Meet the Tribute Book by funeralOne.

  • 13 years ago - Meet the Tribute Book by funeralOne. Think this is just another register book? Think again. This… is the Tribute Book… a treasured collection of memories that will be cherished for years to come. Finally – a meaningful and personalized book that is full of life, and was created for the families you serve. Every page is designed to celebrate the life lived, and help your families heal. The Tribute Book lets your families share the story of their loved one from cover to cover with fully customizable text and the ability to add photos that bring the book to life. And…it’s push button easy! Our revolutionary solution gives you the ability to effortlessly create affordable Tribute Books as unique as the life lived… In house, in minutes with Life Tributes all-in-one software suite! …If you’re already utilizing Life Tributes Software for your client family, the Tribute Book will virtually create itself! Give your families the book they’ve always been looking for. The Tribute Book by funeralOne.
