Hyundai Workers Go on Strike in Tamil Nadu, India

  • 14 years ago
Production came to a halt at Hyundai Motor India Limited in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Workers say they're frustrated with the management’s decision to dismiss certain employees and for not recognizing the workers’ union.

On Monday, hundreds of workers went on strike at a Hyundai manufacturing plant in Tamil Nadu. They’re demanding the reinstatement of 67 employees who were dismissed by management. They also want their union to be recognized by the company.

[Edison Perira, Union Leader]: (gender male, Tamil)
"We want the company to recognize the union and as a part of our crusade, 410 workers within the plant and 400 others outside are protesting against the management and have gone on strike."

A union leader says the company had also suspended and transferred other workers for enrolling as members in the union. And the management was hiring contractors for direct manufacturing, which is illegal.

Management says the 67 employees were fired for vandalizing the company's property. But officials say they will rehire some of the workers laid off.

[R. Sethuraman, Hyundai Motor India Limited]: (English)
"We will look at them on the humanitarian ground and then settle their account and give them good compensation ex-gratia sort, they can settle down. That is why as a management stand we have been taking that."

Management says that the strike is illegal because the case is currently being reviewed in court.

The sit-in strike had forced Hyundai Motor India management to suspend production, resulting in a loss of more than 2,000 cars on Monday.


