• last month
00:00you know that's not something I was ever taught in acting school. In acting school they're like
00:04hey if like you actually start working as an actor and this thing catches on you're going
00:08to be going on crazy adventures like where is it going to take me next. You have starred in a show
00:14before that left me wanting more and it went out on a high zero zero zero. Yeah thanks for bringing
00:20it up I mean zero zero zero it turned out really well right. It was almost like an indie movie
00:26financing model for a tv show. It was like an incredibly difficult shoot you know and
00:34I was really happy when I watched the show that it looked dangerous
00:40because it was an adventure man that show was such an adventure and how it kind of like came
00:45out on a different like it wasn't like just Amazon or just Netflix it was like in every
00:51country in Europe it was out on a different platform in North America was on Amazon
00:55so it didn't have like the I don't know publicity engine of like one company. It's a show that
01:03people talk to me about all the time but everyone feels like it's like their little secret you know
01:08and I think you know it's cool to see the life of something after it's come out and that seems to
01:14have a really prolonged life and I would definitely encourage people to see it because I think it did
01:18turn out really good. If we don't continue to broker cocaine this company ceases to exist. We're
01:24filming in I don't know five different countries we were in New Orleans all around Mexico you know
01:31and and the places we're shooting like those are the real places so they're not like places people
01:37go to vacation in Mexico let's put it that way you know we were all around Morocco same deal the
01:43Sahara Desert Casablanca we were shooting in the you know the slums of Dakar Senegal like
01:49I've never heard of a movie doing that and just like the pure logistics of where we were going
01:55and you know bringing a film crew there setting it up and shooting you know out on a cargo ship
02:01in the middle of the ocean you know that's not something I was ever taught in acting school
02:06in acting school they're like hey if like you actually start working as an actor and this thing
02:11catches on you're going to be going on crazy adventures and I have man I've gone on the
02:18wildest adventures I've learned to really like embrace the adventure of making a film or a tv
02:25show and in a lot of ways the more adventurous the better and I am always interested to see like
02:33where is it going to take me next you know but um but I hope I hope it stays adventurous you know
02:40money solves everything exactly kiddo this series that we do at the independent go to bat it's it's
02:46a series designed to shine a light on actors directors writers uh previous credits that
02:52might not have got the love it deserved and just kind of unpacking why that is you you did pick
02:57something I don't know if you remember this interview did it come your way yes I picked
03:01yesterday I picked two lovers and a bear just explain kind of um what the film is
03:06and why you think it kind of didn't have its moment in the sun two lovers and a bear is
03:12a romantic drama I guess but uh that stars me and Tatiana Maslany and it follows these two
03:21young people in love um in the arctic as they kind of like set on a journey out of the town
03:30they live in into the like wilderness of the arctic um and try and you know survive really
03:39off of each other's love and backslash I can talk to polar bears you know you know how when
03:46you're watching something you're like I'm into this I'm into this and then something wild happens
03:50you're like I'm now I'm really into this yeah I've loved you for a long time why didn't it get
03:56its moment in the sun I don't know um you know it's not like a usual movie I think it it's intense
04:03it's romantic it demands a lot of its reader but it also has this like talk to animals aspect of it
04:11it's not like your usual film you know I'm really proud of it it was just one of those that like
04:16didn't find the right home and didn't find the right people to to to you know promote it and
04:24release it and who knows what why but I really loved that film and it was a real adventure to
04:30make we made it in the arctic we made it in uh Iqaluit Canada um we had an awesome French Canadian
04:38kind of Cabois crew and director um it was a really interesting world like their film world
04:45is really interesting but also just the experience of making it and the adventure that it was I mean
04:51we were riding um you know snowmobiles on the arctic ocean like the place we were the high
04:59temperature daily average temperature was negative 35 degrees which is where celsius and fahrenheit
05:05like meet and they're just the same and they're just like it it's cold you know so like that movie
05:10it's a real adventure and it's beautiful and um I would love more people to watch it and I guess now
05:15with social with um streaming services that has like two lovers and a bear dropped on netflix
05:21it probably would find an audience you hear that netflix it's just me and you a lot of indie movies
05:29they never see the light of day you know and so that's why it's so important when making them that
05:36everyone's super passionate about what they're doing and they're doing it for the process and
05:41not the product you know like when I look back on two lovers and a bear it was the process of
05:48making that film that made it one of the most special films I've ever made and like I knew
05:53walking away if no one ever sees this like I've grown as a person I've grown as an artist I'm
05:58better because of this experience I hope people get to see it but that part's out of my control
06:04and so you know that's why that's um I think what has to drive your decisions in making
06:10independent films