• 2 weeks ago
00:00How has it grown each year to year in terms of guys that are going there, people getting help?
00:08Well, and I'll let Heather answer a lot of that, but, you know, the guys are reaching out to me,
00:13they're desperate for help, you know, they've been struggling for a long time in silence,
00:18you know, how we are athletes.
00:19They hide it.
00:20They hide it, you know, guilt, shame.
00:22Who doesn't?
00:23Who doesn't hide their addictions?
00:25That's the way we were raised, you know.
00:27I don't think that'll ever change.
00:30We're trying to make it easier for guys to raise their hand and ask for help.
00:34It's a bad, it's a horrible disease, is what it is.
00:38But once I get them in, you know, I turn them over to Heather and she's the one that does
00:41the real work on them, you know, digging out that whatever makes them do what they do.
00:46And, you know, usually it's a lot more than just chronic pain.
00:50They're self-medicating feelings and transition feelings and stuff like that.
00:56And Heather, respectfully, what's your last name?
01:00Heather Stokes, the CEO of the company.
01:03And obviously, you're dealing with all these athletes and others as well.
01:08Is it just athletes or is it others?
01:09Well, anybody.
01:10It's anybody.
01:12Anybody that needs help.
01:13And what are you seeing?
01:15I mean, it has to be crazy.
01:17It is, especially with the fentanyl epidemic, you know, a lot of individuals on the opiates
01:24and then they're not available, right, anymore.
01:26And so fentanyl is cheap and it's in everything.
01:29And so we're seeing a lot more.
01:31That doesn't scare the hell out of people.
01:33Like, I can't even fathom, like, you know, a pin needle of fentanyl kills you.
01:40Who wants that in their life?
01:42I don't understand.
01:43It makes real addicts want to go out and find that, you know?
01:47Oh, but that's demented.
01:49It's cheaper, right?
01:50And it's stronger.
01:51And they want that high to see if they can dance with the devil?
01:54Like, you're just dancing with death.
01:56Because I think that they would rather do that than be themselves because they're not
02:02sure who they are.
02:03And they're struggling and they're suffering in silence.
02:06And they're just...
02:08So I walked down the street on Bourbon Street and, I mean, it took me five minutes before
02:12I saw, like, a hundred junkies.
02:14I mean, they're everywhere.
02:15They're like cockroaches.
02:17They're everywhere.
02:18You could just see it.
02:19Well, you never know around Bourbon Street.
02:20Well, they're suffering.
02:21I mean, they're suffering.
02:22And it's, you know, I can tell.
02:24I can see it.
02:25I've been around it my whole life.
02:27I've been around, you know, addiction and people suffering, whether it's alcoholism,
02:32drugs, whatever.
02:34You know, what's weird is that on the same level, I talk to, like, Kyle Turley all the
02:38time, my friend, and he's into the cannabis.
02:40He's into the weed end of it.
02:42Do you...
02:43Now, if you're at a recovery center, you're dealing with just full sobriety.
02:47You're not interested in people smoking weed to deal with their pain.
02:50You want them to be completely sober.
02:53We meet the individual where they're at and seeing why are they self-medicating, right?
02:58And what is the root cause?
03:00And then finding holistic modalities for true healing.
03:04If there's pain, let's navigate that.
03:06Let's look at other modalities.
03:08But let's just face facts.
03:10Guys that smoke chronic weed, that's doing narcotics as well.
03:16That is the same thing.
03:17You're getting high to mask your pain.
03:20You're still getting high.
03:21It's mind-altering.
03:23Anyway you slice it.
03:24So I've heard people say, I just deal with pain with weed and I've got no more problems.
03:29He, Jim McMahon, they've been on my show.
03:32They're like, I don't have dementia now.
03:35I don't have Alzheimer's now.
03:36I don't have the pain now.
03:38I smoke weed all day.
03:39And I'm like, you're still getting high all day.
03:42Like I'm not that dumb.
03:44They're not their truest self, right?
03:46And there's more studies coming out showing the devastating effects of chronic marijuana use.
03:52And how do you, seriously, how do you feel about it?
03:54You feel like that's a dangerous slope because now it's stronger than ever.
03:57It's not the same weed.
03:58When we were growing up, you know, this stuff is genetically engineered.
04:02It's strong.
04:02It's potent.
04:03And you know, if there's any kind of underlying mental health issue going on, that's just
04:07going to exacerbate it, make it worse.
04:09And it's like, come on.
04:11It is a gateway.
