• last month
Fed up with being stonewalled, residents have launched a campaign to force County Council to resolve issue almost a year after wall collapsed, cutting off access to town centre


00:00You're going to a meeting next month. You're going to county council in Exeter.
00:28What is it you're hoping to achieve now that you've set up this petition?
00:32Well hopefully we'll be arriving there with lots of signatures on the petition and they
00:37will see that Dartmouth is very, very angry about the lack of any kind of work or information
00:43which is appalling that they haven't kept us informed. All we've got is rumours. That's
00:49all we've had which are just that, rumours. We need some information. They should have
00:52done that at the very, very least to keep us informed.
00:58For more information visit www.fema.gov
