Science Food Festival, isasagawa sa May 29 hanggang June 1 sa Binondo, Manila

  • 4 months ago
Science Food Festival, isasagawa sa May 29 hanggang June 1 sa Binondo, Manila

00:00 Let's start our morning with food.
00:03 We'll know the details of the upcoming Science Food Festival of DOST
00:06 so we can have a food trip in this Food Fiesta.
00:10 And to guide us, we have our guests, Sir Almay Keith Tolete
00:15 of the Department of Science and Technology, NCR.
00:19 Good morning, Sir Keith.
00:20 Good morning, and thank you to PANAYA, Rice and Shine Philippines, of PTB4.
00:26 Tell us more about this Food Fiesta.
00:28 This is the DOST-ITDI Science Food Festival.
00:33 What is this about?
00:34 Is this a lot of food that we can eat, Sir?
00:38 Yes, that's right, Ma'am.
00:40 Actually, at DOST-NCR, we're launching this year,
00:44 our campaign, Science Beyond Borders, is from 2024 to 2028.
00:48 So, one of our big events under this campaign is the Science Food Festival.
00:54 We're actually in our third year of this annual event.
00:59 It is a four-day event from May 29 to June 1 in Lucky China Town, Binondo,
01:07 where we'll be meeting a lot of our clients' assistants
01:14 through technical assistance in various programs of DOST-NCR.
01:18 So, there's the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program or SETUP,
01:24 there's also Community Empowerment through Science and Technology or CEST,
01:29 and there's also Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines or I-Forward PH.
01:36 So, that will be featured as well as our various Techno Bazaars and packet activities.
01:44 Sir, you've mentioned that this is your third year. What is the highlight this year?
01:48 Are there any new products that will be featured in this Science Food Festival?
01:52 Yes, so, in the product, on day one of the opening,
01:57 there will be a launching of a developed Okara Energy Drink
02:03 in collaboration with DOST-ITDI,
02:06 and as well as Okara Flour in collaboration with PUP Manila.
02:14 So, launching as well as our other packet activities.
02:19 Because our Science Food Festival is in collaboration with I-Forward Summit,
02:23 which is a theme or a step-up for the country.
02:27 So, what we will highlight here is our multi-sectoral collaboration between our national governments
02:37 and agencies and private sectors to provide a nurturing environment for OFWs
02:46 who will start and improve their technopreneurship in their businesses.
02:54 Speaking about science and technology and food,
02:57 what is the important role of science and technology
03:01 to boost the food industry in the Philippines?
03:04 What are the specific things that you do and help our food entrepreneurs?
03:10 That's a good question, ma'am.
03:12 Actually, ma'am, one of the things that we expect or our idea in science and technology
03:17 is that there is R&D or Research and Development.
03:21 DOST-ITDI has different technologies and food that can be up for technology transfer or commercialization.
03:29 It will be adapted by our food business owners.
03:34 And then there are also products development that will be improved.
03:39 Then, of course, there is testing and our technical consultancies.
03:44 So, it's not just that you have a product, you're okay.
03:48 So, we should still be guided.
03:51 For example, our food has jurisdiction regulation from the FDA, from DOH.
04:01 So, DOST-ITDI helps through our technical consultancies
04:07 to make them more compliant or align with our food and safety standards.
04:12 So, we give them a guide or help.
04:14 Yes, technical assistance.
04:16 But sir, any hints?
04:18 Who are the exhibitors here, the participants in this Science Food Festival?
04:23 In Science Food Festival, we have our setup clients.
04:32 So, one of them is Queen Bee.
04:35 She's a Taho, a chilled Taho.
04:38 We also have the community assistance,
04:43 the city women's producers in Montinlupa.
04:46 They have their own bottle of bangus.
04:50 There are free tasters.
04:52 That's the point.
04:53 Of course, we have to support the entrepreneurs and exhibitors.
04:59 Well, thank you so much for joining us and for supporting this Food Festival of DOST-ITDI.
05:07 Thank you very much.
05:08 We are joined by Sir Aldekeith Tolete of DOST-NCR and Science Research Testulist II.
05:15 Thank you, sir.
05:16 Thank you.
