Trento, le infrastrutture pubbliche digitali al centro del Festival Economia 2024

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Nella cornice dell’edizione 2024 del Festival dell’Economia di Trento, in programma dal 23 al 26 maggio 2024 e organizzato da Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT), si è tenuto il panel ‘Infrastrutture digitali al servizio di cittadini e imprese’, un confronto tutto dedicato alle Digital Public Infrastructures (DPI), che da un anno a questa parte sono al centro dell’agenda internazionale per una trasformazione digitale che pone l’accento su protocolli, standard e soluzioni aperte, e che rappresentano un approccio in grado di creare le condizioni ideali per la crescita di servizi digitali pubblici e privati, con un accesso equo e inclusivo per tutta la popolazione.


00:00 Digital infrastructures for citizens and businesses.
00:07 This is the title of the meeting organized by the ABB Innovation Trentino Foundation,
00:11 which took place in the context of the 2024 edition of the Festival Economia di Trento.
00:16 At the center of the debate, the Digital Public Infrastructures,
00:19 protagonists of the international agenda for a digital transformation
00:23 that puts an emphasis on protocols, standards and open solutions,
00:26 creating the ideal conditions for the growth of public and private digital services
00:30 with equal and inclusive access for the entire population.
00:34 Our platforms impact the lives of millions of citizens
00:38 and that is why they are born inclusive and provide different access modes.
00:44 They are born based on open, secure, reliable and scalable standards,
00:49 which are designed to be able to operate interconnected.
00:53 The spread of our platforms has generated significant benefits
00:57 throughout the system, especially in terms of efficiency and innovation.
01:01 And thanks to these experiences, today we are here with our partners
01:05 to be able to work on the digital wallet, the latest generation of new DPI.
01:09 In the midst of an important revolution,
01:11 also the authentication systems at public services.
01:15 The polygraph guarantees the value, guarantees the identity of the citizen
01:20 and we will see how this is done, in particular with the digital identity system
01:26 that the polygraph has designed and realized in Tragoncia
01:30 and how we are bringing this also to the digital identity wallet,
01:37 which sees the polygraph committed to ensuring the trust,
01:42 to ensure the identity of the citizen.
01:45 In the wake of artificial intelligence,
01:47 in order for data to be used in the right way,
01:50 both by AI and by citizens and companies,
01:52 it is important that these are usable.
01:55 To do this, it is essential to have real and coordinated digital infrastructures
02:00 that can interact with each other.
02:03 The design of the European Commission goes in this direction.
02:07 It has launched initiatives on a set of digital infrastructures,
02:12 but it has also regulated access to these data,
02:16 creating a digital wallet for a unique digital identity
02:19 that can allow the citizen to put the data in the data space
02:26 but also allow the researchers to use it for the good of the citizens.
