human suffering and economic regression for the country. Düsseldorf is home to Germany's largest Japanese community and more than 500 Japanese companies have set up shop there. Made in Germany asked around in the North Rhine-Westphalian capital.Whether at the large-format printer maker, Mutoh, or Japanese supermarket Shochiku--there is a lot of concern about what is happening at local offices of Japanese companies--especially about the potential of radioactive contamination at home. Many of the workers are from Japan and have been in Germany for a number of years. But some of their families, who in some cases they have not been able to reach by telephone, live in the devastated areas. Some have already booked flights back to Japan. We talk to experts about why so many Japanese companies are in Germany.
Report by Sascha Quaiser


