The Entire Jurassic Park Timeline Explained

  • 2 months ago
InGen's origins, Rexy's legacy, and an oddly high number of reconciling couples. We're digging deep to unearth the finer points of the entire "Jurassic Park" franchise.


00:00InGen's origins, Rexy's legacy, and an oddly high number of reconciling couples.
00:06We're digging deep to unearth the finer points of the entire Jurassic Park franchise.
00:11How'd you do this?
00:15I'll show you.
00:17Sixty-five million years ago, the Late Cretaceous Period met the Paleogene Period.
00:22This marked the sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the animals and plants on Earth,
00:26including all dinosaurs.
00:28In a prologue for Jurassic World Dominion that was cut from the final version,
00:32viewers are introduced to a host of dinosaurs like the Dreadnoughtus,
00:36Dmoros intrepidus, both of which have been previously unseen in the franchise.
00:40At the end of the prologue, the last dinosaur to be introduced is the Giganotosaurus,
00:45the largest apex predator of all time, and it quickly asserts its dominance over Tyrannosaurus
00:51rex. This scene isn't only significant because a genetically engineered version of the Giganotosaurus
00:56returns to reclaim that title later in the film, though. It also links back to the scene in the
01:00first Jurassic Park film, when Alan, Ellie, and Ian watch a short film about a mosquito
01:05getting encased in amber and fossilized after drinking the blood of a dinosaur.
01:10Bingo. Dino DNA.
01:12The prologue heavily suggests that it was this mosquito, or rather, one like it,
01:17that was later used by John Hammond and Sir Benjamin Lockwood's company InGen
01:21to extract dinosaur DNA and then create the T-Rex in the 1980s.
01:26By 1969, John Hammond had made his vested interest in animals very clear,
01:31having opened his first animal preserve, Animal Kingdom, that year in Nairobi, Kenya.
01:36He also hires future Jurassic Park employee Robert Muldoon to work there as the park warden.
01:41But taking care of and showcasing animals already on the planet clearly isn't enough for Hammond,
01:46and he soon sets out to bring dinosaurs back into the modern world. Having dreamed up the
01:50idea of using the DNA of creatures encased in amber, like the mosquito, to clone extinct animals,
01:55he starts working with a small research team, calling his company the Hammond Foundation.
02:00In 1975, Hammond has secured enough investors and a partnership with British entrepreneur
02:05Sir Benjamin Lockwood. Together, they found International Genetic Technologies,
02:10a bioengineering company more commonly referred to as InGen.
02:14Working out of a laboratory in Lockwood's basement, the pair teams up with scientists
02:18and conducts research on bringing extinct animals back to life. Here, they make plans for a dinosaur
02:23theme park, which they name Jurassic Park. In 1982, InGen signs a 99-year-long lease for Isla
02:30Sauna and the Muertes Archipelago from the Costa Rican government, where they plan to conduct
02:35research, and construction begins on Jurassic Park's San Diego.
02:39In 1984, almost a decade after founding InGen, John Hammond and Sir Benjamin Lockwood have their
02:45first major breakthrough. Still working out of Lockwood's estate, he, Hammond, and their team of
02:50scientists begin a fertilization test on an artificial ovum, which is successful. A year
02:55later, they move their headquarters to Palo Alto, and successfully clone the prehistoric DNA from
03:01the amber. But other changes are afoot at InGen, as Hammond suspends construction on Jurassic Park's
03:06San Diego indefinitely. Instead, he looks to move the park to Isla Nublar in Costa Rica.
03:12InGen leases the island from the Costa Rican government, adding it to the 99-year lease
03:16they'd already agreed to. Now making use of the islands they leased, InGen starts working
03:21on Isla Sauna, which they call Site B. But they haven't been able to clone a dinosaur yet,
03:26despite having success with the amber. In 1986, Hammond and Lockwood add Dr. Henry Wu to their
03:32team, and he suggests they splice the DNA of dinosaurs with that of modern animals like frogs.
03:37Shortly afterward, InGen successfully clones their first dinosaur, a triceratops.
03:42Wu also comes up with the lysine contingency, a plan that would theoretically protect the humans
03:47if the dinosaurs ever escaped. By adding a faulty gene to the dinosaurs, they'd become dependent on
03:52supplemental lysine that InGen gave them. Removing dinosaurs from captivity, then,
03:57would deprive them of the enriched food, send the dinosaurs into a coma, and ultimately kill them.
