Indigenous performers use Vivid’s opening weekend to share their stories

  • 4 months ago
Vivid festival is best known for its futuristic light-shows, but if you look beyond the dazzling displays and you will also find plenty of history. With national reconciliation week about to start, Indigenous performers have used Vivid’s opening weekend to share their stories. After seven months since the Voice referendum, they are hoping it can help bring Australians together to close the gap.


00:00 Dusk arrives at one of the country's biggest festivals.
00:11 And for Indigenous artists, it's time to shine.
00:18 Just being who we are and being able to have that space to celebrate who we are and do
00:22 that together, it's very empowering.
00:25 Fishies' first live performance at the Vivid Festival is honouring Sydney Harbour's ancestral
00:31 women.
00:33 They were actually the first commercial traders in the colony.
00:40 The colony was starving and so they proceeded to catch more fish and provide food.
00:45 It's stories like these some are hoping will bring Australians together following the resounding
00:51 defeat of the voice referendum in October.
00:55 There was a deep sadness, but like we do when we have a flood, let's all deal with it together
01:01 and then we can move forward.
01:03 You're going to hear us roar, you're going to cry with us, and then we're going to see
01:09 hope because there is so much hope.
01:11 We just don't see it or hear it.
01:14 While things are lighting up here, it has been a quiet period for many following the
01:19 referendum.
01:20 And although an Indigenous voice is no longer on the table, Reconciliation Week is reminding
01:26 Australians the work isn't over yet.
01:29 The issues that we're dealing with are still the same as they were before the referendum.
01:34 The things that we see as the way forward hasn't changed either.
01:38 We've just got to chart a different path.
01:40 Now that the setback has happened, for all of us to keep forging forward, strong ways
01:45 together.
01:50 Putting the voice behind them in creating a new and brighter future.
