Energy Efficient Lights Illuminates Singapore

  • 14 years ago
Singapore's Marina Bay has been illuminated like never before with a spectacular night-time light-show designed to promote the use of energy efficient light bulbs. The display features a range of colorful light installations created by designers around the world.

Singapore's Marina Bay lit up in an unusual display.

From tigers to jellyfish, the light festival is designed to show off the assets of energy efficient light bulbs.

Chris Tobias, a sustainability consultant says the LED bulbs in these lights use seventy percent less energy than regular bulbs and, in homes and businesses, could translate into sizable savings.

[Chris Tobias, Sutainability Consultant]:
"You can imagine, multiply that across all the different metropolitan areas - the buildings, and their occupants and usage, it would be huge. I mean, you could probably save about five times the amount of energy, if you were using LEDs."

Festival founder, Mary-Anne Kyriakou says the first step towards a more energy efficient future is public awareness.

It's not just LED bulbs that are environmentally beneficial in this display - each light work in the installation "My Public Garden" is powered by biodiesel.

And visitors to the light festival are encouraged to take public transport to Marina Bay, in a further effort to reduce carbon footprints.

Businesses in the area also agreed to switch off more lights than usual for the duration of the festival.

And organizers are hoping they will be sufficiently enlightened to continue the energy-saving practice after the installations are gone.
