00:00Well, what's up? Listen, you are about to watch a message entitled. I have no idea and listen to me
00:05I want to share something with you one of my mentors shared with me or a long time ago
00:09He said don't let what you do know get in the way of what you don't know
00:13I'm here to teach you some things about the Holy Spirit and you may think I know everything about the Holy Spirit already
00:18But maybe there are some things you don't know
00:20Maybe God wants you to take a new look at a whole thing so you can have a new experience
00:25I want you to join this message. I'll see you in a bit
00:29Today family we are concluding this series of sermons called ghosted and
00:35I want to read a few verses of Scripture found in the book of Acts chapter number 19
00:41Acts 19 beginning at verse number 1 and
00:47I'm reading from the New International Version and it reads like this
00:50It says while Apollos was at Corinth Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus
00:57There he found some disciples and asked them. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?
01:02They answered no
01:04We've not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. So Paul asked then what baptism did you receive?
01:11John's baptism they replied Paul said John's baptism was a baptism of repentance
01:18He told the people to believe in the one coming after him that is in Jesus on
01:24Hearing this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul placed his hands on them
01:30The Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied
01:35There were about 12 men in all I want to stop the reading of Scripture there and I want to use as a subject
01:43For this particular sermon a statement that came to my mind when I read verse number 2
01:49Where the writer says did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe they answered no
01:57We have not even heard that there's a Holy Spirit. I want to talk from this subject family. I had no idea
02:05Clap your hands everybody. I
02:10Had no idea
02:12This passage in Acts 19 is a powerful picture of something that if you've been at change
02:19For any significant period of time you've heard me rehearse and repeat this
02:24Regularly, it is something I've affectionately entitled the principle of exposure
02:30somebody say exposure
02:32This principle simply suggests that God
02:37Will use exposure
02:40to awaken in us an appetite
02:43For something you didn't know you needed
02:47Because you didn't know it existed
02:53Arranges exposure to orchestrate what I call a holy ruin
03:00Where he ruins your appetite
03:03for anything that is
03:07To his best for your life
03:11It is when God gives you a spiritual allergic reaction to settling
03:20It is when he makes you intolerant toward those things that you used to crave and
03:30settle for
03:33Because God
03:34Understands the way we have been wired because he wired us in this way once you've been exposed
03:41You can't be unexposed
03:44Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Come on. So God by his grace
03:51will expose us to individuals and to opportunities and to
03:56information to create desire on the inside of us because desire is the
04:04prerequisite for improvement
04:08So this is why I believe from time to time
04:12Believers need to be reminded that maybe your ex what you've been exposed to is an expression of
04:21divine providence
04:23Providence coming from a synthesis of two words pro video pro meaning before
04:29Video meaning to see so God sees before
04:33And because he sees before it happens. He strategically starts moving the pieces of your life
04:41Getting you ready for what's coming that you don't even see is on the way. Come on
04:48Yes, it is it is it is it is God putting you where you need to be
04:54So that you can see what you need to see to become who he's called you to be I call this prophetic
05:03Positioning this is when God
05:05Prematurely puts you in a place in your present that will only make sense in your future
05:11It is God putting you in a place before you need to be there so that you will already be there
05:20When what he is sending gets there
05:23it means that you got to sit in a season now that he'll only make sense out of later and
05:30And some of us have experienced this you don't have to take my word for it
05:35There are some people sitting on your road that can testify. This is true
05:40because when they were sitting in some seasons
05:42they were wondering why they were there and now they look back on those season and
05:48Now they see when I was in it. I was calling it one thing
05:53Now that I'm out of it. I'm calling it another when I was in it. I called it a breakup
05:59Now that I'm out of it. It's a breakthrough
06:03When I was in it, I called it
06:06Rejection now that I'm out of it. I called it protection
06:11When I was in it, I called it a closed door
06:14When I was out of it, I thank God for leading me away from the wrong door
06:19Now everybody's not about to feel this but I want those of you who have enough spiritual discernment
06:26To thank him for closed doors to praise him for that
06:31Thank you for the stuff that didn't go my way
06:34Thank you for when I tried to go in the wrong direction
06:38You supernaturally sabotaged it. I
06:42Cried about it then but I'm praising you for it now
06:53Am I making sense
06:55He will put you in places
06:59Strategically to expose you to
07:03That which you wouldn't be exposed to if he hadn't prophetically positioned you there. So at some point
07:10you gotta ask yourself the question if you don't believe this kind of exposure is random and
07:17haphazard and
07:19Coincidental you got to ask yourself this question. Why has God?
