Kuruluş Osman 161. Bölüm - LAT Channel

  • 4 months ago
Osman Bey; Bursa, İznik ve Konstantiniyye ile olan ticareti durdurduğunu ilan eder. Uç Pazar’a da el koymuştur. Yakup Bey, Osman Bey’in bu hamlesine karşılık ne yapacaktır?

Ulcay, Konur ve Boran obadan kaçmıştır. Yollarını Konstantin Palealagos’un adamları keser. Ulcay’ın dostum dediği Konstantin Palealagos kimdir?

Uç Pazar’a el konulmasıyla birlikte Osman Bey’in zafer üzerine zafer elde etmesi Kayı Obası’nda bir şenlik havası estirmektedir. Fakat Gündüz Bey’in baskın yeme haberiyle sevinçleri kursaklarında kalır. Babasının haberini alan Elçim Hatun ne yapacaktır?

Bala Hatun sahte kadı oyununu İbrahim Bey’in yüzüne vurur. Melike Hatun’un foyası ortaya çıkacak mıdır? İbrahim Bey bütün bu olanlardan sonra ne yapacaktır?

Gonca Hatun ve Alaeddin Bey, Yakup Bey’le karşılaşırlar. Yakup Bey, Gonca’ya karşı öfkesini kusarken Alaeddin Bey ise Gonca’nın yanında durur. Bu gerilim nereye varacaktır?

Öte yanda Osman Bey, Bizans’a savaş açtığını ilan eder. Osman Bey’in bu kararını tetikleyen etken nedir?

Yapım: Bozdağ Fi̇lm
Proje Tasarım: Mehmet Bozdağ
Yapımcı: Mehmet Bozdağ
Yönetmen: Ahmet Yılmaz
Senaryo: Mehmet Bozdağ, Atilla Engin, Fatma Nur Güldalı, Ali Ozan Salkım, Mehmet Arı, Aslı Zeynep Peker Bozdağ
Oyuncular: Burak Özçivit (Osman Bey), Özge Törer (Bala Hatun), Emre Bey (Orhan Bey), Mirza Bahattin Doğan (Yakup Bey), Yusuf Gökhan Atalay (Yunus Emre), Çağrı Şensoy (Cerkutay), Yiğit Uçan (Boran), Berk Erçer (Konur), Erkan Bektaş (İbrahim Bey), Ümit Kantarcılar (Ulcay), Emre Dinler (Mehmet Bey), Ö. Faruk Aran (Alaeddin Bey), Leya Kırşan (Fatma Hatun), Ecem Sena Bayır (Holofira), Belgin Şimşek (Gonca Hatun), Begüm Çağla Taşkın (Ülgen Hatun), Bengi Öztürk (Melike Hatun), Fatih Ayhan (Baysungur), Şekip Taşpınar (Gündüz Bey), Yulduz Rajabova (Elçim Hatun), Tezhan Tezcan (Temirboğa), Turpal Tokaev (Turahan), Murat Boncuk (Aykurt), Ali Osman Arıkbaş (Gazi Alp)

Kuruluş Osman YouTube kanalına abone olun: http://atv.link/kosman
Kuruluş Osman Instagram sayfası: https://www.instagram.com/kurulusosman
Kuruluş Osman Twitter sayfası: https://twitter.com/kurulusosmanatv
Kuruluş Osman Facebook sayfası: https://www.facebook.com/kurulusosman

#KuruluşOsman #atv #BurakÖzçivit


00:03:31Ruhlar üzerine kaos gibi çöksün Osman
00:03:44Selamünaleyküm aleykümselam
00:03:50Hoş gelmişsin bey aşkörlük
00:03:52Hoş geldin
00:04:00Haydi buyurasınız
00:04:22Yo beylere diz çöktürmeyesiniz
00:04:42Ey ahali beylerim atlarım
00:04:47Mekeze kalesi
00:04:50Allah'ın izniyle kayının mülküdür
00:05:06Var olasınız var olasınız
00:05:11Var olasınız
00:05:14Allah'a şükürler olsun ki
00:05:17Hiçbir şehit vermeden
00:05:20Dizliğe diz kırdırdık
00:05:23Başlığa baş eğdirdik
00:05:31Ve hiç kimse
00:05:34Hiç kimse
00:05:36Fethimize mani olamadı
00:05:39Mekeze kalesindeki askerleri
00:05:42Hepsini söküp attık
00:05:45Ve şer ittifakını
00:05:48Yerle yeksan ettik
00:05:58Mekeze inşallah
00:06:01Bundan sonraki fetihler içinde
00:06:04Bize öncü olacaktır
00:06:13Haydi bakalım
00:06:15Nalimetleri ahalinin arasında
00:06:18Alplerin arasında dağıtasınız
00:06:27Eyvallah eyvallah eyvallah
00:06:30Sizler de var olasınız
00:06:33Esirler de
00:06:38Hükümlerini duymak için beklesinler
00:06:54Bu ne rezilliktir
00:06:56Siz kimsiniz ki benim beyime esir alırsınız
00:06:59Ayağını bastığın toprağın sahibiyiz Melike Hatun
00:07:03Beni durasın
00:07:22Osman belli ki ardına beyleri tekfurlara takıp getirmiş
00:07:25İpleri eline almış
00:07:29Bize kaçmaktan başka çare kalmadı
00:07:31Kurtulacağız haydi
00:07:34Kurtulacağız kurtulacağız
00:07:37Savaşçılarımın etlerine akbabaları kemirmeden
00:07:42Bu obanın sonu olacağız
00:07:55Beyler geldi
00:07:58Şimdi konuşacaksınız
00:08:01Yeter bu kadar istirahat ettikleri
00:08:04Çözün bu itleri haydi
00:08:07İyi de böyle yorulmayın
00:08:11Güneşimde kemiklerim ısınırdı
00:08:15He bir de havadar
00:08:18Hem de çadırın içi boğar
00:08:21Havadar he çadırın içi boğar
00:08:28Konur Bey
00:08:40Etlerinizi yumuşatıp derilerinizi yüzen de
00:08:43Bu kadar neşeli olabilecek misiniz?
00:08:46Alpler çözün bunları haydi
00:09:07Zaferin kutlu ola beyim
00:09:10Vereceğin karar öyle ya da böyle
00:09:13Daha büyük savaşların habercisi olacak
00:09:16Hem de hepsini kesip atsam
00:09:19Kaza davası tek damla kan dahi kaybetmeyecek
00:09:25Ama her taşın altından olacağı çıkar
00:09:31Şimdi onun hainliğini ortaya çıkarmazsak
00:09:35O vakit her şey bizim aleyhimize olur
00:09:39Orhan ve Konur
00:09:42O itin ağzından laf alabildiler mi?
00:09:45Kadı Rükneddin'in gömüldüğü yer
00:09:48Yerini sadece katil Orhan ve elçin bilir sanırdık
00:09:51Ama Ulcay da bilirmiş
00:09:55Kadı Rükneddin'in katildir beyim
00:09:58Bundan gayrı eminiz
00:10:01Ahmet'in katili de o it
00:10:05Ama bunu ortaya çıkarmak gerek
00:10:09Derisini yüzen konuşmaz o soysuz
00:10:15Birlikte kaçmalarına müsaade edeceğiz
00:10:21Orhan ve Konur'u onların yanına o yüzden soktuydum
00:10:25Onun itimadını kazansınlar
00:10:28Vakti gelenin ardına düşeceğiz
00:10:32Hakikati o çakal hürken öğrenebiliriz
00:10:36O vakit çakalın kafesini açalım he
00:10:39Aynen öyle
00:10:50Size ne vaat ettiler de Osman Bey'e ihanet ettiniz he?
00:10:55Helallerimi çöz de söyleyeyim
00:11:01Yol ayrı menzil bir derdin Boran Bey
00:11:06Ne değişti?
00:11:08Kör gözlerini açtım
00:11:11Osman Bey'in gerçek yüzünü gördü de
00:11:19Vuhulunca yiğit
00:11:24Kör gözlerini açtı he
00:11:27Şimdi senin o gözlerini oyan da
00:11:31Bakalım böyle konuşabilecek misin?
00:11:37Osman dur!
