• last week
00:00And if you had to trade one of them to get KD, would you trade Wiggins or would you trade
00:05You and I are both of the deal, Dray.
00:07Bye-bye, Draymond.
00:08Go bye-bye.
00:09I mean, and I can't believe how quickly all of us got there.
00:13I just think time and space.
00:14This is the time.
00:15And again, the three-pronged rumor mill is, A, Bovada pulls Kevin Durant off of the odds
00:24for where he's going to land, the overseas markets.
00:28The Suns announce him as doubtful for tomorrow night's game, the last game before the deadline.
00:33And then third, The Athletic reports that former Michigan State alum, Matt Ishbia, who
00:39owns the Suns, covets Draymond Green.
00:44And obviously, Draymond and Andrew make about the same money, Andrew just a touch more.
00:48But they make about the same.
00:50So as the Warriors aggressively pursue Durant, which is reported everywhere, if it had to
00:57be Wiggins or Draymond, who would you get rid of?
00:59We'll go to the phones in a second.
01:01But it is time to give out the key word that you need to claim a spot in the knockout tournament
01:06on the Chase Center Court.
01:08And lo and behold, don't you love today's key word?
01:12What is it?
01:14It is Kevin.
01:19The key word is Kevin.
01:23Not Kevon.
01:24Not Kevon.
01:27Who are you?
01:29Technically not a word.
01:30It's a noun.
01:31It's a name.
01:32But anyway.
01:33Proper name.
01:34The key word is Kevin.
01:36Sometime in the next 25 minutes, you're going to hear this sounder.
01:41If you call now, you're doing yourself a disservice.
01:45You're doing it wrong.
01:46Don't hit send on that call.
01:48Don't do it.
01:51But when you hear that sounder again, then you're going to want to call.
01:53With that key word, Kevin, the contest line 415-523-4652, 415-523-4652.
02:02Save the number.
02:03Save the word.
02:04And when you hear the sounder again, be the first person to call in.
02:07And bang, you're in the knockout tournament.
02:09And this is true every day this week, 8 a.m., noon, and 4 every day this week, every day
02:14next week.
02:15So lots of more chances to come.
02:18But the next one is coming up real, real soon.
02:21All right.
02:23I'm excited, too, because I'm really fascinated by the question of, if you had to deal one
02:27of them, who would you deal?
02:28Because there's a lot of Draymond super fans, and there's also people who have just had
02:33it up to here with Draymond.
02:36That's true.
02:37And it's been that way for a while.
02:38I am Jonathan in the city.
02:40Hi, Jonathan.
02:41Thanks for calling.
02:42Hey, if I have to pick between Draymond Green and the werewolf, bye-bye, Wiggins.
02:50You know what?
02:51In my opinion, you still need a Draymond Green.
02:53Who's going to make that stop in the finals?
02:55Who's going to make that stop in the offs?
02:57It's only Draymond Green.
02:58We saw that again last night.
03:00That guy still plays championship defense, not all year, but he's a proven 16-game player.
03:07So for all those people who say, otherwise, I need him on that wall.
03:12You people can't handle the truth.
03:15Thank you, Jonathan.
03:16Love it.
03:17Thank you, Jonathan.
03:18I know it's going to be a popular thing for a lot of people, this idea of, yeah, trade
03:24Draymond because there's anger there.
03:26There's emotion.
03:27I don't take this lightly.
03:29I don't think that the answer's obvious, in other words.
03:34He has a point.
03:36There is an aspect of your defensive side and your offensive side that you lose with
03:42Draymond Green.
03:43I still think that Steph Curry, there's that comfortability with where he gets the ball
03:49with Draymond Green.
03:50I do think you get the best Steph when Draymond is out there.
03:54So you are sacrificing something if you do this.
03:56But you also get better Steph when you have Kevin Durant on the floor.
04:00Of course.
04:01If you've got KD and Steph and no Draymond, Steph has, I think, a better ability to get
04:06open and he gets open in a different way.