07:24Let me see all the stuff he's let me see
07:33Did you hear what I just said 1130 you got to ask yourself the question
07:37Why did God out of all the people that could have saw this?
07:41That out of all the people that could have been in these rooms
07:44That out of all the people that could have had these conversations that out of all the people that could have been in proximity to this
07:52Why did I just randomly end up
07:56Being exposed to what I've been exposed to
08:00It's God exposing me to all this just to show me what he don't want to do
08:09But he uses exposure to awaken in you an
08:12Appetite for something that you wouldn't want unless you got exposed to it. And sometimes he uses
08:19Individuals to give you that exposure not so that you can want what he's done for them. That's covetousness
08:26But so that you can look at what he's done for them and say I don't want what he's done for you
08:31But now that I see he's in the business of doing it. I want everything he's got for me. I
08:39Want somebody that's getting this revelation? Don't tell it to your neighbor. Just say it so your neighbor can hear it
08:46I'm not jealous. I'm inspired
08:52Yeah, I'm not jealous I'm inspired I don't want anything he's got for you, but I want everything
08:59He's got for me. I'm inspired
09:11I'm inspired
09:13I'm inspired. I'm
09:15Inspired I'm inspired and this is why we must rid ourselves from this pseudo religious
09:23facade of false humility
09:25acting as if you have no wants the truth of the matter is there are some things that are in your heart and
09:32The Bible says God gives us the desires of our heart. That doesn't mean he gives our heart everything
09:40It means he gives your heart what to want and there are some things that you want that he wanted for you
09:46And I need somebody to get delivered from this fake religion and to admit I want it. I
09:54Want it in my mind. I want it in my body. I want it in my relationships
09:59I want it in my resources. You can act like you don't want it, but I've been through too much. I
10:06want it I
10:13Want it I
10:16Want it? I
10:18Want it? I
10:20Want it all this crying I did I want it
10:24All this praying I did I want it all this work. I did I want it all this grinding
10:31I did I want all these nights that I didn't get any sleep. I want it and if you don't want it
10:37I'm not gonna bother you
10:40But when I start going after it, don't you bother me?
10:44Lord, I'm a running
10:46trying to make a hundred
11:09Listen listen
11:13This text here in acts 19 is an example of
11:18Of what I'm articulating. It's a powerful picture of this principle of exposure
11:23Here's what the text says the text says in Acts chapter 19
11:27Contextually Paul's on his third missionary journey. Everybody say third. It's not his third stop. He's had a few stops on this journey
11:34It's his third missionary journey. What does that mean? It means that Paul would go to specific places
11:40He would stay there for a period of time
11:43Make a ministry contribution
11:45Treats teach trained disciple and then he'd leave and then he'd go to another place and he stayed there for a period of time
11:52He would teach trained disciple and then leave he would go to another place
11:57Stay there for a period of time. He would teach trained disciple and leave now
12:02There's a revelation in this reality if you'll look for it
12:06This reality is a powerful picture of what Henry Cloud calls necessary endings
12:14Here's a principle
12:16Entrances into new seasons must be preceded by exits from old ones
12:22My god that you cannot walk into something new if you are unwilling to walk out of something
12:30Oh, and some of you need to cultivate the courage to make some exits
12:36Because if you can make some exits you will experience some entrances. This is interesting
12:43Because he transitions because his contribution is completed
12:48He recognizes that it is not my job to fill your cup
12:51It's simply my job to pour everything in mine in yours
12:55And once I poured everything in mine in yours, I have contributed to you all I can contribute so core rent
13:02That's verse 1. I'm preaching in Texas verse 1 so core rent. I'm sending you Apollos. I
13:07Got to go to Ephesus
13:10Because you want me, but you don't need me
13:17If I stay I'm creating a codependency on me and I don't have a need to be needed in that way
13:24I'm driven by my assignment not my insecurities
13:32So he makes the exit and I think it's important for believers to handle this
13:37Because we don't often make healthy exits
13:43Sometimes your time just up, but when you don't discern that you will slander a season