00:12:02Eniklerin sesi kötekle kesilir
00:12:07Gayrı Osman'ı öldürmek farz oldu
00:12:10Yoksa bizi bulanına canımız alır
00:12:14Hele şuradan bir çıkalım
00:12:17Onu obasıyla beraber kavuracağım
00:12:58Nice fitneyle
00:13:00Bize nice oyunlar kullanıyorsun
00:13:08Ama hakkın karşısında her daim kaybettiğiniz gibi
00:13:14Yine kaybettiniz
00:13:28Bizim kuyumuzu kazmak için
00:13:31Her daim hamle yapar
00:13:35Peki ya sizler?
00:13:41Türk'ün beyleri
00:13:51Asıl böyle bir şeye alet oldunuz he
00:13:54Ne geçti elinize?
00:13:55Ne geçti elinize?
00:13:57Deyin hele ne geçti?
00:14:03Mülkünüzü kaybettiniz
00:14:05Alınıza kara leke çalındı
00:14:20Bizi burada tutamaz
00:14:22Bizans bunun hesabını sorar Osman Bey
00:14:26Kendi beylerine ne soracaksan sor
00:14:30Fakat bir Bizans soyunda
00:14:41Sizin canınızı bağışlamak için elbette şartlarımız vardır
00:14:48İmparatora haber salın
00:14:50Bizans topraklarındaki esir tuttuğunuz Türkleri serbest bırakacaksınız
00:14:55Yok yere tuttuklarınızı, kürek mahkumlarını, fidye için beklettiklerinizi
00:15:09Ancak o zaman
00:15:12Buradan sağ çıkarsınız
00:15:18Bu topraklardan yalnızca ölünüz çıkacak
00:15:30Burada bekleyin hele
00:15:45Hadi bu yönde
00:15:56Atlar uyanmadan çıkalım
00:16:00Ahır nerededir?
00:16:02Ahıra girmenin imkanı yok
00:16:04Çok ortaladır
00:16:05Bir avuç alttan mı korkacağım?
00:16:08Yolumu kanla açarım
00:16:12Pusatını kılına koyasın
00:16:14Patırtı çıkarmayana çıkacağız
00:16:38Beylerime karşı
00:16:41Beni tutan tören var
00:16:48Benim dinim sizlere karşı
00:16:50Her daim sert olmamı ister
00:16:56Gayrı Bizans'a savaş açarım
00:16:59Sizin yurdunuz
00:17:01Bizim yurdumuz olana dek durmayacağız
00:17:12Hadi götürün bunları
00:17:13Buyurasınız beyler
00:17:44Tafirle iş birliği yaparak
00:17:49Çok büyük hata yaptınız
00:17:54Gaza için o topraklarda at koşturmak isterken
00:18:00Sizler bizim gazamıza mani oldunuz
00:18:05Bundan gayrı
00:18:07Hiç kimse ticaretin ardına saklanmayacak
00:18:12Baylık naraları atıp
00:18:14Ahalinin ve beylerin zehirlenmesine asla müsaade etmeyeceğiz
00:18:19Ve hiçbir Türk olmasın
00:18:22Bundan gayrı
00:18:25Bizans topraklarında ticaret yapmayacak
00:18:30Sen ne dersin Osman Bey?
00:18:33Ne haddiridir bizim ticaretimize karışmak?
00:18:35Ticaretimize karışmak
00:18:40İpliğinizi pazara çıkardık
00:18:45Daha hükmünüzü söylemedim
00:18:50Dua edin ki
00:18:52Dua edin ki o ipi boynunuza geçirmeyim
00:19:05Dua edin ki o ipi boynunuza geçirmeyim
00:19:31Ocağı yemi yuttu
00:19:32Yuttu ya
00:19:34Konur Bey inanması için gavura vurur gibi vurdu
00:19:38İnanmasa halim yamandı
00:19:40O kadar kelamdan sonra hak ettin Bay Sungur Alp
00:19:45Vallahi Boran Bey pek insaflı davrandı
00:19:51Şimdi ne olacak?
00:19:53Konur ile Boran
00:19:55Osman Bey'e hakikati verecekler
00:20:04Sizin gibi beyler olduğu müddetçe
00:20:08Düşmana hiç gerek yok
00:20:16Sizi ne hale düşürdü?
00:20:18Ne için?
00:20:20Yalnızca güç için
00:20:22Kudret için
00:20:23Neyi neden?
00:20:24Ne kazandı?
00:20:28Şimdi neyiniz var?
00:20:34Ben size söyleyeyim
00:20:37Bu topraklarda
00:20:41Hiçbir hükmünüz yok
00:20:47Bu uçlarda
00:20:49Ticareti bundan gayrı yalnızca biz yapacağız
00:20:53Her şey
00:20:55Bizim kontrolümüzde olacak
00:21:09Karp'tan Şark'a
00:21:10Şark'tan Garb'a
00:21:14Bütün ticaretleri durdurdum
00:21:20Hiç kimse
00:21:24Ticaret yapmayacak
00:21:28Bir kavgaya girer
00:21:30Ekmeğimize kan doğrarsın
00:21:33Osman Bey
00:21:36Bizim ticaretimize
00:21:38Nasıl mani olacak?
00:21:40Yakup Bey
00:21:42Anlamadın galiba
00:21:44Yurdundan çıkarmaya çalıştığın bütün kervanlar
00:21:50Hepsi vurulacak
00:21:52Osman Bey
00:22:02O vakit
00:22:04Bizans ile bir
00:22:06Bize de savaş açarsın
00:22:09Bu saydıklarının cümlesi
00:22:12Savaş sebebidir Osman Bey
00:22:15Hele dur
00:22:16Hele dur Yakup Bey
00:22:18Daha kelamımı tamam etmedim
00:22:20İşitmediğin şeyler var
00:22:25Nicedir övündün
00:22:27Uç pazar
00:22:32Bundan gayri
00:22:36Kayı'nın mülküdür
00:22:49Uç pazar
00:22:51Bundan gayri
00:22:53Kayı'nın mülkü olmuştur
00:22:59Ne durursunuz?
00:23:01Asın Kayı'nın şanlı sancaklarını
00:23:20Allahu ekber
00:23:22Allahu ekber
00:23:24Allahu ekber
00:23:26Allahu ekber
00:23:28Allahu ekber
00:23:33Bu sancak
00:23:35Cümle Türkmen'in
00:23:37Arasında bir ıldız gibi parlayıp
00:23:40Herkese kucak açar inşallah
00:23:42İnşallah Aykut Çavuş
00:23:50Sen ne dersin Osman Bey?
00:23:53Nerede görülmüş böyle iş?
00:23:55Sizler böyle
00:23:57Yüreksiz davrandığınız müddetçe
00:24:02Daha aklınızın almayacağı çok işler edeceğiz
00:24:07Osman Bey
00:24:10Şunu da bilirsin
00:24:13Bu yaptığının bir karşılığı olacaktır
00:24:20Önce sizler dua edin
00:24:22Sizin yaptıklarınıza karşılık
00:24:25Yalnızca kale ve bir tane pazar aldık
00:24:40Beyleri çadırlarına götürün
00:24:44Hükmüm açıklayana kadar
00:24:46Esir Mahmud'u alın
00:24:48Esir Mahmud'u görecekler
00:25:15Ey gidi Türk'ün beyleri
00:25:18Hele düştünüz şu hale bakın
00:25:23Beyim uzak diyarlardan gelip
00:25:26Seni görmek isteyen biri var
00:25:30Selamun Aleyküm Osman Bey
00:25:32Sana Ahıska Türk yurdundan selamlar getirdim
00:25:35Ve Aleyküm Selam
00:25:37Bizden de selamlar olsun
00:25:39He uzak diyarlardan gelirsiniz he
00:25:42Diyesin hele
00:25:44Nedir maruzat?
00:25:46Gazanı kavganı işittik ardında durmak isteriz
00:25:50Her gelen ardımıza durmak ister
00:25:53Ardımda değil hele şöyle yanımda durasın
00:25:56Sen bize yol ver ardında değil önünde dururuz
00:25:59Vakti gelende davan için can veririz Osman Bey
00:26:03Hay maşallah
00:26:05Ee kimi gider kimi gelir
00:26:10Yolumuza hoş geldiniz
00:26:12Hoş bulduk beyim
00:26:21Zafer günümüz
00:26:38Siz de kimsiniz?