04:09And also, when Steph is not open, like right now with the Warriors, when Steph is being
04:14double teamed and harassed, what else do you have?
04:17You've got maybe Wiggins, you've got JK when healthy, he's not.
04:22You've got a variety of shooters who most of them aren't shooting great, but he healed
04:28my God over the past three months, Schroeder's streaky, and I mean, we could go name by name
04:33and I don't want to name check everybody, but if you had KD, all of a sudden now defense
04:39go ahead and double team Steph and KD going to kill you.
04:42It opens up everything.
04:43For everybody.
04:44We watched it.
04:45It opens up everything.
04:46And I understand that Clay and Draymond wouldn't be here anymore, but there are different pieces
04:52to the puzzle now that are younger and different.
04:56It's just a completely different construction.
04:59And so all I'm saying is I don't take it lightly.
05:03I think you'd be losing something by losing either one of them.
05:07But in this moment in on this roster, I think that I would keep Wiggins and, uh, and move
05:13on from Draymond.
05:14And by the way, none of us really know how Kevin would feel about playing with Draymond
05:20And, and so trading Draymond kind of takes that dynamic out of the locker.
05:23It does.
05:24And I could see it both ways where it's water under the bridge.
05:27I'm older, you're older, we've made peace with what happened and really it would only
05:31be for a year and a half because at the end of next year, KD would be a free agent.
05:35So if it went South again, he could get out and go elsewhere.
05:40And at the same time, you know, it's been a long time since that happened, but we do
05:44know that Kevin Durant is kind of a sensitive being sensitive.
05:49So wouldn't, it would make sense that this has stuck with them on some level, right?
05:53And as we make this decision between the two and we don't have to make the decision, we're
05:57having the discussion, Draymond Green's only played in 68% of the games from last year
06:03and this year.
06:04And I know that availability is the number one ability.
06:08Last year he missed 27 games.
06:10This year he's missed 14.
06:11He's not as available as Andrew Wiggins, a guy who, you know, when everything's good
06:16off the floor, that guy's going to play now, he's going to show up now and that's.
06:22So I do think that that's a part of it as you're looking at an older team.
06:25Totally fair.
06:27Totally fair.
06:28Give me, give me the 29 year old who scores.
06:29Brian Windhorst, NBA Today, ESPN literally said this just a handful of hours ago about
06:36anybody not named Steph Curry.
06:39I think everything's on the table.
06:41Everything is on the table.
06:42I think other than Steph Curry, everything's on the table.
06:46Everything covers Draymond Green.
06:49He's in that.
06:51The word everything.
06:52It's the way I hear it.
06:57Ian on 580.
06:58Hi Ian.
06:59Thanks for calling.
07:00What's up?
07:02How's it?
07:03And, uh, I, I, I love me green and I don't care nothing about the punch or Jordan pool.
07:11Uh, none of that, but, uh, given the dynamics of the team, uh, with Wiggins, it's going
07:18to keep, it's going to keep defenses on it.
07:22And, uh, our problem is we can't get a shot off.
07:26And, uh, at the end of the day in the NBA, offense, Trump's defense, I don't really care
07:32about what they say about defense wins championships, offense, Trump's defense.
07:38They got a good team defense anyways.
07:41And, uh, and, uh, without clay, man, uh, they just don't have enough firepower, man.
07:47Uh, so, so yeah, as much as I hate, I love Draymond green, man, I'm from Michigan.
07:54I was born in Michigan.
07:56Uh, but, uh, yeah, I'll roll with Wiggins, man.
07:59I'll go with Wiggins to win, to win it all.
08:02And I get it.
08:03And thank you for the call.
08:04I absolutely get it.
08:06Let me give one devil's advocate point though, even though I'm on, I'm on that side with
08:13I really am.
08:14But when you say offense, Trump's defense in the NBA, let me give for you as an example,
08:20the team that Kevin is on right now.
