Transplant man gets new face

  • 14 years ago

A Spanish man who underwent the world's first full face transplant has gone before TV cameras for the first time.

Identified only as Oscar, the 31-year-old spoke with difficulty at a news conference as he thanked the medical team that gave him a new face in late March, as well as the family of the donor.

Vall d'Hebron hospital said the man will need between a year and 18 months of physical therapy, but he is likely to regain up to 90 per cent of his facial functions.

The man - a farmer in his '30s - was unable to breathe through his nose or eat on his own after accidentally shooting himself in the face five years ago.

Oscar said: "I would like to thank all the medical team, the donor's family and above all my relatives for supporting me until the end."

His sister, who appeared alongside him at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, said: "Now my brother will have a new live and we the family are very grateful (to the medical team) for their great work."