04:03Now seeing significant progress with its ability to genetically engineer and replicate dinosaurs,
04:09InGen goes ahead with plans for a new Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar,
04:13which they refer to as Site A. Construction begins on the island in 1988, and is finished
04:19in 1993. During this period, InGen successfully hatches more dinosaurs, including the tyrannosaurus
04:25rex, Rexy, who is seen throughout the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies. Rexy is born on
04:31Site B, but has moved over to a paddock on Isla Nublar in 1989 when she's one year old.
04:37InGen has other innovative success thanks to Dr. Henry Wu, who realizes that the DNA of the
04:42yellow poison dart frog they've been using is incompatible with some dinosaur genomes,
04:47like Velociraptors. He suggests InGen uses the reed frog. Although any geneticist should suspect
04:53that since the reed frog can change sex, this ability could be passed down to the dinosaurs,
04:58it's ignored and is later the reason the dinosaurs have been able to reproduce,
05:02a reveal seen in Jurassic Park and expanded upon in The Lost World Jurassic Park.
05:07Wu also researches the hybridization of dinosaurs during this period, which, of course,
05:12will eventually lead to the indominus rex. However, InGen also suffers a major blow
05:17when Sir Benjamin Lockwood leaves the company after he and John Hammond fall out. Although
05:21the cause for this is not known in Jurassic Park, it's retconned into the story in Jurassic World
05:26Dominion. In this latest installment to the franchise, we learn that Hammond was disgusted
05:30by Lockwood's interest in using their research for human cloning after his daughter Charlotte,
05:35who worked on Isla Sorna, revealed she wished to have a baby this way.
05:39"...just like Blue, Charlotte was able to have a child all by herself.
05:44She created you with her own DNA."
05:48Despite Sir Benjamin Lockwood's departure from InGen,
05:51John Hammond forges ahead with his plan to open Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar.
05:55However, the company's board of directors has concerns about the park's safety after gatekeeper
06:00Joffrey Brown is killed by a Velociraptor while transferring them to a higher security holding pen
06:05and his family sues InGen. Nevertheless, Hammond believes Jurassic Park is the perfect place to
06:10bring his grandchildren, Lex and Tim, to get their minds off their parents' divorce.
06:14Lawyer Donald Gennaro also heads to Isla Nublar to assess the weaknesses of the park,
06:19and whether or not operations should be shut down before the park even opens.
06:24He brings along Dr. Ian Malcolm for another expert opinion.
06:27"...our scientists have done things which nobody's ever done before."
06:31"...yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could
06:34that they didn't stop to think if they should."
06:36In response, Hammond invites Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler along,
06:40hoping they will endorse the park. Elsewhere, Lewis Dodgson meets with Jurassic Park computer
06:45programmer Dennis Nedry, and convinces him to steal dinosaur embryos for rival company
06:50Biosyn in exchange for $1.5 million.
06:53"...bottom screw's open. It's cool to compartmentalize this bag."
07:01On June 11th, everyone arrives at the park, and the events of the first Jurassic Park film take
07:06place over the next 48 hours. John Hammond takes Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm,
07:11and Donald Gennaro on a tour of Jurassic Park where they can see Brachiosaurus
07:16and Parasaurolophus dinosaurs. The group is later joined by Lex and Tim,
07:20but they see very few other dinosaurs that afternoon. An unexpected tropical storm heading
07:25toward eases the new blood and forces all non-essential personnel to be evacuated,
07:30leaving only Nedry, Hammond, Robert Muldoon, and Ray Arnold to manage the park.
07:35Nedry soon sneaks off to steal the embryos and shuts down all power and security protocols on
07:41the island, except for the Velociraptor holding pen. This allows Rexy to escape her paddock and
07:46attack Lex, Tim, Ian, and Alan, and Donald suffers one of the most memorable deaths in cinema history.
07:57The same goes for Nedry, who doesn't quite make it off the island with all of his stolen embryos
08:01thanks to a run-in with a spunky Dilophosaurus. In a bid to reverse Nedry's actions and get the
08:06power back on, Ray does a full system reset, but this deactivates the raptor's paddock.
08:11It's not long before Ray and Robert are both devoured by the raptors.
08:16Clever girl.
08:20This leaves Alan, Ellie, Ian, Hammond, Lex, and Tim to get the power back on and call for help.
08:27They eventually do do this, but they encounter the raptors several more times before being
08:32saved by Rexy. By the end of the film, even John Conker's Jurassic Park can't be saved,
08:37and the survivors escape in a helicopter.
