Snooper and Blabber Snooper and Blabber S02 E008 Scoop Snoop

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:18 - Snoop to Hazel! Snoop to Hazel!
00:20 Come in, Hazel!
00:21 Are you receiving okay?
00:23 - If you mean my salary,
00:24 you're two months in arrears, Scoop!
00:26 - Make a note of it.
00:27 And Hazel, have you bereft your vocabulary?
00:30 The name is Snoop, not Scoop!
00:32 - I know, Chief, but it'll be Scoop if you take the job!
00:36 - Stop speaking in griddles, Hazel!
00:38 What job?
00:39 - The editor of the Daily Peeple called.
00:41 He wants to see you immediately!
00:44 - Right!
00:45 By the way, Haze,
00:47 how's your parakeet doing?
00:48 - Oh, he was in an accident!
00:50 - Gosh, Hazel! What transpired?
00:53 - Yeah, give us the glory details!
00:55 - Well, this morning he was lying
00:57 at the bottom of his cage, flat on his back.
01:00 And before he passed out,
01:01 he looked up at me and said,
01:03 "Who moved the ladder?"
01:04 - Send the little fella a basket of assorted seeds,
01:07 and, uh, don't spare the expense.
01:09 - Sometimes the private eye has to drop a tough mask
01:13 and think of those less fortunate.
01:15 - Leave us to send down the impatient editor, Blab,
01:18 and find out what's news.
01:20 - Yes, sir, JR! I got just the man for the job!
01:24 I'm expecting him any minute now.
01:26 (knocking)
01:27 Come in!
01:28 - Hold the front page and stop the pressing!
01:31 Here I am!
01:32 - He's there, Chief. I'll call you back later.
01:34 So long!
01:35 Snoop, I need you,
01:37 because my publisher believes in something
01:39 that I think is a myth!
01:40 - And, uh, you want me to find out who's right, right?
01:43 - Right!
01:44 You see, he believes that the Abominable Snowman
01:47 actually exists,
01:48 and he wants pictures to prove it.
01:50 If you can get the pictures,
01:52 it'll be worth $5,000!
01:54 - Start counting the money,
01:56 and tell me where this Abominable Snowman lives!
01:58 - I tell you he doesn't exist,
02:00 but my publisher says he lives in the Himalayan Mountains.
02:04 - He's not in the yellow pages, Snoop!
02:07 - Let's go, you poofy Blab!
02:09 He probably has an unlisted number!
02:12 - Come on, Snoop!
02:14 Do you think this copter can make it to the Hima...
02:16 Hima... uh... to those mountains?
02:18 - It better! Or he won't have no cartoon!
02:21 Here we are, Blab,
02:23 in the natural habituate of the Abominable Snowman.
02:26 - I don't see him anywhere, Snoop.
02:28 - Gracious the zounds, Blab!
02:30 You're standing in his footprint!
02:32 - Gee! He's a big one!
02:35 - Come on, Blab!
02:36 We're following his footprints in Viola!
02:38 He's on page one!
02:40 - I hope he's photogenic!
02:42 - Get your camera ready!
02:43 He must be lurching around here somewhere!
02:45 - Google!
02:47 - What'd you say, Blab?
02:48 - Wow, Snoop! What a picture this'll make!
02:51 - I know I'm photogenic, Blab,
02:53 but leave us save the film for the Abominable Snowman!
02:56 Oh, Blab!
02:59 All of a sudden I have a sinking sensation!
03:01 - That's great, Snoop! Hold it!
03:03 - I'm either getting shorter,
03:05 or you're getting taller, Blab!
03:07 - Neither, Snoop!
03:08 You're being pushed into the snow
03:09 by the Abominable Snowman!
03:11 - Now he tells me!
03:13 - I can't see you, Snoop!
03:20 Wait till I fix the focus!
03:22 I can see you real good now, Snoop!
03:29 But will you please step aside?
03:31 You're in the way!
03:33 - Me dear old mother warned me
03:34 about thinking up with lackluster brains!
03:37 There he is, Blab!
03:39 - Gee! He looks friendly to me, Snoop!
03:42 Maybe he's camera shy!
03:44 - Well, uh, you swing over,
03:47 take a picture of your shy friend,
03:49 and, uh, swing right back! Get it?
03:51 - Gotcha, Snoop!
03:52 - This light ain't too good!
03:58 I better use a flashbulb!
04:00 - How'd you make out?
04:04 - Great, Snoop!
04:07 - He's got a swell picture of his tonsils!
04:09 - Jumpin' Josephine!
04:11 What good is a picture of his tonsils?
04:13 - Well, it might help some deserving medical student
04:16 pass his exams!
04:18 - Never mind!
04:20 I got another idea!
04:21 I'll snag him with this lasso
04:24 and rendition him powerless
04:25 whilst you snap his picture!
04:27 - Maybe I just ought to ask him!
04:29 - Quiet, Blab! Get your camera ready!
04:31 There he is!
04:32 Get ready, Blab! I think I got him!
04:37 - Blubber, blubber!
04:38 - Gee! He ruined my picture!
04:43 - Not to mention me helicopter!
04:45 - Blubber, blubber! Blubber, blubber!
04:48 - Stop! Been a long arm of the law!
04:50 I need 5,000 bucks speed!
04:52 - Blubber, blubber!
04:53 - I just want to take your picture, Mr. Gloogle!
04:57 It'll be in all the newspapers!
05:01 - Blubber, blubber!
05:03 - He wants you to take the picture inside, Blab!
05:06 - I'm scared to go in there, Snoop!
05:08 - You want to earn your private eye diploma, don't you?
05:10 - Gosh, Snoop! More than anything!
05:13 - Well, here's your more than anything chance!
05:15 Now get going!
05:16 - Right, Snoop!
05:17 Wow! What a shot this'll make!
05:21 Watch the birdie, please!
05:23 That's it! Now everybody smile!
05:26 - Blubber!
05:28 - I got the picture, Snoop!
05:32 We can leave now!
05:33 - Great work, Blab!
05:35 But I just remembered that our helicopter is busted!
05:38 - I'll ask my friend Mr. Gloogle to help us!
05:41 - So long, Abdominal!
05:43 I'll see you in the funny papers!
05:45 - And if you're ever in town, look us up!
05:47 - Blubber, blubber!
05:49 - Aloha, Abdominal!
05:51 - And adios, too!
05:53 - Your publisher was right, Mr. Editor!
05:57 That picture is incredible proof
05:59 that the Abdominal Snowman actually exists!
06:02 - If this picture isn't a fake,
06:04 I'll eat your head!
06:06 I still say there is no Abdominal Snowman!
06:10 - Gloogle, gloogle!
06:11 - Mr. Gloogle!
06:13 Gosh, it's good to see you!
06:15 How's Mrs. Gloogle and all the little gloogles?
06:18 - Gloogle, gloogle!
06:20 - Uh, when you finish, I'll take me $5,000 fee!
06:23 - I hope Mr. Editor has a 6-7-8 stomach!
06:27 (rire)
06:29 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