00:26:40Çekilin önümüzden
00:26:52Seni Konstantin Paleologos'a götürmeye geldim
00:26:56Aziz dostuma selam olsun
00:26:59Pusatları kınlarına sokun
00:27:03Bu Konstantin de kim?
00:27:05Ne ister bizden?
00:27:07Gidelim vakit yok
00:27:22Osman için geri döneceğim
00:27:24Yeşilvadi'ye gidin
00:27:26Sizi orada bulacağım
00:27:28Sonra her şeyi anlatacağım
00:27:52Göz göre göre kasarlar
00:27:55Kim bunları konur?
00:27:57Nereye giderler?
00:27:59Kardeş peşlerine gidelim
00:28:00Bak bunlar bir şeytanlık edecek belli
00:28:03Koşarak nasıl yetişeceğiz Boran?
00:28:07Hem gidersek açığa çıkarız
00:28:10Bu çakal elbet dönüp dolaşıp inine dönecektir
00:28:13Yakında her şey faş olacak
00:28:16Onun aldığı nefes gayrı tükendi
00:28:18Onun aldığı nefes gayrı tükendi
00:28:30Tez atları hazırlayın haydi!
00:28:32Çok işimiz var çok!
00:28:38Gündüz Bey!
00:28:48Biraz vaktin var mıdır?
00:28:50Osman Bey'i iyi işittiniz
00:28:53Bu Rusya'ya Bizans'ın takviyesini kesmek lazım
00:28:57Ben de Sakarya'ya birkaç oba kurmaya giderim
00:29:01Diyeceğiniz çok mühim bir şey değilse sonra
00:29:08Münüz Bey
00:29:14Geçen gün yaşananlar
00:29:15Hoş şeyler değildi
00:29:20Kusura kalmayasın
00:29:23Sana çıkışmak istememiştim
00:29:26Yaşına da tecrübene de hürmetim vardır
00:29:31Hem püskünlük bize ne gerek?
00:29:34Başımızda bin tane bela varken
00:29:37Bir olmamız gerek ha Gündüz Bey
00:29:41Ben Moğolla
00:29:43Ben Moğolla
00:29:45Yıllar yılı savaştım
00:29:48Nice kan gördüm
00:29:50Nice ölüm gördüm
00:29:53Evladım yaşında bir beyin çıkışması
00:29:57Zoruma gitmedi değil
00:30:03Ama şimdi sen sana yakışanı yaptın
00:30:08Onu yok ettin
00:30:13Sen de kusura kalmayasın
00:30:16İlmine karışmamak lazımdı
00:30:18Estağfurullah Gündüz Bey estağfurullah
00:30:23Üzerinde hakkım kalmaz
00:30:25Yaşananları unutalım ha Gündüz Bey
00:30:29O yakasız göğüneye hepimiz sarılacağız
00:30:36Benim hakkım helaldir
00:30:38Seninki de bende kalmasın
00:30:40Eyvallah Gündüz Bey
00:30:44Ama ne diyor öyle dersin
00:30:47Daha çok beraber pusat sallayacağımız günler vardır ya
00:30:50Hiç öyle demeyesin
00:30:54Büyük savaş kapıdadır
00:30:56Gaza dediğin erde kan ister
00:31:01Bir nefesine bile hükmedemediğimiz şu dünyada
00:31:05Bugün varız yarın yokuz
00:31:07Yarın yokuz
00:31:11Emaneti sahibiyle teslim edeceğimiz vakti kim bilebilir
00:31:16Elbette bilemeyiz
00:31:18O sebeple canımızı vereceğimiz vakte kadar hür yaşayıp
00:31:21Mutlu olmaya çalışacağız ha
00:31:23Eyvallah Orhan Bey eyvallah
00:31:29He vazife beklemez
00:31:33Sizi birbirinize
00:31:38Kızım elçimi de sana emanet ederim
00:31:43Birbirinizle etle tırnak gibi olasınız
00:31:47Unutma elçimin senden başka kimsesi yoktur
00:31:53Gözün arkada kalmasın Gündüz Bey
00:31:56Kendi canımı veririm
00:31:58Ama elçimin canına zarar gelmesine müsaade etmem
00:32:04Haydi Allah'a emanet olun
00:32:07Eyvallah Gündüz Bey
00:32:09Haydi selametle Gündüz Bey
00:32:13Atlar haydi
00:32:18Yola revan olalım
00:32:20Yolumuz uzun
00:32:38Aslan kardeşim benim aslanım haydi
00:32:41Yola ağabey
00:32:48Refira şimdi bahsetmek istediğin bu mühim mesele
00:32:57Nedir kızım
00:33:01Vazifem de bitti
00:33:03Ben artık obadan ayrılmak istiyorum Osman Bey
00:33:07Sen bizim kızımız sayılırsın Refira
00:33:18Vazifen olsun olmasın
00:33:20Başımızın üstünde yerin vardır
00:33:22Hem nereye gideceksin ki
00:33:28Peki ya bu dediğinin
00:33:32Orhan Bey elçimle bir ilgisi var mı?
00:33:38Ben burada olduğum sürece
00:33:40Onların evliliğinin üzerinde hep bir kara bulut olacağım
00:33:45Evlilik bağlarına zarar vermek istemem
00:33:49En başından beri
00:33:51Üçümüz için de en iyisi benim gitmemdi
00:33:56Konstantiniye'ye mi gitmek istersin?
00:34:00İzniniz olursa eğer
00:34:02Siz Bursa'yı fethedene dek
00:34:04Ben oradaki manastırda kalmak isterim
00:34:07Orası Bizans'ın kalbi
00:34:10Obadan ayrılsam dahi
00:34:12Size yardım etmeye devam etmek istiyorum
00:34:22Bir vakittir yanımızda olduğunu elbet bilirler
00:34:25Hınçları büyük olur Hulefira
00:34:27Bu çok çetin bir vazife olur
00:34:31Ben teyzesinin ölüme yolladığı biriyim
00:34:35Benim için onlarla baş etmek
00:34:37İnanın zor değil
00:34:42Sizin beni kandırdığınıza
00:34:44Ve köle gibi kullanmak istediğinize ikna edeceğim
00:34:51Senin ne kadar yiğit bir kız olduğunu biliriz
00:34:56Her zaman
00:34:57Yiğit bir kız olduğunu biliriz
00:35:03Seni böyle bir tehlikenin içine atmak istemeyiz
00:35:08Sizin benim için yaptıklarınızdan sonra
00:35:11Bunu Kayılara borçluyum Osman Bey
00:35:14Siz bir gün
00:35:16Bursa'yı fethettiğinizde
00:35:18Ben de üstüme düşeni yapmış olmanın mutluluğunu yaşamak istiyorum
00:35:23Ne olur bana bunu çok görmeyin
00:35:28Sen bizim için yüreğini ortaya koydun
00:35:34Biz senin karşında durmakta bize yaraşmaz
00:35:38Pekala kızım
00:35:40Allah yolunu açık etsin
00:35:42Sağ olun
00:36:18Vasiyet alın
00:36:24Siz de kimsiniz?
00:36:53Hangi itin kuyruğuna bastıkta pusu atar?
00:36:56Ne istersin sen de kimsin?
00:36:58Merak etme
00:37:00Beni tanıyacaksın
00:37:04Getirin bunu
00:37:26İyice düşündün mü Olafur'a?
00:37:28Düşündüm Gonca
00:37:33Manastırda yaşayacağım
00:37:36Bir başına ne edeceksin ki orada?
00:37:38Gitmesen olmaz mı he?
00:37:40Her güzel şeyin bir sonu var Fatma
00:37:52Burada sizinle geçirdiğimiz günler
00:37:54Benim için çok değerliydi
00:38:18Gidiyor musun?
00:38:34Artık vedalaşma vakti
00:38:40Orhan Bey
00:38:44Yolun açık olsun
00:38:48Tekfurun kızı
00:38:54Zaferimizi işittim
00:38:59Kutlu olsun beyim
00:39:13Hoş gelmişsin kızım
00:39:24Alpler hazırdır Bala Hatun
00:39:26İyi, iyi
00:39:31Kim nereye gider?
