Holiday Electrical Safety Video

  • 13 years ago
So what IS a GFI and why do I care? A "GFI" is a ground fault circuit interrupter which monitors the amount of current flowing through an outlet. If there is an imbalance in the electrical flow the GFI will trip the circuit. This is a device that can prevent over two thirds of the 300 possible electrocutions that occur every year. All GFIs should be tested once a month to make sure they are working properly and are protecting you from fatal shock. GFIs should be tested after installation to make sure they are working properly and protecting the circuit. Consumers can obtain similar protection by using GFIs with electric tools (drills, saws, sanders, etc.) for do-it-yourself work in and around the house. For more information, visit us at, or Call us today! 402-932-1361.