08:40The Lost World Jurassic Park begins by filling in the gaps of the past four years since InGen
08:44abandoned Isla Nublar. During this period, the bioengineering company is hit with more
08:49lawsuits for the wrongful deaths of Donald Gennaro, Robert Muldoon, and Ray Arnold,
08:54which they covered up, and are nearly bankrupt because of it. Because of this,
08:58John Hammond is fired by the board, and his nephew, Peter Ludlow, replaces him as CEO.
09:02He makes plans to open Jurassic Park San Diego, and wants to move over dinosaurs from Site B.
09:08There are plenty because, as Dr. Henry Wu discovered, the lysine contingency had proven
09:13ineffective, and the remaining dinosaurs began breeding. Dr. Ian Malcolm breaks his
09:18non-disclosure agreement with InGen to raise awareness over the events of Isla Nublar,
09:23but is discredited by Ludlow. Despite this, he initially refuses Hammond's request for him to go
09:29to Site B with a small group of experts and document the dinosaurs there and stop InGen
09:34from profiting off them. However, he changes his mind when his girlfriend, Dr. Sarah Harding,
09:39is part of the group and already on the island. He follows her there to
09:43rescue her, but soon discovers his teenage daughter Kelly has stowed away on the rescue
09:47mission, too. Hammond's team, the Gatherers, race against InGen's hunters but are ultimately
09:52forced to work together after three dinosaurs and a pair of Rexes destroy their vehicles and
09:57communication equipment. After several encounters with the Buck Rex, his female counterpart,
10:02and some Velociraptors, the Gatherers escape the island, but Ludlow's men capture the Buck
10:07and take him to San Diego. Ian and Sarah use a young T-Rex, Junior, to lure him back onto the
10:13cargo ship. The ship sails back to Isla Sauna, but not before Junior eats Ludlow.
10:19Following the events of Isla Sauna and in San Diego, John Hammond petitions a government to
10:24have Isla Sauna left as a nature reserve for the dinosaurs. The U.S. House Committee of Science
10:29also passes the Gene Guard Act, which gives bioengineered dinosaurs the same status and
10:34rights as endangered species. As a result, access to the islands is restricted, and InGen
10:39is forbidden from cloning any other prehistoric flora or fauna. This seems to be the end of
10:44InGen's Jurassic adventure, but when Hammond dies shortly after the events of Lost World,
10:49Masrani Global swoops in and acquires the bioengineering firm.
10:53Having taken over from his father as the CEO of Masrani Global in 1992,
10:58Simon Masrani has kept a watchful eye over Hammond's company for years.
11:01After taking over InGen in 1998, Masrani sets out to fulfill Hammond's failed dream of opening
11:07Jurassic Park, this time renamed Jurassic World. Breaking the Gene Guard Act, he starts experimenting
11:13mere months after Hammond's death. Shortly after, InGen begins secret experiments on Site B with
11:19the goal of illegally breeding new species, including the superpredator Spinosaurus.
11:24Plans for a new park are underway, and in 1999, the U.N. grants Masrani Global legal,
11:30but limited access to Isla Sorna. Simon brings Dr. Henry Wu into his new Jurassic
11:35World project in 2000, who eventually becomes the lead genetic biologist to InGen.
11:40Jurassic Park 3 begins by revealing what Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler have been doing in the
11:45eight years since they were on Isla Nublar. Notably, Ellie has retired from paleobotany.
11:50Although the two remain close, Ellie is now married to Mark Jegler, who works at the State
11:54Department, and they have two young children together. Meanwhile, Alan remains active in
11:58the field of paleontology. In the beginning of the film, we see him and his protege, Billy Brennan,
12:03testing the prototype of a machine that's able to craft an accurate replica
12:07of a velociraptive voice box.
12:13"...Wow. This is brilliant, Billy."
12:16It's here at this work site that wealthy, thrill-seeking couple Paul and Amanda Kirby
12:20approach Alan and offer to fund further research if he gives them, and three mercenaries,
12:25an aerial tour of Isla Nublar. Alan reluctantly agrees, and brings Billy along with him.
