PTI central secretariat sealed in Islamabad - Experts' Reaction - Big News

  • 4 months ago
00:00 The operation that the CDA did last night, this is a little bit of a method, that you cover the CDA's beat, that if there is a complaint at any place, what is the method of action on that?
00:13 The office or the building or the house, how long is it told, is it sealed that after this, the owner, whatever property you have in it, or if you have any items, remove them from here, and after that we have to get it down. What is this process, explain to us.
00:29 There are two things in this, one is that there is a house in a residential sector and it is being used for commercial purposes or political purposes, so one is that, regarding which the Supreme Court has already decided in 2015.
00:44 So the Supreme Court has said that all the residential areas where these protests are taking place, should be closed, and after that what happened is that the offices of many political parties, the offices of TV channels, were removed from there.
00:57 The second thing is that the building by-laws, that is, there is a commercial building as well, so in that, the approval that the CDA gives for making three or four rooms, if someone makes it other than that, then it comes under the law.
01:10 So the CDA has made this request, one answer is that they have constructed on one floor, which they could not do, and it was illegal, so four notices were given, the first was given in 2020, then in 2021, then in 2023, and then on 10 May 2024, the last notice was given.
01:31 And the CDA said that when the final notice was given, no response from them came, so after that we have decided to take action.
01:39 And at the same time, they said that because the Minister of Interest had made a decision four or five days ago, that an operation should be carried out against the Punjabis.
01:48 So after that, we have seen this operation on the streets for a day, after that the biggest operation is of the office of the Pakistani Justice, where the bar was set up, the washroom was made.
02:01 No, before that, the notice is not put on that house that we are sealing this property and after so many days we will demolish it.
02:10 See, demolition is not done, first of all, they go and seal it, notice, the final notice was given, notice was issued earlier, they go and seal it, that now you cannot use this building.
02:25 But in this, a little different thing happened, instead of sealing it, they started the work of breaking it, although this matter is later, there are other commercial plazas here, along with them.
02:37 Thank you very much for sharing all the details.
02:40 We were talking in the program, so Haider Nagvi Sahib raised a very important point that whenever the situation starts to improve, especially with the Pakistani justice,
02:52 as you must have seen the other day, that the day was ordered that the night would be released, respected Praveen Lahi Sahib, Chaudhary Praveen Lahi Sahib, the decision had already been made.
03:07 After that, we see the news, yesterday the news came that the case of Iddat was settled, after that the case of Cipher, I was talking about it,
03:17 and Hassan Ayub thinks that the way this case is being fought, it seems that the case of Cipher is not being fought well, it is possible that they will be acquitted in it.
03:25 So, the impression was that maybe some things are going to cool down the atmosphere, but all these incidents happen in between, and why are these incidents happening, this is what we have discussed today.
03:40 Two days ago, we are seeing that Barrister Gohar Sahib was talking, Chairman PTI, although the Election Commission has not yet accepted him, he is saying that this clash of titans should end now, the matter should move forward.
03:54 This clash of titans should end, it should cease fire.
03:58 How will it end in these circumstances?
04:00 Look, I am saying that injustice is happening with us, we are being forgiven, we are not saying that we do not want to take revenge from anyone.
04:08 This is what he said, and now it is clear that his secretariat, the central secretariat of any political party, has its identity, has its symbol, it may be of any political party, and it is clear that was it an irregular development, it is a different matter,
04:25 but it is clear that the way the PTI is explaining, what did Barrister Gohar say when the party secretariat was cleaned up last night, and after that he gave a briefing to the press.
04:36 After the building of the parliament, the central secretariat of the political party has the highest degree of freedom of democracy, and today he has done that too.
04:45 This is a warning to us that we should take action.
04:49 Then he also said that, "we are talking about a different matter, but I don't know how he is trying to talk, where he is trying to put his hand on our head and shoulder."
05:00 We also talked about dialogue, but two things can go hand in hand, that you keep the gun at the station, you keep the gun on the head, and this is also a matter.
05:11 Mr. Naggi, I will start with you because you raised this point a few days ago, what do you see?
05:17 It is okay if there was an illegal infrastructure, the right of the CDA, but when there is a sensitive political point, there is PTI, you already know that there is a fight going on,
05:32 a murderous attack has been committed on one of their leaders, then if you will bring down their building, then there will be an impact on it.
05:37 So, it is not appropriate in the light of the day, they give notice, the CDA does a press conference.
05:43 There is a daily press conference, they give 5000 rupees to the press club, they say, "we have to do it tonight, we have this notice, we request the PTI people to pick up their things from there,
05:54 don't try to make a new issue in front of us at night, but nothing like that happened.
06:00 I would like to take you back in time, Nawaz Sharif's government was in Pakistan, Pakistan Muslim League, and the biggest community in Karachi, the biggest community in Pakistan,
06:14 the center of the United National Movement, 905, a similar operation was carried out, which was sealed, and it was praised the most by Imran Khan,
06:24 because Imran Khan became the biggest beneficiary of all those operations.
06:29 So, this has happened with political parties before, even during Imran Khan's time, whatever the reason, the Muslim League's secretariat was also sealed,
06:37 and no notice was given, no notice was made before, here too, perhaps, the same way, the same process was carried out by the same officers, as they have been practicing in the past,
06:47 but I would like to take your point that notice should have been given before such an operation, but what they are saying is that,
06:54 for the past 4 years, continuous notices were being given, and the other officials of the area were continuously complaining to us,
07:02 but these people, despite our notices, were not responding, nor were they correcting anything in their own way, this is one thing.
07:09 The second thing is that whenever there is a matter of mutual understanding, whenever things are moving forward, then suddenly,
07:15 something happens that the matters suddenly go backwards. The thing is that if we try to point out some people who are present in the PTI rows,
07:24 then the PTI people themselves ask us, "who are you?" Then we become silent, but there are some people, who I have been continuously saying for 2-3 months,
07:33 and you have also agreed with this, that there are some people, who do not want Imran Khan Sahib to come out of jail,
07:39 because if Imran Khan Sahib comes out of jail, then the people inside the party, the people inside the PTI, their interests are at the highest risk.
