'I Think They're Building An Army': Trump Rands About 'Migrant Crime' At Bronx Campaign Rally

  • 4 months ago
At his campaign rally in the Bronx last night, former President Trump said he'd combat illegal immigration.

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00:00 The Republican Party, but the biggest thing I think, and I really mean this,
00:04 and it's happening more and more and I see it all the time,
00:06 because really you have to be the party of common sense as opposed to the Democrat Party.
00:12 It's a party of failure, extremism, and gross incompetence, and that's what it is.
00:17 And they're going to destroy our country. But our country has faced down much harder challenges
00:23 before and come back stronger than ever. That's why I so firmly believe that we can quickly make
00:29 America a great and glorious nation again. When I take office, we are going to restore
00:36 public safety and the rule of law in New York City. That starts with stopping the pouring into
00:43 our country of millions and millions of illegal immigrants, which are causing a new category of
00:49 violence called the migrant crime. We have a migrant crime happening now. You add that to
00:55 the crime already. A terrible statistic. Venezuela was a very crime-ridden country.
01:02 They just announced a month ago, 67, but now they just announced 72 percent reduction in crime in
01:10 Venezuela. In Caracas, they took their gang members, they took their drug dealers, they are
01:17 emptying out their prisons, they're taking everybody that's a problem and they're dumping them into the
01:23 United States of America. We're like a dumping ground. But many countries are doing that. I would
01:29 say eventually all countries would be doing that. If I headed up Honduras, if I headed up any one of
01:36 the countries that are neighboring or not neighboring, and we're not talking about just
01:40 South America countries, we're talking about countries from Africa. The other day, 22,
01:46 think of it, 22 people from the Congo. Where do you live? We came from jail. What did you do in
01:52 jail? We don't want to tell you. They're now living happily. They come from Africa. They come
01:57 from Asia. They come from all over the world. They come from the Middle East. Yemen. We're
02:02 bombing Yemen. Here we go with the bombs again. We're bombing Yemen. And people are coming in
02:07 from Yemen. Large numbers of people are coming in from China. And if you look at these people,
02:12 did you see them? They are physically fit. They're 19 to 25. Almost everyone is a male.
02:18 And they look like fighting age. I think they're building an army. They're 29,000 people over the
02:23 last. I think they're building. They want to get us from within. I think they're building an army.
02:30 This is not. You know, it's interesting. Did you see them? They all have tents. They all have
02:36 gas fired stoves. I mean, this is not like an illegal immigrant. This is they're building
02:42 something. They have something in mind. We're going to end all of that stuff. They respected
02:48 your president. They respected our country. And we're not going to let people. We are not going
02:54 to let these people come in and take our city away from us and take our country away from us.
03:00 It's not going to happen. Now, who would let people seriously? Who would let people come from
03:10 prisons and jails from mental institutions? They cannot stay. We will immediately begin
03:17 the largest criminal deportation operation in our country's history, because this situation
03:24 is sustainable by no country. No country can sustain this.
03:29 As we speak, there are hundreds of thousands of Biden migrants invading our city and our country.
03:44 We no longer have border states like Texas and Arizona. All states, including New York,
03:50 are being a border state. The people are pouring through Texas. They are pouring through Arizona.
03:57 They are pouring through every state. Every state is now a border state. Every state is now.
04:03 We're talking about, in my opinion, 16 to 17 million people. And these are not necessarily
04:10 people that are going to help us as a country. We want to be nice. We want to be respectful.
04:15 They're coming from so many places. We don't have any idea. In many cases,
04:20 we don't even know what the language -- you know, you have languages that people don't even know
04:24 about. We have languages where there's nobody in our country that speaks these languages.
04:28 They're coming from places. We have no idea what's happening with our country.
04:33 The flood of migrants is putting crippling burdens on our communities, your schools,
04:38 hospitals, parks, and public resources. Frankly, we're lucky to get this big park.
04:43 I don't know how the hell we did it. It must be New York's finest. I don't know how we did it.
04:50 They call it the Biden migrant invasion, and it's wrong. It's immoral. And the vast majority of New
04:58 Yorkers agree with me that this is unacceptable. It's unacceptable. We must stop it. We must stop
05:05 it immediately. And, you know, for the people coming up, it's also unacceptable. They come up
05:10 in what's called caravans. The women are treated horribly. They're being raped at levels that
05:16 nobody has ever seen before. Nobody wants to talk about it. The fake news will report that,
05:20 "Oh, it's so terrible what he said." But it's fact. It's fact. The people are being treated.
05:27 They're coming up in 100 degrees, and then it's freezing. They're coming through snake-infested
05:32 areas. It's a hell of a journey, and so many people are dying coming up. If we told them,
05:37 "Please do not come up, you're not going to come in," like I was telling them for a long period of
05:43 time, they wouldn't come. They're being offered — look at California Governor Newsom. Governor
05:50 Newsom. He offers education. He offers medical care. He offers pensions. He offers everything.