13:52Or slander a relationship
13:55Because you got to come up with some kind of criticism to ease your conscience about why you leaving
14:04Is it quiet at this 1130 service
14:07Yeah, come on now. I mean while you were in it, it was great
14:11It was a blessing and now when it's time to transition
14:15Well, it's not enough of this and it's not enough of that not realizing that you're creating an unfounded
14:22Criticism to try to ease your conscience because you have an unhealthy view on exits
14:27But if you see that exits aren't evil you don't have to slander something else when you're leaving it
14:33You can just say my time is up. Y'all aren't talking to me
14:37Cuz some people left you and slandered you they wasn't enough of this and they wasn't enough of that
14:43They got selective amnesia and they remember everything that was wrong, but they forgotten everything that was right. I
14:54Know this is not for everybody
14:56But this is about 475 and a half of y'all just say it so so that it's easiest your own soul
15:03Somebody's just say, you know, I was good to you. Just
15:10You trying to find
15:12some reason
15:14To ease your conscience
15:16Because you don't have a healthy view of exits and now you're trying to paint a picture of me
15:22Like I was a monster when the truth of the matter is I was the only one that was standing in your corner
15:40Somebody say just leave just
15:43Just leave, you know, you don't have to slander just leave, you know
15:47you don't have to come up with an excuse just leave if you were using me just take what you got and
16:25Did you hear what I just said
16:33Guess I'm talking about CDs are grown folks kind of conversation
16:37This is only ministry for the mature
16:39Well, you can sit down at the beginning of any kind of any kind of covenantal relationship personal relational professional
16:46I say hey, we grown put it on the table
16:49What you want?
16:53Come on we both too old to be playing games
16:57Having backhanded motives put it on the tip. I might be cool with it. Put it on the table
17:04What do you want?
17:27So Paul
17:30Texas leaves Apollos in Corinth and he goes to Ephesus and when he goes to this place called Ephesus
17:37Everybody say Ephesus
17:38sound familiar Ephesians
17:42Makes sense. So the book of Ephesians is the letter he writes to people in Ephesus
17:49Acts records his ministry his initial encounter doing ministry in Ephesus and he runs into these people who are already in Ephesus
17:58prophetic position and the text says that he runs runs into the material and
18:04Their disciples now what we see is that disciples of John not Jesus yet
18:08And so Paul asked them this question. He says have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?
18:20Say it we hadn't even heard of
18:26The Holy Spirit
18:29Their lack of information has them at a place of spiritual stagnation and they don't even know it
18:35And here's what's scary because they hadn't heard of him they didn't even know what they were missing and
18:41That's the worst kind of missing out
18:44It's missing what you don't know you missing
18:48There's this one writer who writes this book and it's a book on prayer and he's and he gives it's a metaphor
18:54It's a metaphor. It's not literal, but he paints this picture through this story
18:58He says one day we're gonna get to heaven and then we're gonna run into Peter and Peter's gonna take you through this room
19:03and he's gonna open the door and you're gonna see all of these things stack from the bottom of the floor to the top to
19:09The ceiling and you're gonna say what is all of that and Peter's gonna say that's all the stuff
19:14God would have gave you if you asked
19:25That's the worst kind of missing out
19:29When you're missing what you don't know you've been missing this is why I teach us regularly and frequently ignorance is expensive
19:38Whoo, whatever area we are ignorant in we will eventually pay a price in if I'm ignorant about how relationships work
19:47Then I'll pay a price in my relationships if I'm ignorant about stewarding my body
19:51Then I'll pay a price in my body if I'm ignorant about managing resources
19:56Then I'll pay a price with my resources because whatever area we're ignorant in we suffer in
20:01Hosea put it this way. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledges knowledge
20:06Ignorance is not the absence of intelligence is the absence of accurate information
20:12And these people didn't have accurate
20:18about the Holy Spirit
20:20So they were missing out on
20:22What was available to them?
