Forum Pa 2024, Inps tra legalità e valore pubblico all’alba di un nuovo incarico

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Nella giornata di chiusura del Forum Pa 2024, a Roma dal 21 al 23 maggio, si è tenuto il panel ‘Legalità e valore pubblico: la sfida di guidare il più grande Istituto previdenziale d’Europa’, che ha visto protagonista la neo direttrice generale dell’Inps, Valeria Vittimberga. La nuova direttrice ha approfondito gli indirizzi e l’azione amministrativa che caratterizzeranno il suo mandato.


00:00 With over 400 performances and 42 million citizens using the IMPS,
00:10 it is a pillar of the welfare of our country,
00:13 a complex machine that today is experiencing an important moment
00:16 in a phase of generational change of the Institute
00:19 and the definition of new balances between the center and the territory.
00:23 We talked about it in the closing day of the PA Forum 2024,
00:27 in particular during the panel "Legality and public value,
00:30 the challenge of leading the largest presidential institute in Europe",
00:34 where the CEO of the IMPS, Valeria Wittimberga,
00:38 who has deepened the addresses and administrative actions
00:42 that will characterize her mandate, spoke.
00:44 An institution that, despite its softness and financial dimension that involves it,
00:51 is not elephant.
00:53 This is what we consider our strength,
00:58 because we are absolutely rooted in the territory and also in the small realities
01:04 and therefore we reach in a more effective and faster way
01:08 the users that are all over the national territory,
01:12 because we are a direction that thinks for goals and thinks for teamwork.
01:19 We have used the PNRR funds for many innovative projects for the user.
01:25 We hope to be able to make these tools available
01:28 for a better relationship with other public administrations,
01:32 because finally the user should not talk about public administrations,
01:37 but about public administration and have a unique and correct dialogue.
01:44 We also have many future projects on this.
01:47 We are working together with 3i on the constitution of a citizen's fascicle,
01:52 which will also solve some problems of excessively dispersive interface
01:57 with all the administrations.