05:57 He'll even give them an electric car because they're all over the place. How about the
06:02 electric mandate? Do you like the all-electric mandate? Not too much, huh? (Booing.) Does
06:07 anybody like a car that doesn't go very far? (Booing.) Costs a lot. In Brooklyn, American
06:13 students at James Madison High School were recently told they had to stay at home from school
06:19 so their classrooms could be turned into housing for thousands of — right? — thousands of migrants.
06:27 Very simply, Joe Biden puts illegal aliens first. I put America first. I put America first.
06:35 (Applause.)
06:48 Would anybody — now, this is up to you. Has anybody heard the snake?
06:52 (Booing.)
06:54 Would anybody like to hear the snake? (Booing.)
06:58 Because we can stay here all night. I don't care. (Booing.)
07:01 Would you like to hear the snake? (Booing.)
07:03 So it's a metaphor. It's an old song, and it was redone. It didn't have anything to do with snakes
07:08 or people or illegal immigration. But this has to do with illegal immigration. And I think it's
07:15 very accurate, actually, and it's very sad. But I'll go and we'll do it. And some of you have
07:20 heard it and many of you haven't, but we're going to do it right now for the great people of the
07:25 Bronx and elsewhere. (Applause.)
07:28 We love the Bronx. We love the Bronx. (Applause.)
07:33 Are you ready? (Applause.)
07:37 On her work — and you know what? You know what this is all about, right? Did you know?
07:42 You've heard this before? Have you heard it? We got the greatest people here.
07:45 (Applause.)
07:46 On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a
07:53 poor half-frozen snake. His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew. "Poor thing,"
07:59 he said. "I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you. Take me in, oh, tender woman. Take me in,
08:06 for heaven's sake. Take me in, oh, tender woman," sighed the vicious snake. She wrapped him up all
08:14 cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk. She hurried
08:22 home from work that night, and soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she'd taken in had been
08:28 revived. "Take me in, oh, tender woman. Take me in, for heaven's sake. Take me in, oh, tender woman,"
08:33 sighed the vicious snake. She clutched him to her bosom. "You're so beautiful," she cried.
08:40 "But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you truly would have died." She stroked his pretty skin again
08:46 and kissed and held him tight. But instead of saying, "Thank you, ma'am," the snake gave her
08:54 a vicious bite. "Take me in, oh, tender woman. Take me in, for heaven's sake. Take me in,
09:02 oh, tender woman," sighed the vicious snake. "I saved you," cried the woman, "and you've bitten
09:08 me. But why? You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die." "Shut up, silly woman,"
09:18 said the reptile with a grin. "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in."
09:24 Right? So when we allow people from prisons, when we allow people from insane asylums and
09:36 mental institutions, which are being emptied out all over the world -- you know, their prison
09:42 populations are going way down. You know why? Because they're being dumped into the United
09:46 States. When we are allowing terrorists at numbers that we've never seen before, remember the snake.
09:52 Remember the snake. Because you're going to get bitten like you never got bitten before,
09:58 and you need a new president, and you have to get rid of this person who is not a smart person,
10:02 not a respected person, and doesn't have a clue what the hell is happening.
10:07 So that's the snake. Did you enjoy the snake?
10:11 On day one, I will seal the border, and I will stop the invasion of our country. Very sadly,
10:19 in recent years, we have also seen our city destroyed by bad, radical-left, pro-crime
10:26 policy that virtually everyone -- Republican, Democrat, Independent, everyone -- you all know
10:33 it's a disaster. You know the names of these lunatic policies. No cash bail. Somebody kills
10:40 somebody. Go out. No bail. Don't worry. Go out and kill a couple of more people.
10:44 Defund our great police. Defund the police. Sanctuary cities release violent repeat offenders
10:51 from jail. Joe Biden supports all of this insanity and much more, but millions of people across New
10:58 York know it's crazy. There is no way, when you watch this guy get off an airplane -- he doesn't
11:04 even have to talk -- when he falls out of a helicopter -- he's got three little stairs.
11:09 It's not that hard. You got two railings. You don't fall out of helicopters. You don't fall
11:14 upstairs. He falls up. He has more trouble going up than he does coming down. That's a little
11:19 thing. But you're just not going to vote for him. You're just not. We got to win. If we just win
11:25 this state, it just puts it -- right? It's such a big state. It puts it to bed. You're going to have
11:31 a President and people, but you're going to have a President that understands what we have to do.
