Big Brother | Charigo Part 49 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Sophie tells Rodrigo that Charlie has locked Siavash in the bathroom
Marcus farts
Rodrigo gets lost on his way back to bed and Sophie isn’t impressed
Inaudible whisper time
Charlie is called to the diary room for a bollocking
Charlie is in one hell of a hurry to get back to bed
We have absolutely no way of knowing what’s going on in this next part as the boys are both hidden from view under the invisibility duvet
On the bikes - Charlie’s not looked this hot since hoodie and shades day
Rodrigo? Being stroppy? Rodrigo will not disrespect Big Brother by being quick!
Siavash drones on, and then Marcus dishes out some alcohol
Rodrigo’s in bed, but he didn’t tell Charlie he was going…
Charlie is in a mood cos Rodrigo is in a mood and he knew he was in a mood and he really isn’t bothered ya know