• 4 months ago
00:00I gotta tell you I'm sick and tired of hearing about every single time they
00:08have a major like leading up to Pinehurst and the US Open on let's say
00:15Monday Tuesday and Wednesday all I heard about was Tiger Woods now I get it like
00:20I'm a Tiger fan do not misinterpret what I'm saying I saw him win every
00:25tournament he ever won I saw his entire career I remember him at Stanford right
00:31I've you know I saw him in Southern California you name it how many times
00:37all I know is this he's finished and no one wants to ever admit that he's
00:44finished they try to sell him up every single time there's a tournament a major
00:49they try to pull this bullshack like he's gonna win the major they literally
00:54this week tried to sell me Andy North and the rest of them that he was gonna
00:58win the US Open and this guy can't even make a cut anymore because he's a cripple
01:07but everything else I don't care I don't care it's it's ridiculous the story
01:15should be the same every time like we're not gonna really sit here and spend
01:18another three days trying to sell Tiger Woods is gonna win the US Open when we
01:22know he can't even make the cut