11:36 We have to be nice about it, but we have to do things. And we're going to be done. And the world
11:41 is going to respect us again. We were never so respected as we were four years ago. President
11:46 Xi of China, Putin. You know, Viktor Orban -- did you ever hear of him? Prime Minister of Hungary.
11:54 Very tough guy. Known as a strongman. Oh, they hate it when I talk about him because they say
11:58 he's a strongman. Trump loves strongmen. I don't know. I like weak men, actually. I like weak men.
12:03 I'd much rather have a weak man than a strongman. But he is a strongman. And they asked him,
12:08 "Why is it that the whole world is blowing up?" He said, "One simple reason. Trump is not President
12:14 in the United States." He said, "You put Trump back as President and the whole world is going
12:18 to get better because they were afraid of Trump. They couldn't figure Trump out. Trump was a rather
12:24 difficult person." But he used the word "afraid." I don't use it. I don't use "afraid." I use the
12:29 word "respect." They respected your President. They respected the United States of America.
12:34 And they're going to do it again, and it's going to happen fast. But we have to get this
12:38 absolute disaster. The worst President in history. He makes Jimmy Carter look like he had a brilliant
12:44 administration. It's the only thing. The only happy person about Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter
12:50 because Jimmy looks brilliant by comparison. I also want to thank New York's finest. I grew up
12:55 with them. I know them. I love them. I love our firemen. I love our teachers. These are incredible
13:01 people, and we have to bring the word "respect" and "honor" back to them right where it belongs.
13:07 A few weeks ago, I visited with a grieving family. New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller. What a
13:13 beautiful family. He was a beautiful person. He was 31 years old, gunned down during a traffic stop
13:20 by a vicious thug, and just horrible, leaving his beautiful young wife behind, his son Ryan behind,
13:29 one-year-old son. And it was the saddest day. It was a horrible thing. Opened the door and just
13:34 started shooting him. The criminal charge was savagely murdering Officer Diller, who was
13:39 previously arrested by the NYPD 21 times. And he was allowed to go out because of the political
13:46 things they do here. I'm the only one they want to keep. If I ever said, "I want no bail," they'd
13:52 say, "You got to pay a fortune." If I ever say, "Oh, no cash bail, that sounds good. That sounds
13:57 good. Oh, it doesn't apply to Trump." I'm the only one it doesn't apply to, probably. And the
14:02 accomplice driving the car had been arrested 14 times and was actually a far more violent person.
14:07 And his nickname was Killer. They called him Killer. These dangerous and violent repeat
14:12 offenders should never have been on our streets. Jonathan should be alive today. But they were
14:18 released again and again and again. I will not sit by and accept this reckless insanity when I am in
14:26 the White House. I will stand up to the Marxist DAs and Soros prosecutors, and we will tell them,
14:33 "No more. We're not going to stand for it." We will not let them destroy our communities. We
14:38 will not let them destroy our country. There's a 53 percent increase in felony assaults on your
14:45 subways. Fifty-three percent. That's in a short period of time. Since 2019, murders are up more
14:51 than 20 percent. Shootings are up more than 30 percent. I'm going to indemnify all police officers
14:57 and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the
15:04 radical left for taking strong actions on crime. And remember, Black, Hispanic, Asian people need
15:12 this protection and safety more than anyone else. Don't ever forget it. And after years of talk by
15:18 the radical left Democrats, we are going to give them the protection they need, and we're going to
15:23 protect our police. We're going to make sure they do a great job. They can do it very quickly.
15:28 They know who the bad guys are. They know everything about them. They know their name.
15:32 They know their middle initial. We're going to insist that if a violent criminal murders
15:37 a police officer, they receive the death penalty. It's going to be quick.
15:44 And I also want to work with your mayor and your governor -- happen to be Democrats -- to clean up
15:49 the homeless encampments so that you can once again enjoy your parks and your public spaces.
15:55 Right now, you don't have public spaces. They're occupied by migrants in tents.
15:59 Pleasures as simple as a walk in the park or watching your children again play in a Little
16:05 League game will come roaring back, and they're going to come back very quickly. Your lifestyle
16:10 and the American dream will be with you once again. And we're going to bring it back,
16:14 the American dream. You don't have an American dream right now.
16:17 You will be proud, and your children and your country will be even prouder of you.
16:25 Years ago, people with severe mental illness were in mental institutions. And then
16:30 a certain governor -- I won't mention the name because at this point, what difference? -- they
16:34 dumped all of them into the streets because they said those institutions were too expensive to run.
16:41 So now they live on our streets, and that's what we have. This is no good for anybody.
16:45 It's bad for the people who need help, and it's bad for the people of our city. And it's a horrible,
16:51 horrible way to live. I want to work in partnership with your local leaders, Democrats,
16:56 pretty much all, and move the severely mentally ill off your streets and back into a place where
17:03 where they can get help and the help that they desperately need.
