• 3 months ago
Six people hurt in Spain's traditional annual San Fermin bull running festival. This according to France 24. Veuer's Elizabeth Keatinge has more.
00:00Six people hurt in Spain's traditional annual San Fermin bull-running festival.
00:06This, according to France 24.
00:08One participant gored.
00:10The other five suffered bruising.
00:12Pamplona's traditional festival of San Fermin in northern Spain runs for nine days.
00:18Each day at 8 a.m., hundreds of attendees seek to outrun,
00:22or at least avoid, six heavy fighting bulls through the city's narrow streets.
00:27It covers a stretch of about half a mile.
00:30Ernest Hemingway immortalized the running of the bulls in his 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises.
00:36France 24 reports dozens are injured each year.
00:40Since 1911, 16 deaths have been recorded.