08:22It's kind of been their mantra for the last couple of years.
08:26They went out and went all offense.
08:29They decided to come at you with three offensive, unstoppable players.
08:34And two things happened.
08:35One, they never really found a point guard who they felt could get them the ball in the,
08:40in the spot where they want.
08:41Maybe that would be different with Steph Curry and the warriors.
08:44Then they brought in Tyus Jones this year.
08:46That still hasn't worked.
08:47Their record is the same as the warriors.
08:49So they've got offensive firepower to burn and it's not working because the word on the
08:55sons around the NBA is you can push them around.
08:59You can get physical with them.
09:00That's the way people try to defend Durant and you can push them around and it's worked.
09:05And that has been the bugaboo for the Phoenix suns.
09:09And if the warriors lose dream on green, I could make an argument that they become the
09:13next team that other teams will say we can push them around.
09:16Well, they already are getting pushed around and even when Draymond's out there, they're,
09:20they're getting pushed around.
09:23For the most part.
09:24I don't mean the final score.
09:25I mean the way you go about attacking them.
09:30I mean you have an undersized team that many times is overmatched and when Draymond's out
09:35there, you have a little bit more of a junkyard dog, but outside of that, who would be your
09:40next toughest player when you want to talk about toughness and a guy who's not going
09:45to get pushed around, um, TJD can protect the rim, but he gets moved backward.
09:50Looney is the name that came to mind first.
09:55I mean, he's a guy who is an undersized five who is not going to really do a lot above
09:59the rim.
10:00He's had a nice year, but he's not exactly a junkyard dog.
10:03And then I would say for players who are not big guys down low, I think, I think Wiggins
10:08is a tough performer.
10:10I think Schroeder is a tough guy.
10:12I think pods plays bigger than he is.
10:15I think they've got some wings.
10:16I get that, but you're talking about a bunch of six, two guys.
10:19So for me, that's the bigger issue in six, seven pods is going to be six, three and Schroeder
10:25is about the same.
10:26And Steph is six, three.
10:27So I think that this team in general gets pushed around and you know, Draymond, the
10:31guy who has only played in two of every three games this season and last year.
10:36So if you're not even available to be out there, then you can't really be a dog when
10:40you're not playing.
10:41No, that's fair.
10:43Although again, every time we bring that up, I'm like, God, that applies to almost everyone.
10:48It literally applies to almost every star.
10:51The concern about the missing time, you know what I mean?
10:53Like look at the trade last week and I was like, Oh my God, you got paper thin ad right
10:58for Luca who hasn't played since Christmas.
11:00You know, that like Jimmy Butler hasn't played, Joel Embiid hasn't played, Paul George hasn't
11:06played, Draymond hasn't played, Durant missed a handful of games, Steph Curry has missed
11:11a handful of games.
11:12Curry's going to play seven or more and just in the comp with Andrew Wiggins, Wiggins has
11:16played in 24 more games over the last season and a half last year and this year.
11:21So you know, and I won't even go to Buddy Heald who played 84 games last year because
11:25he's not in the conversation.
11:27But Draymond Green for a variety of reasons tends to miss games and now the new injuries
11:33are cropping up.
11:35There are a lot of people responding to our question about which one would you want more
11:40to include in the deal, either Wiggins or Draymond.
11:43There's a lot of people switching the word or to and interesting.
11:47In other words, how about if you keep Jonathan Kaminga and you do Wiggins and Draymond and
11:53actually that salary in and of itself almost works right there.
11:57Like I, you might have to throw in a waters or something like that to make it work.
12:01But the Draymond and Wiggins together, it works, that equals Kevin.
12:05Now I understand that thought and if you are a keep JK, let Wiggins go person understood.
12:14I guess my only question there, that's a question for Phoenix, right?
12:18That's a question for Phoenix.
12:19And if I'm the Warriors, I would be willing to part with either where I would hesitate
12:24is when we get to both.
12:25Now I'm talking about Wiggins and JK, right?