20:26because they were unexposed and
20:31sent Paul
20:32to expose them
20:35To a life of spiritual possibility that they didn't even know was available to them
20:42Here's what I love about them. They had the humility
20:47To be open to take a new look at something. They thought they knew everything about
20:57Right, they could have said who are you to teach me I already know about this I've been baptized already I
21:07Don't need to know about the Holy Spirit
21:10But you see an
21:14to be retaught about
21:17Something they think they already know
21:22If you were to ask me as a pastor, what is some people's greatest hindrance to spiritual growth?
21:29It is their inability and their unwillingness to be retaught about something
21:37They think they already know
21:40Come on here
21:45This can take place in any area of life, but the text reveals and exposes us to how it can take place
21:52Spiritually family certain revelation can cause a revolution in our life
21:56And I want to make sure we have adequate revelation about what the Holy Spirit is
22:01Longing to do in our lives because we cannot take advantage of what we're unaware of
22:07And in the text I see three things
22:11that maybe we need to take a fresh look at when it comes to what the Holy Spirit is
22:17Longing to bring about in our life. Can I share them with you? I
22:21Said can I share them with you here? It is number one because these men were disciples of John not Jesus
22:27So this was one of the first things the Holy Spirit had to do for them and they didn't even know the Holy Spirit that
22:31It needed to be done
22:36Now every time I taught this at the other services, it got a little tight
22:41But not this service not this service. All right, here it is. See
22:52See this for people that grew up like me
22:56Where the emphasis where the emphasis was simply being born again
23:02That's it
23:08Doesn't matter what you did after that
23:13That's it see reap here's here's it here's what I want you to see reaper
23:17He reaper being born again regeneration is a spiritual rebirth and renewal brought about by the Holy Spirit
23:25Transforming a person from a state of spiritual death to new life in Christ
23:33Depositing in them a new nature
23:36Wait a minute
23:38Wait a minute
23:40Wait a minute
23:42So the Holy Spirit wants to do more than give me new life
23:47The Holy Spirit wants to also give me a new nature
23:52hmm, and when I get a new nature my appetites and impulses change and that which used to feel natural for
24:01Starts feeling unnatural to me and that which used to feel unnatural to me starts feeling natural to me
24:08So I used to have to try to love my enemies now. It's in my nature. Come on
24:16To love my enemies and
24:19Here here's what's possible. It is possible to have new life be born again
24:25but still live my life governed by the old nature and
24:30Here's the word for those that disagree
24:32Here's the word that the Bible uses to describe those who have new life
24:38But are still governed by the old nature the word the Bible uses to describe that person is carnal
24:48I've got Bible in
24:50First Corinthians chapter number three the Apostle Paul says this and brethren. I could not speak to you as spiritual people
24:59You saved but I still couldn't speak to you as spiritual people. I
25:06Know it
25:09Yes, yes, he says you you're a believer
25:13He says but you're but your immaturity
25:16Has a limited the kind of conversations we can have
25:21You want me to talk to you about stuff?
25:23You're not ready for because you have not demonstrated that you have the kind of maturity that could handle
25:31conversations that are more than milk
25:35Y'all aren't talking to me
25:38He says I fed you with milk and not solid food
25:43for until now you were not able to receive it and
25:50Even now you're still not able
26:01He's got a new life
26:03But you're not governed by the new nature and Paul is saying this through a letter
26:08He's not even in Corinth. He hadn't even seen it with his own eyes. And so they probably got a little out to
26:15Like how you know who we?