12:31But the Kirbys' ulterior motive is soon revealed, as the couple actually plans to rescue their son,
12:36Eric, who, along with Amanda's boyfriend, Ben Hildebrand, has gone missing on Isla Sauna,
12:42after an illegal parasailing tour over the island. On the island, Alan finds Eric,
12:46now the sole survivor, and reunites him with his parents. Their group faces attacks from
12:51velociraptors, pteranodons, and the Spinosaurus, and all three of the mercenaries are killed one
12:56by one. Alan gets out a distress call to Ellie and Mark, though, who send a rescue team while
13:01Alan fakes a distress call with his raptor voice box to help them escape. Billy, believed to be
13:06dead, is later rescued by the U.S. Marines. As a result of Alan and the Kirbys' actions
13:11on Isla Sauna, a group of pteranodons escape and are spotted over British Columbia. However,
13:17Simon Masrani hires security contractor Vic Hoskins to deal with them. After doing this,
13:22he is subsequently hired as InGen's head of security. These events hadn't put Masrani
13:27off opening his new park, Jurassic World. And in 2002, a year after Alan's harrowing
13:32visit to Isla Sauna, Masrani announces his plans to the world. He also has Rexy and the
13:37other rogue dinosaurs recaptured on Isla Nublar. They are shipped to Site B until their enclosures
13:42in the new park are finished. In 2003, InGen bribes members of the U.S. House Committee of
13:47Science, who then agree to remove the restrictions on InGen because of the GeneGuard Act, which
13:52allows them to begin cloning and genetically engineering new species of dinosaurs for
13:57Jurassic World. The following year, Simon Masrani hires Claire Dearing as an intern on the Jurassic
14:02World project. Masrani Global Corporation soon begins moving the dinosaurs back from Site B to
14:08the new park on Site A. At the time, Masrani's company is credited with saving the creatures
14:13from ecological disaster. It's later revealed in 2015 that the strain on the Isla Sauna ecosystem
14:19had actually been caused by InGen's secret experiments on Isla Sauna in 1998, when Masrani
14:25acquired the company. In 2005, Simon Masrani's company opens its new dinosaur park, Jurassic
14:32World, to the public. Elsewhere, just a few short years later, Sir Benjamin Lockwood's daughter
14:37Charlotte has succeeded in cloning herself. Her daughter Maisie is born. While Charlotte suffers
14:42from a rare genetic disease that leads to her death in 2009, Claire continues rising through
14:48the ranks of InGen. She eventually becomes the senior assets manager at Jurassic World.
14:52"...we've learned more from genetics in the past decade than a century of digging up bones."
14:58Work on the Indominus rex begins in 2012, after demands from Jurassic World's board of investors
15:03caused Claire and Masrani to ask Dr. Henry Wu to create a hybrid theropod.
15:08Developments in dinosaur behavior at Jurassic World continue,
15:11with Owen Grady selected to head up a special project as its head velociraptor trainer.
15:16"...belt up. I see you. Back up."
15:20During this time, Masrani authorizes the construction of a new facility in Siberia in
15:252012, which opens in 2014. Its focus is to extract the DNA of animals from the ice age.
15:31On Isla Nublar in 2012, a new pack of velociraptors is engineered by Wu's team,
15:37and the raptors Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo are born. In 2013, Owen recognizes some nuances
15:44in the dynamic of their pack, and requests that his friend Barry Samben join his team.
15:49By 2015, Jurassic World is operated for 10 years without incident.
15:53In 2015, Simon Masrani publicly announced that Jurassic World will soon be unveiling a new
15:58genetically-engineered dinosaur, the Indominus rex.
16:02" tried to break the glass."
16:04"...I like us for it."
16:06As a result, ticket sales rise astronomically. Meanwhile, Claire Deering's nephews,
16:11Zack and Gray Mitchell, come to visit her on Isla Nublar, while their parents go through
16:15divorce proceedings. Their arrival coincides with Jurassic World's first big disaster.
16:19The Indominus rex, which ate its twin when it was younger, is much smarter than in-gen scientists
16:24expected, and displays traits that even Dr. Henry Wu, its creator, is surprised by.
16:29Its camouflage abilities, along with its significant intelligence, allow it to escape.
16:34In its ensuing rampage, it nearly kills Owen, and its carnage throughout the park causes
16:39mass chaos, destruction, and further dinosaur escapes. Claire and Owen team up to search for
16:44Zack and Gray, who briefly encounter the Indominus on their gyrosphere ride.
16:49Meanwhile, the Pteranodons escape their enclosure when Masrani's helicopter sends
16:53the Indominus rex into the paddock. He dies when Pteranodons and Dimorphodons fly into the
16:58helicopter and it crashes. Then, realizing that extreme measures need to be taken,
17:02Owen uses Blue's pack to hunt the Indominus.
17:05"...Your boyfriend's a badass."
