Big Brother | Charigo Part 46 | Channel 4

  • 15 years ago
Dedicated to someone called Smitlaz whoever she is
Charlie and Rodrigo find a new way to flirt – this time by trying to crack each others heads open by throwing each other off the chairs
Charlie is hungry.
Rodrigo takes Charlie to the kitchen and tells him what he can and can’t eat
Charlie brings on the smutty innuendo whilst instructing us on the art of egg handling
Double “What?”
Rodrigo asks Charlie if he wants anything. Charlie is no longer thinking about food.
We get a visit from the world's most hated pensioner
Charlie jumps out at Rodrigo when he comes in from the kitchen
They write messages on each others hands…Aw
Rodrigo puts drops in Charlies ear, Charlie tells us that his ear is attached to his head
Rodrigo gets stroppy cos Charlie can’t hear him and goes to his own bed.

Written By: Smitlaz