00:39:33Ben gidiyorum
00:39:38Kalacağım derdin
00:39:41Tekfurlarla ticaret bitti
00:39:44Vazifem de bitti
00:39:49Artık gitme vakti
00:39:50Artık gitme vakti
00:39:52Sağ ducakla kalın
00:40:01Yolun açık olsun Hovafira
00:40:03Sağ ol
00:40:10Haydi elçiğim
00:40:21Benim için hep bir anne gibiydin Bala Hatun
00:40:25O yüzden en çok
00:40:27Seninle ayrılmak zor gelir bana
00:40:31Anaların yeri hiç donmaz
00:40:35İyi bilirim kızım
00:40:37Bir ananın
00:40:39Evladın acısı dinmez
00:40:42Ama kabuk bağlar
00:40:44Bir ananın
00:40:46Evladının acısı dinmez
00:40:48Ama kabuk bağlar
00:40:52Sen de benim kızım sayılırsın
00:40:56Dualarım hep seninle olacak
00:41:00Yolun açık olsun
00:41:02Sağ ol Bala Ana
00:41:18Yolun açık olsun Tekfur'un kızı
00:41:21Hızır yoldaşın
00:41:25Melekler koruyucun olsun inşallah
00:41:48Obadaki konukluğunuz uzun sürmeyecek
00:41:56Yurdunuza döneceksiniz
00:42:02Kılıç hakkını kullanıp
00:42:04Bize savaş açacaksın he
00:42:10Uç Pazar
00:42:12Yakup Bey'in idi
00:42:14Elindeki kılıç
00:42:15Bey'in idi
00:42:17Elinden aldın
00:42:20Mekkeci kalesi benim idi
00:42:22Elimden aldın
00:42:25Sen böyle yaparken
00:42:27Nasıl sulh olacak
00:42:32Uç Pazar'ı sana bırakmayacağım
00:42:36Ticaret micaret yok
00:42:42Ya ayakta
00:42:46Ya da dört kolluyla
00:42:49İlla bu yaptıklarının hesabını vereceksin Osman Bey
00:42:54Ben ne yaptıysam Türk'ün birliği için yaptım
00:42:59Eğer ki karşımda duracaksanız
00:43:01Eğer ki bana mani olacaksanız
00:43:04O vakit
00:43:06Sizi bir daha bağışlamam bilirsiniz
00:43:12Destur var mıdır Bey'im
00:43:18Bey'im bir alp geldi
00:43:22Bey'im Gündüz Bey'i aldılar
00:43:29Ama farklıydılar Bey'im
00:43:38Hele bana bakın
00:43:42Eğer bu işin içinde bir dahliniz varsa
00:43:50O vakit buradan çıkamazsınız
00:44:00Orhan Aliyettin
00:44:02Benimle gelin
00:44:11Babamın alp yaralanmış
00:44:13Kötü haber mi var?
00:44:14Gündüz Bey, Gündüz Bey baskın yemiş elçi
00:44:36İyi midir?
00:44:37Sağlığı yerinde mi?
00:44:38Hakikati söyle lütfen
00:44:41Haydi alpler
00:44:43Ben de geleyim
00:44:45Vaktimiz yok
00:44:46Atanı sana getireceğiz söz
00:44:49Kızım gel
00:44:51Orhan haklı, haydi
00:44:53Bize emanettir
00:44:54Yolunuz açık olsun
00:44:59Bunu yapan her kimse
00:45:02Bunun ardında kim varsa
00:45:04Onun somyunu olacak
00:45:32Gündüz ölürse
00:45:34Osman hiçbirimizi sağ koymaz
00:45:37Bunun için de bizi suçlayamaz ya
00:45:40Benim anlamam haktır
00:45:45İşte böyle
00:45:48Bir bir öleceksiniz
00:45:51Her gün birinizin cenazesi çıkacak burada
00:45:56Sakin ol
00:45:57Sakin ol kızım
00:46:05Benden alacağın
00:46:09Kan ve kemiktir
00:46:12Bizim obanın
00:46:14Hatunları bile
00:46:16Daha sert olur
00:46:36Esirlere nasıl davranacağını bilmezsin Theodor
00:46:40Bak Gündüz Bey
00:46:43Her tarafı kan içinde
00:46:46Onca yöntem varken bile
00:46:49Öyle değil mi Gündüz Bey?
00:47:00Allah'tan tek dileğim...
00:47:02Artık Gündüz dilek dileyemez
00:47:07Kasvetli gece oldu
00:47:10Alacak nefesin bitti
00:47:12Gündüz Bey
00:47:19Durma o vakit
00:47:21Ne beklersin?
00:47:23Bizim gideceğimiz yer
00:47:30İstediğinizi asla vermez
00:47:33İstediğinizi asla vermeyeceğim
00:47:35Sen öyle san
00:47:37İşler değişti
00:47:41Bursa'nın muhafızlığına
00:47:43Yüce İmparator
00:47:45Konstantin Palaiologos'u getirdi
00:47:49Senin ölümün
00:47:52Bursa'ya aziz koruyucu olacak
00:47:59Bedel olarak
00:48:01Ben ister
00:48:04Ben vermeye hazırım
00:48:09Senin ölümün kolay olmayacak Gündüz
00:48:14Çakal aklında ne var Bulcay?
00:48:19Osman peşimdedir
00:48:22Elbet izini bulacak gelir
00:48:25Ona önce bir hediye vereceğiz
00:48:29O hediye ile oynaşırken
00:48:31Biz de Palaiologos'a gideceğiz
00:48:59Çekilesin yoldan Gonca
00:49:01Hele bir durasın
00:49:09Demek beni öldürtecek kadar
00:49:11Benden nefret edersin he
00:49:13Yakup Bey
00:49:16O ne demek?
00:49:18Kervanın ardından yolladığınız
00:49:20Bizans askerlerini derim
00:49:22Siz yollamadınız mı?
00:49:35Sen o kervanda mıydın?
00:49:40Bilmez miydiniz?
00:49:47Madem bu kadar öldürmek istersin
00:49:50İşte karşındayım
00:49:52Yakup Bey
00:49:54Ardımdan kefere iti yollamana gerek yok
00:49:59O tokatlarını
00:50:01Naşrıma bir ateş yaktın
00:50:05Benim içimdeki sevgini öldürdün zaten
00:50:09Ama yetmemiş
00:50:24Çekesin pusatını
00:50:26Alasın canımı Yakup Bey
00:50:28Atam öyle şey etmez Gonca
00:50:29Kendine gelesin
00:50:34Yalan mı derim ben?
00:50:38Siz yollamadınız mı onları?
00:50:54O kervanı
00:50:56Polifera ile bir düzdük
00:50:58Benim gideceğimi cümle alem bilirdi de
00:51:02Siz mi bilmezdiniz?
00:51:06Ama bilmezdim Gonca
00:51:14Keşke sana inanabilsem
00:51:21O kadar isterdim ki
00:51:28Sen ne dersin baba?
00:51:33Haberim hele ki Hatun Mert
00:51:37Hele ki
00:51:39Başından beri
00:51:41Gonca'nın da ölmesini ister
00:51:49Beni evlat katil edecekler
00:51:52Beni evlat katil edecekler
00:51:53Beni evlat katil edecekler
00:52:25Bunlar Güdüz Bey'in atlarıdır
00:52:38Boran Bey'le gelir
00:52:47Boran Bey'in atlarıdır
00:52:49Boran Bey'in atlarıdır
00:52:51Boran Bey'in atlarıdır
00:52:54Boran Bey'in atlarıdır
00:52:56Bolca ile birlikte ele elerdik beyim
00:53:00Karşımıza Bizanslılar çıktı
00:53:02Sıradan asker değillerdi
00:53:06Bolca onlarla birlikte gitti
00:53:08Bizi de yerli Emre Candar Bey'lere haber salmak için yolladı beyim
00:53:14Soysuz it
00:53:16Nereye gitti Conor?
00:53:20Ardlarına düşecektik ama
00:53:21What did we do? We couldn't catch up, sir.
00:53:24Ulcai told us to go to Yeşilvadi.
00:53:31They are after Mr. Gündüz. They will kill him.
00:53:35Sir, let's go with them.
00:53:37No, no.
00:53:39We can't leave Ulcai's head for another day.
