Tempo Explain: Yang Muda Yang Tak Bekerja, Mengapa Banyak Gen Z Menganggur?

  • 4 months ago
Tempo Explain: Yang Muda Yang Tak Bekerja, Mengapa Banyak Gen Z Menganggur?


00:00GENZ is one of the most unemployed people in Indonesia
00:05The mismatch between the needs of the industry and the new labor force
00:08is indeed one of the root causes of many unemployed people
00:12The Minister of Labor, Ida Fauzia,
00:14lists the highest number of unemployed people
00:16among the GENZ population since they graduated from high school
00:21Based on the data of the Statistics Center,
00:23young people, or GENZ, are the largest contributors to the unemployment rate
00:27GENZ is a population that was born between 1997 and 2012
00:32The population projection from the BPS
00:34indicates that the number of GENZ in 2024
00:36reached 80 to 85 million people
00:41The latest data from the survey of the National Labor Force of the BPS
00:44indicates that the labor force per February 2024
00:47reached 149.38 million people
00:51Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached 4.82%
00:55or 7.20 million people
00:57As many as 16.82% aged 15 to 24 years
01:04The unemployment rate once jumped during the pandemic
01:06but has fallen since the last three years
01:08Although it tends to fall,
01:10the number of young unemployed people remains high
01:12To solve this problem,
01:14the government introduced President's Regulation No. 68 of 2022
01:18on the revitalization of vocational education and vocational training
01:22Through this regulation,
01:23the government requires educational institutions and training institutions
01:26to adjust their programs to the needs of the business and industry world
01:31Two years after the regulation was passed,
01:33the Indonesian Employers Association or APINDO
01:35assessed the unemployment problem among young people
01:38is still not resolved
01:40The head of the labor force of APINDO, Bob Azam,
01:42assessed the mismatch between the needs of the industry
01:45and the skill of graduates is still a problem
01:50According to Bob, the government must also build an industry
01:52that can absorb labor
01:54and focus on education and training budgets
01:56to make it more effective
01:58On the other hand, APINDO revealed
02:00the weakness of the labor-intensive industry
02:02while the capital-intensive industry cannot absorb labor
02:05As a result, there is a shift from the formal sector to the informal sector
02:11The shift of GENZ's employment absorption
02:13to this informal sector
02:15also became a reference point for the Executive Director of INDEF,
02:17Esther Sriastuti
02:19According to her,
02:20one of the reasons for the high unemployment rate among young people
02:23is a lot of undetected GENZ jobs
02:26such as creating social media content on Instagram,
02:29YouTube, and other online platforms
02:33Therefore, Esther does not see the high unemployment rate
02:37because the needs in the labor market
02:39are not suitable for the available resource qualifications
02:42To overcome this,
02:44Esther hopes the government can improve the quality of human resources
02:47as well as create a program that connects graduates with the labor market
02:51She said, change of curriculum is also needed
02:54to be more in line with the needs of the industry
