• 4 months ago
NEVER purchase a fruit cart owner in an action movie... Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most terrible, over-the-top, and truly ridiculous chase scenes in movies.
00:00Let's just stay ahead of the wind."
00:02Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most terrible, over-the-top,
00:07and truly ridiculous chase scenes in movies, TV series excluded, unfortunately.
00:19Number 10.
00:20Motoring through the woods.
00:21X-Men Origins Wolverine
00:22Unbelievable conflict is inevitable when dealing with a character who cannot be killed,
00:30but X-Men Origins does not even try to build realistic stakes.
00:33The film's helicopter pursuit sequence has all the hallmarks of a bad chase scene — choppy
00:38editing, shoddy CGI, and unrealistic stunts.
00:41Among the most unbelievable is Wolverine knocking down a turret rifle right as they're firing
00:45at him.
00:47Hugh Jackman himself was disappointed with the final results.
00:52The film itself underperformed, and future Origins films were canceled.
00:57Perhaps they should have eased up on the maniacal helicopters.
01:07Number 9.
01:08Following the voice.
01:10Imagine plowing through the streets of Sofia, Bulgaria, police hot on your heels and somehow
01:17getting away.
01:18The film concerning a former race car driver desperate to save his wife from a mysterious
01:22figure called The Voice is obviously just a thin excuse for the action scenes.
01:26Unfortunately, the action scenes are just as incoherent and preposterous as the plot.
01:30You will listen to me and turn the car around.
01:31This is your last warning.
01:32I need to be told that she is alright and when this shit is gonna be over.
01:37Since the movie itself is basically just one lengthy car chase, it's hard to pick out a
01:41particular worst moment, though there is one decent sequence done all in one shot.
01:45But the other chase scenes are poorly edited and confusing to follow.
01:48In fact, the whole film is over-edited, featuring over 6,000 cuts compared to an average of
01:521,600 for most films.
01:54And that, when in doubt cut, mentality weakens the primary chase scene as well.
02:03Get away from this mess.
02:04Number 8.
02:05Rome car chase, Spectre
02:09Secret agent James Bond is many things, but dull and humdrum, he isn't.
02:13So why does this car chase scene in his 24th film feel so tame and soporific?
02:17This polite six-minute game of follow the leader definitely errs on the side of caution.
02:22At the same time, it includes comic details like Bond getting stuck behind a slow car
02:25and nudging it into a parking space.
02:27Very thoughtful.
02:34The film is overall as risk-shy as its chase scenes, with some critics even calling it
02:38disappointingly conventional for a Bond film.
02:41Wake us up when he finishes the chase.
02:43Good evening.
02:45Number 7.
02:47Law, Batman Forever
02:51Is this for real?
02:52Is this necessary?
02:53These are questions you may have asked while watching this old-school Batman film.
02:57Directed by Joel Schumacher, Batman Forever is known as one of the worst entries in the
03:02Sure enough, its chase scenes contribute to its low standing.
03:05In one especially memorable scene after evading Two-Face's flamethrower, Batman manages to
03:09climb the Batmobile off the building by tying it to a gargoyle.
03:22Eschewing the dark, dystopian tone for a comic one was definitely a bad call.
03:26In the end, the film's mixed reviews and this baffling chase scene may be its legacy.
03:35Number 6.
03:36Escape from L.A.
03:43Surfer dudes rejoice!
03:45Here is finally a film that vindicates you.
03:47This John Carpenter film may have developed a cult following, but it really goes into
03:50bonkers territory with this scene.
03:52Our protagonist Snake on a surfboard chases the antagonist in a car and succeeds.
03:57Add in the dated CGI and this chase instantly enters on surreal territory.
04:01The ease with which Snake gets the car in his control is also disappointing.
04:09That said, it may be to the film's credit that such a baffling chase scene was kept
04:12mercifully short.
04:13Your mileage may vary, but this is action camp at its worst.
04:19Number 5.
04:20Straddling the Hood, Wanted
04:27Some bad chase scenes are ridiculously unrealistic.
04:30Others are merely incoherent and dull.
04:32At least one is both.
04:33In this film's chase scene, Angelina Jolie pivots her car and opens the passenger door
04:37to scoop up a flabbergasted James McAvoy.
04:39This was done at record speed and with perfect blink-and-you-miss-it timing.
04:44Naturally, the assailant's ordinary van manages to keep up with Jolie's svelte sports car.
04:50Add in the scene's fast cuts and Jolie managing to shoot the van's windshield without looking
04:53and it's a dud.
04:55This film's chase scene was definitely not Wanted.
04:57Number 4.
05:05Opening Chase, Speed Zone
05:12Action comedy can be hard to pull off, and when it misses, it can be painful.
05:15This action-comedy film begins with a car chase scene that is wrong in just about every
05:20It's got car-commercial-esque framing, police cars easily keeping up with sports cars, and
05:24stilted acting.
05:25Incorporating the opening credits, the sequence doesn't win any points for being long and
05:29drawn out.
05:36The scene finally ends with a cartoonish defiance of physics.
05:39The car skips over the lake's surface like a rock.
05:41Unsurprisingly, the film was universally panned by critics for being venal and just plain
05:53Number 3.
05:54Special scene, Ultra-Violent
06:02Complete with cheesy special effects and over-the-top action, this chase scene is truly stretching
06:07Milla Jovovich stars in this impenetrable sci-fi film, complete with a physics-defying
06:12chase scene with motorcycles — and helicopters — able to go sideways on tall buildings.
06:16Gravity's not the only law this film breaks.
06:18It breaks the law of a good action chase scene.
06:27Some of these problems, however, must be due to the fact that the film was released only
06:31Director Kurt Wilmer had stated that the released film was cut down significantly.
06:35The result is an incoherent, forgettable mess.
06:41Number 2.
06:42Bad chase, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
06:49One thing arguably worse than a bad chase scene is a chase scene interrupted.
06:53The Indiana Jones franchise has had its share of thrilling car scenes.
06:56Unfortunately, a cliffside car chase interjected with some monkey business literally isn't
07:01one of them.
07:02Apart from the obvious CGI, there is the Tarzan-swinging, gratuitous Russian and deus ex machina via
07:08And there's another ridiculous collision with the villain's vehicle landing on top
07:11of our protagonists.
07:12Of course, our heroes are safe and sound without a scratch.
07:15Jumping the shark?
07:16More like jumping the vehicle with monkeys on board.
07:18Or just nuking the fridge.
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07:361. Snow Chase – A View to a Kill
07:46What is it with terrible chase scenes and surfing?
07:48Bond again returns for the most bafflingly hilarious chase scene yet.
07:53This chase begins conventionally, if not particularly exciting.
07:56The real magic happens with Roger Moore's Bond using a piece of snowmobile as a snow-based
08:00surfboard to the Beach Boys' California Girls.
08:10Complete with risible slow-motion and obvious stunt double-work, Bond's surfboard skips
08:14like a rock in water while the hapless villains drown.
08:18Many a logic-defined chase scene has made us feel real bad, but you just can't beat
08:22those California Girls.
08:23Mission accomplished?
08:26Best beluga.
08:27Which film chase scene had you longing to get away in a surfboard as quickly as you
08:32Let us know in the comments down below.
08:33Nothing happened.
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