00:53:42You will go from where you said.
00:53:44We will go after Mr. Gündüz.
00:53:47Yes, sir.
00:53:49Let Boran and Konur go.
00:53:52Bury the martyrs.
00:53:54Yes, sir.
00:53:56Thank you, sir.
00:53:58Let's go.
00:53:59You have no mercy.
00:54:25You tied their hands.
00:54:27If only they were free from the last of their suffering when they were dying.
00:54:32Find your God.
00:54:35I will never bow to your evil.
00:54:46I normally like to bury people alive, Theodor.
00:54:50But this time it's different.
00:54:53We will play a game with Mr. Gündüz.
00:54:57Right, Mr. Gündüz?
00:54:59You won't die so easily.
00:55:07I will.
00:55:16This will stop Osman.
00:55:20And make him angry, Ulcai.
00:55:22I wish I could be here and see Osman's face.
00:55:55There are tracks.
00:55:57They all look like each other.
00:55:59And they all go towards Şimane like the other tracks.
00:56:03It's obvious that they leave tracks on purpose, sir.
00:56:05They try to find the track they want.
00:56:08But there is nothing to do.
00:56:10We will find Mr. Gündüz.
00:56:14Osman Bey.
00:56:17We will find Osman.
00:56:19Osman Bey.
00:56:32Osman Bey.
00:56:35Osman Bey.
00:56:37Mr. Gündüz.
00:56:38I'm here.
00:56:41Osman Bey.
00:56:49Bring the rope.
00:56:50Come on.
00:56:53Mr. Gündüz.
00:56:54Hold on.
00:57:04Come on, boys.
00:57:07Hold the rope, Mr. Gündüz.
00:57:10Hold it.
00:57:11Come on.
00:57:14We can make many infidels on horseback.
00:57:18Hold on, Mr. Gündüz.
00:57:22Hold it.
00:57:37Mr. Gündüz.
00:57:39Are you okay?
00:57:41How are you?
00:57:43Osman Bey.
00:57:47Ali Alakos.
00:57:49I know.
00:57:51I know.
00:57:52I know all of them. Don't worry.
00:57:54I know all of them.
00:57:58Look at me.
00:58:02The situation is serious.
00:58:07What do we do?
00:58:14Hold on, Mr. Gündüz.
00:58:15Hold on.
00:58:16Hold on.
00:58:23He will hold on.
00:58:24Of course, he will hold on.
00:58:27Mr. Gündüz.
00:58:29You stand behind us like a mountain.
00:58:31Is that possible?
00:58:34Who will we lean on?
00:58:38Don't leave us alone.
00:58:39Don't leave us alone.
00:58:40Come on.
00:58:41Come on.
00:58:42You are never alone, Mr. Osman.
00:58:46There is a big nation behind you.
00:58:50They stand behind you like a mountain.
00:58:52I want you to see it.
00:58:55You will see it.
00:58:57It's time for me to hand over my trust to its owner, Mr. Osman.
00:59:04I entrust my trust to you.
00:59:22My son, Orhan.
00:59:26Don't worry.
00:59:28Don't worry, Mr. Gündüz.
00:59:35Don't worry about anything, Mr. Gündüz.
00:59:42And take this Russia, Mr. Osman.
00:59:52Don't worry about anything.
00:59:54May God be with you.
00:59:56I hope this Russia will be Turkish territory.
01:00:00I hope so.
01:00:04I hope so.
01:00:07I hope so.
01:00:10I hope so.
01:00:11Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
01:00:36Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
01:00:41Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
01:00:47Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
01:01:03Go, Mr. Gündüz.
01:01:05Then, everyone from your family...
01:01:14...will be...
01:01:16...will be...
01:01:19...Mr. Gündüz.
01:01:21Then everyone...
01:01:23...will have you...
01:01:28...no, this will be the last day.
01:01:30You won't live another day.
01:01:35I will show the whole world...
01:01:38...what it means to touch one of us.
01:01:41The whole world.
01:02:15...Mr. Gündüz's condition is not good at all.
01:02:21If something happens to him...
01:02:24Osman won't let any of us live, sir.
01:02:28Are we going to wait for death here, hand in hand?
01:02:32Say something!
01:02:34Mr. İbrahim!
01:02:42Mr. Yakup!
01:02:46I will ask only one question.
01:02:52When you sent the soldiers to stop Kayı's caravan...
01:02:58...did you know that Gonca was there?
01:03:05I am asking you!
01:03:19...are you implying, Mr. Yakup?
01:03:25Did you know that Gonca was there?
01:03:28I said you sent the soldiers.
01:03:35I didn't know.
01:03:43Melike Hatun!
01:03:48Did you know?
01:03:56You were going to kill my son.
01:04:00I didn't know either.
01:04:03I didn't know.
01:04:06Didn't you reject that girl, Mr. Yakup?
01:04:10What if Gonca was in that caravan or not?
01:04:18She knew.
01:04:20You knew, Melike Hatun.
01:04:23You sent my sister to die knowingly.
01:04:26I said I didn't know. Can't you hear?
01:04:28I didn't know.
01:04:31But weren't you going to kill the girl who put you in trouble?
01:04:36Is she precious now?
01:04:39My son is my son.
01:04:41His life is my life.
01:04:47I am a father.
01:04:49A father...
01:04:51...with sin...
01:04:54...and punishment...
01:04:56...is me.
01:04:57Mr. Yakup!
01:05:06...and your voice.
01:05:14I understand you, Mr. Ibrahim.
01:05:18We will part ways here.
01:07:55Who did this, Osman Bey?
01:08:01Konstantin Paliovas.
01:08:04My son.
01:08:06He moves with Nuca.
01:08:09We will see his face when he comes to our tent.
01:08:23My messenger.
01:08:26We will avenge this.
01:08:28I promise you.
01:08:30We will avenge this.
01:08:47...go to my assistant.
01:08:49She is a big helper.
01:08:51Don't worry.
01:08:53You will be safe.
01:08:54Don't worry.
01:09:03I am sorry for your loss, Osman Bey.
01:09:10...was a brave man.
01:09:13I am sorry for your loss.
01:09:17Because of this...
01:09:20...your husband, Ulucay, is dead.
01:09:24Mr. Ibrahim.
01:09:33Why did you kill Ulucay, Mr. Gunduz?
01:09:36Because he killed those who were with us until now.
01:09:43What are you saying, Osman Bey?
01:09:46I said it before.
01:09:48I will say it now.
01:09:52...if you have...
01:09:55...the slightest interest in this...
01:09:59...if I prove it...
01:10:04...I will bury you in this land.
01:10:19First, I will prove what Ulucay did.
01:10:23Then, it will be your turn.
01:11:03I will not cry until those who did this to my ancestor are caught...
01:11:07...and punished.
01:11:12No more crying.
01:11:15I promise you, Hatun.
01:11:17Those traitors will pay for their sins.
01:11:22Now, the archers will speak.
01:11:30Attention! Osman Bey!
01:11:47My daughter.
01:11:49How are you?
01:11:51I am fine.
01:11:58Hang on, my daughter.
01:12:00May God give you patience.
01:12:04Thank you, Bala Hatun.
01:12:08Osman Bey.
01:12:12Those who did this to my ancestor...
01:12:14Don't worry.
01:12:16They will pay for it.
01:12:18We will kill Ulucay and the Byzantine dogs...
01:12:21...behind him.
01:12:25When will the funeral be held, my Bey?
01:12:29Before Gündüz Bey's blood dries...
01:12:31...the dog called Ulucay will be buried.
01:12:36We will carry out our duty.
01:12:40Excuse me.
01:12:42I will come with you.
01:12:45You will carry out your last duty, my daughter.
01:12:49Don't worry.
01:12:51We will take care of the rest.
01:12:56We will avenge Gündüz Bey, my Bey.
01:12:58Keep an eye on him.
01:13:00Osman Bey's grave
01:13:02is in front of the people.
01:13:04He has been crushed by the gendarmerie.
01:13:06He is holding us in his tribe...
01:13:08...as if it is not enough.
01:13:10Osman holds the enemy...
01:13:12...in front of his eyes, Memez.
01:13:14What else can he do, father?
01:13:16He is holding his own wife...
01:13:18...in front of his eyes.
01:13:20He is holding his own wife...