26:18You not even here and here's what he tells him
26:21He says you want to know how I know that you govern by the old nature because your nature oh my
26:29He says your nature is showing up not just in your relationship vertically
26:34But your nature is showing up and your relationships horizontally. Come on church
26:39He says you want to know how I know you still carnal. He says for where there's envy
26:44strife and
26:46divisions among you are
26:48You not carnal and behaving like mere men
26:53He says the reason I know you're not mature. It's because you say but y'all still messy. I
27:00Come on
27:02He says it's envy. It's strife
27:05He says you say but you're still petty and you say but you still gossip it and you say
27:11But you're still envious and you say and you still scamming and you say and you're still not
27:19You got new life, but not a new nature
27:30That is the one of the greatest impediments
27:34to people coming to Christ
27:37People are not running away from Christ because they ran into Christ
27:41People are gonna running away from Christ is because they ran into Christians who had new life, but the old nature
27:48And they said if that's what this is about
27:51I won't absolutely nothing to do with that
27:54but I want to know what do I have some people at the 1130 service that will say creating me a clean heart and
28:01Renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence. Don't take your Holy Spirit away from me
28:09I want to be new. I want to be just like you
28:17I know I got some ways that feel natural but just because they're natural doesn't mean they're right
28:27And the Holy Spirit wants to do more to give me new life he wants to give me a new nature
28:34after I get through quickening
28:37After I get through speaking in tongues to him
28:44Can I speak in English to you
28:53Why am I not getting a man's at this service
28:58Number two not just regeneration number two
29:05If it was like this for point number one, it's really about to get bad here
29:10Number two. Here's what the Holy Spirit wants us to do once it's longing to do with us. Not just regeneration liberation
29:20Number three
29:22Not just regeneration liberation
29:27Okay, here it is
29:29Spiritual liberation is the process by which the Holy Spirit sets a believer free from sinfully ingrained
29:37And destructive habits thoughts and actions that inhibit them from experiencing life as God intended
29:45it's the Holy Spirit saying I
29:47Need you to get a revelation that some stuff you can't free yourself from
29:53So say all the affirmations you want
30:01Y'all aren't talking to me write it on your mirror write it on your hand put it in your car
30:07There are some things that have been ingrained
30:11They are habitual and there are some habits that are self-destructive that have generational momentum
30:20It didn't even start with you generational strongholds that were caught or inherited
30:30Do you not know I want you to think about this how certain gifts are passed through bloodlines
30:37How I could say some families names and all of them can sing
30:45It's some singing sisters and some singing brothers, am I right?
30:50Would you not agree that that talent was passed through the bloodline?
30:53They had to develop that talent, but some of us didn't have that talent innately. So what makes you think that good stuff?
31:02Is the only stuff?
31:10Could be transferred through a bloodline and
31:14Some stuff is so ingrained
31:18It goes back generations and what happens is because there's not familial transparency about struggles
31:29You don't even know you're fighting a generational habit
31:34Because they hit it and they were not honest and open with you about it
31:45So you are thinking something is wrong with you when what you are fighting has generational
31:52Momentum I got Bible. I
31:57Got Bob I said I got Bible I said I got Bob
32:03I said I got Bible to back me up
32:05If I had time I would take you to Genesis and I will show you a man named Abraham
32:10Who when he got into a tight spot?
