How To Become a Plumber

  • 15 years ago
Working in plumbing technology is a lucrative area today. Although plumbing systems remain essentially the same, new materials and new technologies are beginning to impact on plumbing, and most houses have plumbing systems that need to be installed and repaired by professionals. If you decide to work in plumbing technology, you will need to undertake a period of training. This usually involves both training in the classroom, and training on the job under skilled supervision. You will need to gain certification in plumbing, so that your future employers and clients are aware of your levels of expertise in plumbing technology. You will learn about practical installation and maintenance of plumbing technology, and also about estimation and quotation for systems and repair work, preparing detailed specifications, and supervision of systems installations. You will also learn how to develop plumbing systems through regular and scheduled maintenance. Once you are trained in plumbing technology, you will find that you can choose how you work. Many plumbers work for plumbing or construction companies, or as a part of a maintenance team for a property management organization. However, if you decide that you want to work for yourself, you can choose to work on contract to larger organizations, or work as a domestic plumber, taking smaller repair and maintenance jobs on an ad hoc basis. However you decide to work, plumbing technology is a field with prospects, and it is likely that you will have sustained and stable work throughout your plumbing career.