B94.5 Debut of "Transport" Audio Imagery

  • 14 years ago
http://audioimagery.net A few days prior to me going to the radio station i was letting a few friends of mine listen to some of the new tracks along with the videos. They appreciated them all (or at least they said so to my face, lol) but this song seemed to connect with them the most. Its a pretty basic song - nothing crazy happens, there isn't even a bridge. But I think the music and the story being told lyrically create the atmosphere for a good song. So after weeks of trying to get this song played on the air (watch this if you don't know what I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd11pdlQa6s). The day finally came and went and it was fun like it usually was in the studio. In fact I have to say that morning like the one I had with PJ and the Zoo Crew put the biggest smile on my face. PJ went through a bunch of the remixes I have done leading up to this point. He even went back to last year's lady gaga remixes. The crew just commented on their favorite parts and they genuinely showed appreciation. Makes all the hard work worth it. Thanks guys... Enjoy the vid.