01:13:22...in front of his eyes.
01:13:24He is holding his own wife...
01:13:26...in front of his eyes.
01:13:28What else can he do, father?
01:13:30He destroyed his own ancestors.
01:13:32How will we get rid of this trouble?
01:13:36When Osman reveals...
01:13:38...his intention to capture...
01:13:40...we will make our move.
01:13:48...the alliance with Mr. İbrahim...
01:13:50...has caused us a lot of damage.
01:13:54Their blind ambition...
01:13:56...has done good to Osman.
01:14:02There is no alliance anymore.
01:14:06We will regain the sovereignty.
01:14:12Do I have permission to come in, sir?
01:14:14Let him in.
01:14:20Sir, the Kayi Alps...
01:14:22...want to enter the tent.
01:14:28Osman will not be at ease, father.
01:14:30How can I stand?
01:14:32Let him in.
01:14:34Let's see what his problems are.
01:14:36Come in, sir.
01:14:56He wants to raid.
01:14:58What is the point of entering the tent...
01:15:00...at this time, Cerkutay?
01:15:06With the order of Osman Bey...
01:15:14...we will take Mehmet Bey hostage.
01:15:22Did Osman lose his mind?
01:15:24How dare he?
01:15:26There is an end to this attack.
01:15:30Osman Bey's decision is final.
01:15:34We will take Mehmet Bey hostage...
01:15:36...for a while...
01:15:38...so that there is no war...
01:15:40...between the two Beys.
01:15:44Permission to come in, sir.
01:15:54Osman has turned his back on you.
01:15:58I have stood up for you.
01:16:04I gave your son...
01:16:06...your family...
01:16:08...and you...
01:16:10...a tent...
01:16:12...to put you in.
01:16:16You have shared so much love with Mehmet.
01:16:24Now you will take it.
01:16:34I will.
01:16:42Osman Bey...
01:16:44...has never turned his back on me.
01:16:48The road is on my way.
01:16:50One step...
01:16:52...is always ten steps.
01:17:10Mehmet's life is in my hands.
01:17:12If you don't make a mistake...
01:17:16...nothing will happen to you, Mr. Yakup.
01:17:18Excuse me.
01:17:20A fire has fallen...
01:17:22...on the Kayi tribe.
01:17:24It won't grow any bigger.
01:17:30Let me go!
01:17:34Let me go!
01:17:50If anything happens to Mehmet...
01:17:54...I will make you...
01:17:56...pay for it, Cerkutay.
01:18:00You know that.
01:18:04...take Mehmet Bey.
01:18:06Let me go!
01:18:12...will not stand by Osman.
01:18:48What will you say, Osman Bey?
01:18:50Osman Bey...
01:18:52...did you call us here to crush us?
01:18:54Mr. Mehmet...
01:18:56...let's listen to Osman first.
01:19:08...don't go after your ancestor.
01:19:14When you are behind me...
01:19:16...your ancestors will only be there.
01:19:18You won't keep us captive for this alone, Osman Bey.
01:19:22You must have another purpose.
01:19:30I will make you witness the truth.
01:19:32What truth?
01:19:36The truth that the enemy is trying to cover up.
01:19:40Don't you see us as enemies, Osman Bey?
01:19:42If I knew you were enemies...
01:19:44...you wouldn't be here now.
01:19:50Come on.
01:19:52Make your preparations.
01:19:54We will leave at dawn.
01:20:22We are almost there.
01:20:24After this point...
01:20:26...I will continue alone.
01:20:28We could have come with you.
01:20:30The Russian soldiers...
01:20:32...must not see you.
01:20:34Let's say goodbye here.
01:20:38Ulgen Hatun...
01:20:40...you have always...
01:20:42...treated me like a sister.
01:20:44But what have I done?
01:20:48Since you came to the tribe...
01:20:50...you haven't smiled once.
01:20:52I hope you find peace in Brussels.
01:20:54Whatever I have experienced with the Kayis...
01:20:56...I am glad I have.
01:20:58I wish my departure...
01:21:00...would be the beginning of happy days for all of us.
01:21:04I hope so.
01:21:58...is not here, Hatun.
01:22:00My Bey...
01:22:02...Andral is not here.
01:22:06Ibrahim Bey...
01:22:08...they will kill us all one by one.
01:22:12We will wait here.
01:22:16Do I have permission to come in, Ibrahim Bey?
01:22:20Let him in.
01:22:28Bala Hatun is waiting for you.
01:22:30Look at him!
01:22:32Does he call us to his feet?
01:22:36...Bala Hatun...
01:22:38...has something to say...
01:22:40...let her say it here.
01:22:42I will not go to anyone's feet.
01:22:48Bala Hatun says so.
01:22:50You will go, Ibrahim Bey.
01:22:54If you wish, we will take you by force.
01:22:56But you should know that we will take you.
01:22:58You will take us by force.
01:23:02You will...
01:23:04...stab us in the face.
01:23:16We will go by force.
01:23:28We will go by force.
01:23:42Where have you been, Tugay?
01:23:46I haven't enjoyed this much in a long time.
01:23:50What is it?
01:23:54The great Bey of Kayi...
01:23:56...has passed away.
01:23:58These lands that he called his own...
01:24:02...are now his swamp.
01:24:04He died and left.
01:24:12May he rest in peace.
01:24:16What about Osman?
01:24:18Will he not fall behind us?
01:24:20Of course he will.
01:24:22He will.
01:24:24But Osman...
01:24:26...is a wounded wolf now.
01:24:30We are not alone anymore.
01:24:34Constantine Palaeologos...
01:24:36...will be with us...
01:24:38...in these lands soon.
01:24:42I have informed him.
01:24:46Who is this Constantine?
01:24:48He is someone who even the great commanders of Byzantium are afraid of.
01:24:52He made a massacre from the Balkans...
01:24:54...to the other end of the West.
01:24:56He is loyal...
01:24:58...only to the emperor.
01:25:04He is coming to these lands now.
01:25:10...Osman wants war.
01:25:14We will do what we can.
01:25:16We will bring war...
01:25:18...to these lands.
01:25:22But first...
01:25:26...I will take Osman's...
01:25:28...one by one.
01:25:34How will we do this?
01:25:36You will see.
01:25:50Now we know...
01:25:52...who to point our weapon at.
01:25:54What a bastard!
01:25:56We have a snake in our necks.
01:25:58Mr. Ibrahim...
01:26:00...will behead this bastard.
01:26:02Wait a minute.
01:26:04You have not heard anything yet.
01:26:06These are just rumors.
01:26:10Now it is time for arrogance.
01:26:12He will ask for everything.
01:26:14You will ask for everything.
01:26:24Bala Hatun...
01:26:26...what is so important...
01:26:28...that you want to bring us to your feet?
01:26:32Have a seat, Mr. Ibrahim.
01:26:36You want to bring us to your feet...
01:26:38...as if it is not enough.
01:26:40We do not have time to sit.
01:26:44What are you going to talk about?
01:26:46You have been talking...
01:26:48...since we came here.
01:26:50You do not hear me...
01:26:52...or you do not understand.
01:26:54Melike Hatun.
01:26:56Bala Hatun...
01:26:58...what is so important...
01:27:00...that you want to bring us to your feet?
01:27:06...it is dark inside.
01:27:08Light the candles...
01:27:10...so that we can see each other better.
01:27:14I will light them, mother.
01:27:38My patience is running out, Bala Hatun.
01:27:40It will be done, Bala Hatun.
01:27:42Let it be simple.
01:27:44Osman Bey...
01:27:46...went to bring Gulce, Mr. Ibrahim.
01:27:50...fake woman issue.
01:27:54Bala Hatun...
01:27:56...I told Osman Bey...
01:27:58...we have nothing to do...
01:28:00...with this fake woman issue.
01:28:04What else are you mixing up?
01:28:06You do not know...
01:28:08...that she came here...
01:28:10...to bring us to your feet, Mr. Ibrahim?
01:28:18And she was punished...
01:28:20...for being unruly in her case.
01:28:24You two...
01:28:26...what are you trying to say?
01:28:28What are you trying to say?
01:28:30Mr. Ibrahim...
01:28:32...let's go.
01:28:34Stop, Melike Hatun.
01:28:36Melike Hatun...