32:13He lied and said his wife was his sister
32:16I think the place he got to was a place called Gerard and he gave birth to a son
32:22named Isaac and when Isaac was traveling he got to the same place called Gerard and he lied and
32:29Said his wife was his sister when he got to that same place his generational iniquity got triggered
32:41It didn't come out until he came under pressure and there are some things
32:46That don't come out until we come under pressure
32:56I could take you to his grant to Isaac's Isaac and I can show you how Isaac's son
33:09Jacob how he lied and stole when Isaac got blind he lied and
33:14So the blessing that was reserved for Esau
33:18Isaac pretended I mean Jacob pretended like he was Esau and he deceived his own father and stole that blessing
33:26Then when Jacob had 12 sons
33:29They didn't like one of his sons named Joseph
33:32So they sold Joseph into slavery and came back to Jacob and lied and said he was there
33:40You mean to tell me that's a coincidence
33:48It's generational
33:57Sin hamasha means to miss the mark. I tried to do the right thing, but I fell short
34:04Trespass a
34:06Premeditated willful violation of the law. That was not a mistake. You planned it. You said when I see them it's on sight
34:18Where is the real section who is where is the real section
34:24You said you wait till I see them as soon as I get an opportunity
34:43But then there's
34:45Iniquity which literally means
34:48Crookedness is not an activity. Iniquity is an inclination. It literally means a lean
34:55It doesn't mean an action. It means a leaning a
35:00Leaning isn't a fall, but the area I lean in is the area where it don't take much
35:09Okay, we're not
35:12We're gonna have to get more honest at this church this
35:15I say everybody has the area
35:22You can fool the person next to you you can fool the person behind you but I've been doing this too long
35:28Everybody has an area where it don't take much
35:32Some of us is like, oh my god, I just
35:36It just whoops
35:58And here's the issue here's the issue especially the spirit of the Pharisee
36:04The spirit of Pharisee judges
36:07Every lean except for the one you got I
36:14Can't believe it. So here you are leaning over here talking about somebody else's lane
36:28And there are some inclinations that are so ingrained
36:33So patterned
36:37So natural and normal it requires a radical departure from that state you can't ease out of that
36:50Some of that requires divine intervention, that's why the books hadn't worked
36:57That's why the promises you made to yourself this the last time it hadn't worked
37:03Because some of it is so ingrained that it requires divine
37:09Intervention to actually liberate you and to separate you from it
37:15We've done tario
37:19Where the spirit of the Lord is there is a liberty
37:23And it's some stuff you can't stop
37:28Unless God help you stop
37:34And the Holy Spirit's like, you know, uh, you're doing all this trying and you're making all these promises
37:38You know, I can snatch that from you
37:47In Mark chapter number five, it says
37:52Mark chapter number five, there's this
37:55man in verse 3
37:57It says he lives in the tombs and no one could bind him anymore
38:00Not even with a chain for he had been chained hand and foot
38:04But he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet
38:06No one was strong enough to subdue him night and day among the tombs and hills. He would cry out and he would cut himself
38:12He saw Jesus from a distance. He ran and fell on his knees in front of him
38:16He shouted to the top of his voice
38:18What do you want with me Jesus son of the Most High in God's name don't torture me
38:24For Jesus has said to him come out of this man
38:27You impure spirit
38:30We might not be doing what this man was doing literally, but we can be doing what he was doing metaphorically
38:35Cutting yourself can be a metaphor for engaging in activity by you. That's hurting you
38:50Guys like I love you too much to watch you keep cutting you
38:58But you've been cutting you so long you learn how to live bleeding
39:09When you're cutting yourself you're bleeding out that which you actually need to stay in
39:21That's why sin breaks God heart because it breaks you
39:29God's looking and said they don't even know they're cutting himself
39:35And it's breaking my heart
39:38Because it's breaking them
39:41And what's scary is
39:43Sometimes you don't see the brokenness until it's accumulated
39:50Then you hit a season and you see the damage that you've done to you and the Holy Spirit's like I
39:57Can help you stop that?
40:03Regeneration liberation and here's what we're gonna lean in tonight at fire night, and I'm done impartation
40:13Because some of this stuff
40:17You can't do unless God gives you something you don't have
40:23Here's it here's what the word impartation means it is the act by which the Holy Spirit performs a divine transfusion and
40:30bestows on the believer spiritual gifts or graces that equips enables and
40:35Empowers them we see we see this in the text when Paul lays hands he lays hands they receive the Holy Spirit
40:41They receive spiritual gifts right tongues and prophecies so they receive the Spirit and
40:46gifts of the Spirit
40:48Through an impartation in Romans 1 11 Paul says this I long to see you that I may what?
40:55Come on church in what?
