Comedy Dilemma for Ron Howard

  • 13 years ago

Now he's got the Angels and Demons out of his system, Ron Howard has returned to comedy with his new film The Dilemma.

An awkward blend of comedy and drama, the Vince Vaughn vehicle is unlike any film the director has worked on before, but does take him back to his comic past.

The former Happy Days star explained: "I always acted in comedies as a young guy, and early in my career as a director I was basically a comedy director, but I never did anything quite as edgy as this."

Edgy it may be, but The Dilemma has received some harsh reviews from critics who have not ranked it amongst the Apollo 13 director's best work.

There are high hopes though for a movie adaptation of Arrested Development, the television comedy series produced by Howard, in which he also played the role of narrator.