17:08To his and the others' dismay, they initially side with her, sensing her velociraptor DNA.
17:13However, Owen eventually gets through to Blue, and she helps him fight the Indominus.
17:17With the help of Rexy and a surprise assist from the Mosasaurus,
17:21the group defeats the Indominus. Despite a lot of deaths, all's well that ends well.
17:26Zack and Gray's parents return to get them together, seemingly no longer getting divorced,
17:30while Claire and Owen walk off into the sunset.
17:33Season 1 of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous takes place simultaneously to the events of Jurassic
17:38World, beginning just before Zack and Gray arrive on Isla Nublar. A group of six kids — Darius,
17:44Ben, Yaz, Brooklyn, Kenji, and Sammy — arrive on the island to attend adventure camp. However,
17:50they discover problems within the park, and end up having several close encounters with dinosaurs,
17:55like the Carnotaurus. However, before their many near-death experiences,
17:59Claire Deering actually planned for her nephews to attend this camp,
18:03but their counselor, Roxy, suggested it would be too much to take on.
18:06As Season 1 progresses, the campers are attacked by the Indominus rex and the Mosasaurus,
18:11which makes them miss the ferry off Isla Nublar, leaving them stranded on the island.
18:16Season 2 picks up after the events of Jurassic World, with the island now all but abandoned.
18:20While trying to avoid getting killed by dinosaurs, the kids face off against
18:24new characters Mitch and Tiff, who have come to the island claiming to be ecotourists,
18:29but instead are hunters looking to bag some dinosaur trophies. Of course,
18:33they both get what's coming to them, with Rexy taking a bite out of Mitch,
18:37and Tiff being killed by the Baryonyx duo Chaos and Limbo.
18:41Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 3 lines up with the opening scene of Jurassic World
18:46Fallen Kingdom, which is set six months after the events of Jurassic World.
18:50Dr. Henry Wu has just started working for Sir Benjamin Lockwood's estate manager,
18:54Eli Mills, and they've sent a group of mercenaries to recover the bones of Indominus rex.
18:59The animated series recreates pieces of this opening scene, before depicting what else was
19:04going on around the island. It notably reveals that Wu engineered two types of hybrid dinosaurs.
19:09He created the Scorpius rex before the Indominus, but Simon Masrani ordered Wu to have her killed
19:15because she was too terrifying for the park. However, he didn't do this, instead placing
19:20the dinosaur into a cryo-freeze chamber and planning to use her to create his next hybrid.
19:25She is accidentally freed at the end of Season 2, and after a sexually procreating between the
19:30second and third seasons, she and her child attack the campers several times.
19:34They face off against the campers for the last time in the old Jurassic Park Visitors Center
19:40Escape from Isla Nublar, where the dinosaurs are killed when the roof caves in.
19:44Afterward, in Season 4, the campers finally escape from Isla Nublar.
19:48Back on the mainland, Wu receives the Indominus rex DNA the mercenaries recovered from Isla Nublar,
19:54and engineers a new dinosaur called the Indoraptor. The following year,
19:58Claire Dearing founds the Dinosaur Protection Group after Isla Nublar's volcano Mount Saibo
20:03becomes active and threatens to kill all the dinosaurs.
20:07In June 2018, Claire Dearing is summoned to Sir Benjamin Lockwood's estate,
20:11where he introduces himself as an old associate of John Hammond's. He offers to fund her rescue
20:16mission to Isla Nublar so that she can save the dinosaurs from extinction as Mount Saibo
20:21is now erupting. However, he requests that her now-ex-boyfriend Owen Grady also join the mission,
20:27as he's the only one who can save Blue.
20:29"...back for more, huh?"
20:31"...Can I buy you a beer?"
20:34"...Did you bring them or do we gotta let go somewhere?"
20:36Claire and Owen return to the island along with paleo-veterinarian Zia Rodriguez and IT expert
20:41Franklin Webb. To their surprise, they are met by mercenary and trophy hunter Ken Wheatley,
20:46who double-crosses them and captures Blue.
20:49After a few close encounters with dinosaurs and the near-drowning, Claire, Owen, Zia,
20:54and Franklin escape the island and stow away on board one of Wheatley's ships,
20:58where they are taken back to the Lockwood estate. Benjamin has just died at the hands of Ellie
21:02Mills, who has subsequently taken control, locking Lockwood's granddaughter Maisie in her room
21:08and going ahead with his plans to bankroll further genetic research.