01:28:38...we can talk here.
01:28:42What are you afraid of?
01:28:44Your lies...
01:28:46...or your sins?
01:28:48Didn't you kill...
01:28:50...Qadi Rukneddin...
01:28:52...to take my son to the rope?
01:29:00What are you saying, Bala Hatun?
01:29:04Think, Mr. Ibrahim.
01:29:08Who else...
01:29:10...wants Aladdin...
01:29:12...to be punished with execution...
01:29:14...than you?
01:29:16Not you, but...
01:29:18...his mother.
01:29:22They are lying.
01:29:24They are lying.
01:29:26First you killed my son...
01:29:28...and now you want to separate us.
01:29:30And now...
01:29:32...you are trying to separate us.
01:29:34I won't stay here any longer.
01:29:36Mr. Ibrahim...
01:29:38...come on, let's go.
01:29:40Not only this, Melike Hatun...
01:29:42...I heard...
01:29:44...you interrogated...
01:29:46...the sorcerers around.
01:29:50How can you extend your hand...
01:29:52...to a sin...
01:29:54...that God cursed?
01:30:00Your lies never end.
01:30:02I won't stay here any longer.
01:30:04Get out of my sight.
01:30:06You are afraid, aren't you, Melike Hatun?
01:30:10Don't be afraid.
01:30:12You won't die.
01:30:14Not only Qadi Rukunettin...
01:30:16...but also Mr. Ibrahim...
01:30:18...put a poisonous candle...
01:30:20...in our Hatun's tent...
01:30:22...and cursed us.
01:30:24We learned from the sorcerer he went to.
01:30:28But don't be afraid.
01:30:30His punishment is over.
01:31:00Did you think...
01:31:02...you wouldn't smell the jackal you set up?
01:31:06If you set a trap for one of us...
01:31:10But that's how it is.
01:31:14A jackal sets a trap...
01:31:16...and you fall.
01:31:20...it happened again.
01:31:45You came just in time, gentlemen.
01:31:59First Gündüz...
01:32:01...then you.
01:32:03You won't be able to escape, Osman.
01:32:06We won't be able to escape, huh?
01:32:11Where did you see us afraid of death?
01:32:14We live only with death.
01:32:18Mr. Gündüz...
01:32:20...would it ever hurt you?
01:32:24...or bravely...
01:32:26...you won't be able to change it, Osman.
01:32:30This time...
01:32:32...you won't be able to do anything.
01:32:38I dug the well, Osman.
01:32:41I knew you would follow me.
01:32:44I took all my precautions.
01:32:46All of them.
01:32:50First I fell for your ambition.
01:32:52Now you will fall for me.
01:32:57I killed Ahmet.
01:33:04I raided...
01:33:06...Karacahisar Bazaar.
01:33:10I killed the Cadi with my own hands.
01:33:20Now I will kill you.
01:33:23Even the devil can't understand...
01:33:25...what this dog has done.
01:33:28Go and kill this dog.
01:33:30Wait a minute, Mr. Mehmet.
01:33:32Let him finish.
01:33:34Pull yourself together, Mehmet.
01:33:36It's obvious that we have more to do.
01:33:38Let him finish.
01:33:53How could you, Hatun?
01:33:55How could you?
01:33:58Did you really kill Cadi Efendi?
01:34:01How could I know, sir?
01:34:03How could I know that our son's killer...
01:34:05...was in Byzantium?
01:34:07Out of all the pain...
01:34:09Shut up.
01:34:14You put my head down.
01:34:16Shut up.
01:34:18I don't want to hear you anymore.
01:34:20I don't want to hear you anymore.
01:34:23Our son's killer was found.
01:34:25He wasn't found.
01:34:27Mr. Ibrahim.
01:34:29He is not the killer.
01:34:31What are you saying, Bala Hatun?
01:34:33He was found.
01:34:35That Byzantine...
01:34:37The game is too big, Mr. Ibrahim.
01:34:40Your son's killer is...
01:34:46Not all of you.
01:34:48Someone else is holding him.
01:34:50It's all his game.
01:34:52He wants to break the whole Turkmen into pieces.
01:34:56Mr. Osman is after him now.
01:34:59He will catch the game's killer.
01:35:07Do you know what I will do...
01:35:09...after I kill your son and you, Osman?
01:35:12I will...
01:35:14...defeat this place...
01:35:16...with the Armenian...
01:35:18...and Candar flags.
01:35:26You are trying to play a game with Ulcayit's mind.
01:35:31The Turks who hear this matter...
01:35:33...will have no hope of unity.
01:35:38You will not be able to fight your enemies.
01:35:40If you had acted with your own mind...
01:35:43...you would have realized that this was not my case.
01:35:49...you did not realize it.
01:35:53...if I drop the flag...
01:35:56...you will see that others will take it.
01:35:59Ulcayit will see it too.
01:36:01I will cut his throat too.
01:36:07The earth is ours...
01:36:09...the sky is ours.
01:36:11As long as Ilhan is there...
01:36:13...only their flag will be waved in these skies.
01:36:20Now I will crush you.
01:36:37Come here.
01:36:41Come here.
01:37:02I came here for two things.
01:37:04One for those who will confess...
01:37:06...and the other...
01:37:08...for your innocent life.
01:37:50We have had enough, my Bey!
01:37:52Allah Akbar!
01:38:04Allah Akbar!
01:38:13Konur, let's get out of here!
01:38:35My Bey.
01:38:38Ibrahim Bey.
01:38:52Do not believe what they say.
01:38:54Shut up!
01:39:05What did you do?
01:39:10What did you do, wife?
01:39:14Did you do magic?
01:39:17Did you make...
01:39:20...Turkmen's son, Kadir Rukneddin?
01:39:26I do not know what I did out of pain, my Bey.
01:39:31Whatever I did...
01:39:33...whatever I did, I did out of pain.
01:39:35Shut up!
01:39:49Your sins are too much.
01:39:52Shut up!
01:40:02I will not let you do what you did.
01:40:06You will be punished.
01:40:11...until you return to your homeland...
01:40:14...I do not want even a single mistake.
01:40:18Ibrahim Bey.
01:40:24I will not let you do this, Bala.
01:40:47I will not let you do this, Bala.
01:41:04This is the land of brave men.
01:41:08They give their lives, but they do not give their lives to a dog or a jackal.
01:41:12Ya Allah!
01:41:17Ya Allah!
01:41:30Do not worry, my dear.
01:41:32I will take your life, my dear.
01:41:34Come here.
01:41:40Soldiers! Soldiers!
01:41:43What is it?
01:41:44Are you not brave enough?
01:41:48Soldiers! Soldiers!
01:41:55We do not have much time left, Serdo.
01:42:02...this face will remember me.
01:42:04Killing me will not change anything.
01:42:07Constantinople is coming to you.
01:42:09Whoever comes, let him come.
01:42:11The only place you will go.
01:42:17It is hell.
01:42:29Traitor dog.
01:42:30I understood.
01:42:35What were you doing when you infiltrated Ibrahim Bey's house?
01:42:39Scoundrel dog.
01:42:42Do you think we do not know you will run away?
01:42:56I have never trusted you, old man.
01:42:59You are my most difficult duty, old man.
01:43:30There you are.
01:43:33You have seen this scoundrel...
01:43:35...who is deceiving the truth.
01:43:38...we will take him to the tribe.
01:43:40We will take him to the tribe...
01:43:42...so that the Beys will see him.
01:43:45I hope we have seen the reason and the result of your patience.
01:43:48May you live long, Osman Bey.
01:43:51Thank you, Osman Bey.
01:43:56Show us who is the real father.
01:44:00We did not separate you from us.
01:44:07Let's go.
01:44:18Osman Bey was right.
01:44:20It was obvious that he was right...
01:44:22...but we refused to see him, Mehmet Bey.
01:44:25This scoundrel...
01:44:26...has deceived us all this time.
01:44:28Scoundrel dog.
01:44:38KAYI TRIBE
01:44:50You are a friend of the Kayi tribe...
01:44:52...who freed me by humiliating me against the slave Turks.
01:44:56Princess Holofira.
01:44:58How dare you come here?
01:45:01Commander Alexios.
01:45:03Please allow me to explain.
01:45:06Are you going to tell me that our enemy allied with the Turks?