40:58Impart Paul tells me is wrong. I want to see you so that I might impart to you some spiritual gift why to make you strong
41:06He says you say but you're in a season where you need something you don't have
41:14Need something you don't have and the Spirit of God wants to impart that to you
41:23And if I're not tonight
41:24I'm gonna teach you what the Bible says about how Paul did this it's not the only way to receive impartation, but it is a way
41:31It's what it was what's called the means of grace God chooses what God uses to bless you
41:37He gets to choose what he used well, I got to be baptized he choose what he used
41:43Well, I got to go down in the water he choose ask him
41:49He chooses what he uses while we got to do communion he chooses what he uses
41:58And I'm at a place where I say Lord anyway you bless me
42:04I'll be satisfied
42:06And some of you in a season right now where you need God to give you something you don't have
42:14Maybe you got responsibility an
42:17Opportunity that far exceeds your own ability
42:21Maybe God has prophetically positioned you with responsibility. Were you over your head in?
42:28That season you need a spiritual gift in the present that you didn't need in the past I
42:34Got Bible, but I don't have time
42:39Paul told Timothy stir up the gift of God that is in you that was given to you by the laying on of hands of
42:45the Presbytery
42:49He said Timothy
42:51You've been a believer, but now you're becoming a leader and what you needed as a believer. It's not enough for you as a leader
42:59So when I commissioned you to leadership the Holy Spirit imparted to you
43:05Gifts that you needed for the season you were here. I
43:09Know it's beyond you. That's why you got me. I
43:17Know you can't do it by yourself. That's why you got me
43:23Sometimes need the impartation to give sometimes need an impartation of grace
43:28The Apostle Paul was dealing with a thorn
43:31In 2nd Corinthians 12, and he know how to manage. It's too much for me
43:36God says I'm gonna give you an impartation of grace. My grace is gonna be sufficient
43:40So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hook you up to me and I'm gonna give you my strength
43:45See your problem is you still in your strength
43:50He didn't tell Paul your strength is made perfect in your weakness he said mine I'm out of strength God's like finally
43:59Now you ready to depend on me
44:06So, I know you know a lot about the Holy Spirit
44:10But are you receiving the full benefits of regeneration
44:14Are you really walking in liberation from generational strongholds and patterns?
44:21See in every I'm getting to my message tonight, but in every generation
44:25There's the one that God read in every bloodline
44:28There's the one and he raises up the one and the one shifts the trajectory of the bloodline
44:37Joseph was the one David was the one and maybe in your family
44:50I'm the one
44:53But I get I can't do this just with degrees I can't do this just with my ability I
45:01Need to be ghosted I
45:05Need the helper to help me
45:08And my prayer is that just like the people in acts 19 you would be open to
45:15Taking a new look at a whole thing
45:22Saying to the Lord if you can use anything you can use me
45:32Father I pray
45:37In the name of Jesus
45:41For fresh revelation
45:45On the Holy Ghost
45:47Lord we're open to not just new life, but give us a new nature
45:54Tired of fighting this
45:56Make me new
45:59Lord give me liberation
46:04Generational strongholds and iniquity being broken with me
46:10And Lord impartation
46:12I don't even know what I need in this season
46:14I don't even know what I need in this season, but you know
46:19So give it to me may your grace be sufficient for me
46:26Take my hands take my feet
46:32Touch my heart Lord speak through me
46:37In Jesus name
46:56Family listen, I hope you were stretched there
47:00You know if you're willing to take a new look at an old thing you can experience new things in your life and the Holy
47:05Spirit wants to help you in those three areas
47:08Regeneration not just new life, but a new nature liberation setting you free and
47:12Impartation giving you what you don't have but that you need for the season that you are in listen
47:18I'm gonna ask something of you to if this message is bless you
47:21I want you to do two things what I want you to share with somebody else
47:24We want to help as many people as possible
47:26We can't do that if you don't share it and then number two
47:28I want to give you an opportunity there are ways to give on the screen to sow back into the field that you harvest it
47:33This is adding value to spiritually help us reach as many people as possible through your generosity. All right. Take care. See you next time