21:12Claire and Owen discover that Dr. Wu has created a new hybrid called the Indoraptor. Furthermore,
21:17Mills is auctioning off dinosaurs to the highest bidder. But in typical Jurassic fashion,
21:22this deadly dinosaur doesn't remain in its cage for long, and kills several of the guests before
21:27attacking Maisie. With a little help from Blue, Claire, Owen, and Maisie eventually trick the
21:32Indoraptor so it falls through the glass roof and impales itself. Mills is killed in the chaos at
21:37the mansion, but when the group is faced with gas potentially killing all the dinosaurs within the
21:41mansion, Maisie makes the choice to let them all go free.
21:45"...I had to. They're alive. Like me."
21:51One year after Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, dinosaurs have spread across North America,
21:56and humans begin to encounter them more and more. And it's not long before they spread across the
22:00entire world. This is shown in the short film Battle at Big Rock, which gives viewers an
22:05insight into what this new world looks like. Centered around one family of campers at Big
22:09Rock National Park, it begins when a mother and baby Nasutoceratops wander around their campfire.
22:15The human family joins the Nasutoceratops' mother and her mate in a fight against the Allosaurus,
22:20and it eventually leaves when the young daughter shoots it with a crossbow.
22:24The film depicts just one of the many encounters humans now have with dinosaurs,
22:28and is a precursor to what comes in Jurassic World Dominion. But before the epic finale
22:33can take place, the Jurassic Park timeline jumps over to the campers on Manticore Island.
22:38Season 5 of Jurassic Park, Cramped Cretaceous, leads directly into the third Jurassic World film,
22:43re-establishing Louis Dodgson's character. Voiced by Adam Harrington in the animated series and
22:48played by Campbell Scott in Dominion, the CEO of Biosyn is the main antagonist for the remainder
22:53of the franchise. Although the campers foil his attempt to use mind-control chips on all
22:57the dinosaurs on the island, he gets away with the technology, which will soon come into play.
23:03Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant reunite in Jurassic World Dominion as Louis Dodgson invites him to
23:08tour his Biosyn facility, where Ian Malcolm now works. With help from Ian and Ramsay Cole,
23:13they quickly discover that Dodgson and Henry Wu have been genetically engineering a swarm of
23:17prehistoric giant locusts to destroy all crops except the ones grown with Biosyn's seeds.
23:23However, Wu needs Maisie Lockwood's DNA to fix a genetic defect in the locusts,
23:28so Dodgson has her and Blue's child, Beta, kidnapped from the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
23:33"...Claire! They found her."
23:36"...What? Who are they?"
23:37"...Vultures. I've seen them around."
23:39Claire and Owen mount a rescue mission to save them, tracking them to Malta,
23:43where they meet cargo pilot Kayla Watts, who agrees to fly them to the Biosyn facility in
23:48the Dolomites. Inside the facility, Ellie, Alan, Ian, and Ramsay help Maisie escape and steal a
23:54locust sample in the process. Maisie reunites with her parents and introduces them to the
23:59Jurassic Park legends.
24:00"...Dr. Grant? Here you are. I'm Owen Grady. Big fan. I read your book. Well, book on tape."
24:08To destroy evidence of his attempted crimes, Dodgson sets fire to the locusts,
24:12but the flames engulf the entire facility. He is killed by three Dilophosaurus before
24:17he can escape. However, he leaves the mind-controlled Giganotosaurus as a parting gift.
24:22Thankfully, Rexy is there to save the day alongside a Therizinosaurus,
24:26and the group then rescues Wu, who plans to stop the locusts.
24:30Claire and Owen take Maisie home and reunite Blue with Beta.
24:33Meanwhile, Ellie and Alan get back together and plan to go public about Biosyn.
24:37The Biosyn Valley is declared a dinosaur sanctuary by the United Nations,
24:42leaving the world with the formidable task of coexisting with these prehistoric animals.
24:47Biosyn is the world's largest dinosaur sanctuary, and the world's largest zoo.
24:51It is the largest zoo in the world, and the world's largest zoo in the world.
24:55Biosyn is the world's largest zoo in the world, and the world's largest zoo in the world.
24:59Biosyn is the world's largest zoo in the world, and the world's largest zoo in the world.
25:03Biosyn is the world's largest zoo in the world, and the world's largest zoo in the world.
25:07Biosyn is the world's largest zoo in the world, and the world's largest zoo in the world.
25:11Biosyn is the world's largest zoo in the world, and the world's largest zoo in the world.