12:28So now you're talking about if you part with Wiggins and Draymond, now you're looking at
12:34Steph and KD and Kaminga and the kids, it'd be Steph and KD and the kids.
12:41You wouldn't have Wiggins.
12:42You wouldn't have Draymond.
12:43You still got like a, I mean, you'd have a Schroeder buddy and I mean, we can, you got
12:48to know Kyle Anderson.
12:49I mean, you've got veterans.
12:50Looney would still be on the two stars and a bunch of sevens, sevens and eights to me.
12:55If you keep Wiggins, you've got a legitimate number three.
12:58If in this scenario, if you trade Wiggins and Draymond, who's your three Kaminga, right?
13:05Get up Jonathan Kaminga or Durant.
13:06Durant's your three.
13:07Durant's your two.
13:08It'd be Steph and Durant.
13:10I don't see Durant.
13:11And again, Moses Moody says he's all interchangeable.
13:14You know what I mean?
13:15Like who's your, who's your number two score is what I meant.
13:18Number two score.
13:19Not who plays the three, but who is your number three?
13:22So your number three option would be Kaminga.
13:24And he's still two weeks away from maybe being two weeks away.
13:28Throw your garden variety, whatever in there at the two guard.
13:31I mean, buddy healed to knock down a shot.
13:32It can be Schroeder on nights.
13:34It can be pods.
13:35You can play with a lot.
13:36And then the five, you would still have loony post all the TJD.
13:41You'd have all those options.
13:42I think about defensively.
13:44If you trade Draymond and Wiggins, those are your two best defensive players.
13:47I agree with you.
13:48Listen, again, I'm saying it's an or for me, it's not an and.
13:52But I think in the end, it's actually up to Phoenix.
13:55I think the Warriors would do it either way.
13:58I think they do it either way.
13:59And I don't think that Phoenix would want to take on both of those players and both
14:03of those contracts.
14:04For me, if Phoenix is like really looking to make a trade where you send out a top 10
14:09player, you've got to be looking for some salary relief in the future, except for Kaminga
14:13just becomes Wiggins contract next year anyway, if I decide to keep it, I don't think you're
14:19going to acquire him to let him go.
14:21No, but you could sign and trade him.
14:23He becomes an asset.
14:25Although easier to trade him than Wiggins.
14:27I would agree there.
14:28You could get Kaminga control if you acquired him and you're Phoenix, then you have the
14:32restricted free agent option.
14:34So you now could be the team to sit back and match or sign and trade him.
14:38Paul in the city next up.
14:40Hi, Paul.
14:41Thanks for calling.
14:42Hey, you guys hear me?
14:45Yeah, we got you.
14:46Hi there.
14:48So, you know, there's all this.
14:49Can you hear me?
14:50Yes, Paul.
14:51Talk now.
14:52Here we go.
14:53We got you.
14:54OK, so I'm talking now.
14:55So there's all this.
14:56Hey, for Graymon.
14:57I was just one thing I just want to say, I'm not, you know, Graham, I'm super fan, but
15:03in Graham's defense, 80 left doves, not because of Graham on he he left because he's overly
15:10sensitive and he didn't want to be number two to Curry.
15:13He didn't want to be number two legacy to the big three.
15:17That's why he left.
15:18Same thing with Jordan pool.
15:20Jordan pool is high school coach and his college coach.
15:23They both said he's consistently inconsistent.
15:26So, you know, the fact that he played so poorly after the punch, it's just part of Jordan
15:32pool is, you know, so I don't think, you know, all this hate for Graham on his is really
15:40Well, I think it was like, yeah, I think that in play would be players.
15:44They were with that without Graham.
15:46Yeah, I don't like I man, I hope this and Paul, I'm not sure if you're referring to
15:51a caller or texter, or if you're referring to us, I certainly hope this doesn't sound
15:54like Draymond hate.
15:55I've got none, none, none.
15:59Like I can sit here and tell you that obviously what he did a year plus ago was an awful moment
16:06and a terrible act and all of those things.
16:10And Draymond has made mistakes just like all human beings do.
16:13I do not have any hate for Draymond green.
16:16I do not quote, want him off the roster.
16:19But in this time and space, if that is presented to the warriors, I think that you do that.
16:25I think you do that now.
16:28It's it's not hate or trying to get him out of here or holding them accountable for what
16:33happened a year and a half ago.
16:34No, it's opportunity knocks.
16:38And we're at the end of the rope.
16:40And so as was just reported by Brian Windhorst, everything's on the table, including that,
16:48I think that when you get rid of clay and it was in the offseason, so now the idea of
16:52the big three finishing together as Golden State Warriors, it's not happening.
16:57So it does make it a little bit more palatable to then move off of another member of the
17:02big three.
17:03And if you want to get something for one of your declining assets, Steph or Draymond,
17:08I don't believe you'll ever trade Stephen Curry.
17:11So that leaves you with Draymond green.
17:13And you look at his availability.
17:15He's only played in two of every three games the last year and a half.
17:18He's not the same defender he used to be.
17:21He can be at times, but he's not a DPO guy.
17:25He's not even an all defense guy anymore.
17:27He's a good defender, but he's not the same player that he was.
17:32And he does not provide the alleviation for Steph from a gravity standpoint, which would
17:37be an alleviation sensation.
17:41Which is what it would be.
17:42On this team, you have too many unguardable or you don't need to guard guys on offense.
17:48And Draymond's at the top of that list.
17:50It's a very fair point.
17:51When we get into X's and O's and spacing and the NBA in today's day and age with how many
17:57shooters need to surround Steph, that is one part of Draymond's game that is sometimes
18:05a problem.
18:06And he can knock down a three, but he's not making anybody guard him.
18:10I think that's your point.
18:11I think that's a fair one.
18:12Eric in Walnut Creek next up on Weatherden Dibs.
18:14Hey Eric, thanks for calling.
18:16Hey guys.
18:17Hey, well, I do hate Draymond Green and I do think he should be held accountable.
18:22I don't know what that caller's talking about.
18:25He was worried about being second fiddle.
18:28People forget how dominant we were, how dominant KD was during that whole run.
18:34He's the best player on the team, NBA Finals MVP, best player on the team.
18:40For people who aren't sick of Draymond, I just think that's crazy to see how easy he
18:45gets baited every game and his availability.
18:48There's a big asterisk next to that when it's so self-inflicted like last year.
18:53It's ridiculous.
18:54Well, I, Eric, you don't see like I, if I, if I grant you everything you just said, you
19:00don't see any, you don't see any sort of positive aspects of Draymond Green, the effect that
19:06he's had on this team?
19:08I, I do, but it's, it's not the same guy and I have more of a tolerance for it when you're
19:16winning and you're not winning.
19:19I get that.
19:20Eric, thanks.
19:21And again, I mean, that's, that's kind of, I wouldn't use the word tolerance, but that's
19:26kind of what, where I've arrived to based on, on this idea.
19:30It's a time and space thing.
19:32The Warriors are in desperation mode if you want to call that.
19:37They, they want to maximize the remainder of Steph Curry's career.
19:40And if you really, really want to do that, a name like Kevin Durant comes along.
19:44I think you start opening your mind to a lot of stuff that you were close to before.
19:49And part of that is if Phoenix is covetous of Draymond Green because the owner is from
19:54the same school that Draymond Green went to.
19:56If that is really a part of this conversation and Phoenix is calling and saying, yeah, what
20:02about Draymond?
20:03Why don't you trade Draymond?
20:04And, you know, the owner Ishpia, a former Spartan himself who has an affinity from Draymond
20:09Green, all of a sudden now you're more open to it thinking that, yeah, if you want Draymond
20:14Green, let's make him a big part of the deal.
20:16And if it's Draymond, Kaminga and others, well now you're open to it.