01:45:09Tell me!
01:45:11There is no...
01:45:13...alliance, commander.
01:45:17...am just a sinner who has faced the lowliness of the Turks.
01:45:28...convinced me to love him...
01:45:30...and then married a Turk.
01:45:32What a friend.
01:45:35I am their biggest enemy.
01:45:38Do you think that we will not pay the price...
01:45:41...of being stupid enough to fall in love with a Turk?
01:45:45Why did you come?
01:45:49Please don't blame me, commander.
01:45:52Forgive Jesus Christ...
01:45:54...and allow me to serve you until you die.
01:45:57Allow me to stay in the monastery.
01:46:00In the holy monastery?
01:46:02A sinner like you...
01:46:04...would have killed you long ago if it was up to me.
01:46:08...Constantine will decide about you.
01:46:16Take him to the dungeon until commander Constantine arrives.
01:46:19The Monastery of Constantine
01:47:01Gündüz Bey was martyred today...
01:47:03...and went to the dungeon.
01:47:05And you...
01:47:06...will go to hell.
01:47:08You bastard!
01:47:49Don't let him go!
01:47:54...my man will do what is necessary.
01:48:08...started with you.
01:48:13The one who starts and finishes...
01:48:15...is the God of the scholars.
01:48:18Sooner or later, we will return to him.
01:48:21The real question is...
01:48:23...with which face we will return.
01:48:26White or black?
01:48:28But Tamu...
01:48:31...but don't fly.
01:48:35This tribe...
01:48:36...will take your lives.
01:48:41Even a person's promise...
01:48:43...is the promise of my sword.
01:48:45This world is a promise...
01:48:47...that can make...
01:48:49...eight flies out of hell.
01:48:57Come on, move!
01:49:11Come here!
01:49:15This is Ulcay Cakal.
01:49:20...thinks he is Mr. Ibrahim's man.
01:49:25...he is the servant...
01:49:27...of fitna...
01:49:29...and Ulcay tribe.
01:49:46He collaborated with Byzantium.
01:49:49Whoever stands against us...
01:49:53...is always with him.
01:49:59...those who are with us did not do anything different, but...
01:50:11This dog...
01:50:13...this dog...
01:50:15...killed Cadi Rukneddin.
01:50:21...killed Mr. Ahmet.
01:50:25Is it true?
01:50:29Is it true, Ulcay?
01:50:31Ask your children.
01:50:33Ask them.
01:50:34And you tell your gentlemen.
01:50:37Is this true, Mehmet?
01:50:39It is true, father.
01:50:42He confessed with his own mouth.
01:50:46There is a share in Mr. Gündüz's death.
01:50:51You ate my bread all these years.
01:50:54You were going to be Ahmet's murderer.
01:50:57What did you want from Ahmet?
01:51:00You bastard!
01:51:03You should have killed me!
01:51:10Wait a minute.
01:51:12Mr. İbrahim...
01:51:15...I am always surprised by your justice.
01:51:18You never accepted the truth.
01:51:22That's why...
01:51:24...you can't do justice.
01:51:30Calm down.
01:51:32We have so much history.
01:51:38First of all...
01:51:40...how did you put me in the Karacahisar market?
01:51:45Tell me about it.
01:51:52Is it always my fault?
01:52:07Mr. Osman.
01:52:09Before he dies...
01:52:11...he wants to mess things up.
01:52:17We have nothing to do with the market raid.
01:52:22Let the mud stay as a trace, Ulcay.
01:52:28We were born in Adem.
01:52:31But we die as jackals.
01:52:34You will forever...
01:52:37...remain as snakes.
01:52:43...were caught red-handed.
01:52:45You caused all the trouble...
01:52:48...and all the tricks...
01:52:49...by the order of Ulcaytun.
01:52:51He wanted to break us up.
01:52:54We always stopped him.
01:52:58So that he wouldn't shed his brother's blood.
01:53:01He will die here.
01:53:03And then...
01:53:04...you will leave my land.
01:53:07Mr. Osman.
01:53:09You see the blood of the one who killed my son.
01:53:13You are the ones who brought these traitors to our lands.
01:53:18Despite this...
01:53:20...if we don't hold you accountable...
01:53:23...know that...
01:53:26...it is only out of mercy.
01:53:31...so that your brother's blood won't be shed.
01:53:38Mr. Osman.
01:53:40As long as there are snakes around you...
01:53:43...you don't need any other enemies.
01:53:50If dogs like you don't come to our lands...
01:53:53...there will be no one to get us out of the way.
01:53:57From now on...
01:53:58...we won't try to get anyone out of the way.
01:54:04İznik, Bursa...
01:54:06...will be under siege.
01:54:10The land of the tyrants...
01:54:12...will be our land from now on.
01:54:15And the flesh of that dog...
01:54:18...will be in the hands of the birds.
01:54:25Yunus Emre.
01:54:27He told me everything.
01:54:31In short, there is life.
01:54:34And the death of this dog...
01:54:38...will be like Mr. Ahmet's.
01:54:45Our only rule...
01:54:49...is mercy to the oppressor...
01:54:52...and betrayal to the oppressed.
01:55:23He's dead.
01:55:26And you will leave my land.
01:55:33If you come before me...
01:55:40...you will have the weapon of justice on your necks.
01:55:59...help me to stand against the oppressors.
01:56:04Give me the power to fight for all the oppressed.
01:56:26You did a good job.
01:56:32This is our last mission, sir.
01:56:44...will never forget...
01:56:47...what you did for me.
01:56:50I will never forget...
01:56:53...what you did for me.
01:56:56Was it our last mission?
01:57:03Can you forgive us?
01:57:16People make mistakes.
01:57:21...paid the price for your mistakes.
01:57:27But while you were paying the price...
01:57:30...you didn't hesitate to take care of state affairs.
01:57:34Thank you.
01:57:41...you deserve forgiveness.
01:57:47Thank you, sir.
01:57:48God bless you.
01:57:55God bless you.
01:58:04Thank you, sir.
01:58:09What's important...
01:58:12...is the state.
01:58:15What's important is the tradition.
01:58:22...we are counting on you.
01:58:26We trust you completely.
01:58:29If you make a mistake...
01:58:33...then the state will make a mistake.
01:58:39...will never happen again.
01:58:42It will never happen, sir.
01:58:44It will never happen, sir.
01:58:46It will never happen, sir.
01:58:52Give me your trust.
01:58:54Here you are, sir.
01:59:06I kept these weapons...
01:59:08...like my own eyes.
01:59:11Finally, they belong to their owners.
01:59:15Thank you, brother.
01:59:33Mr. Gündüz, who we have supported until now...
01:59:36Mr. Gündüz, who we have supported until now...
01:59:41Now, we will do our last duty against him.
01:59:54My father.
01:59:59My father, whose heart burned with the love of war.
02:00:07We took the life of the one who was loyal to you.
02:00:12We will find the one behind this.
02:00:16I promise, father.
02:00:22İmdi, you are a martyr.
02:00:25I am an orphan.
02:00:28But don't worry, father.
02:00:31Your tribe...
02:00:33...and your people are entrusted to me.
02:00:35Even if I am left alone...
02:00:39...I will protect them with my life, father.
02:00:43God bless you.
02:00:45What are you saying, my ambassador?
02:00:48You are not alone.
02:00:50You are not alone at all.
02:00:55We are a family now.
02:01:00From now on...
02:01:03...I will always be with you.
02:01:07Don't look at me like that.
02:01:10I know what those eyes tell you.
02:01:16But I promise you...
02:01:19...I promise...
02:01:21...I will always be with you.
02:01:25You are...
02:01:27...Gündüz Bey's trustee.
02:01:35I will never leave you alone.
02:01:47Your forefathers will be here soon to bury Gündüz Bey.
02:01:50Let's cover you up.
02:02:52Mr. Yakup.
02:03:01Before I go...
02:03:03...I would like to...
02:03:05...reveal a truth.
02:03:13I didn't know you were in Kervan.
02:03:21Now you either believe me...
02:03:25...or you don't.
02:03:32I believe you.
02:03:47Go on.
02:03:52I will keep my word.
02:03:59I told you the truth.
02:04:03Don't look at me like that.
02:04:08Go on, Mehmet.
02:04:11If you don't have a family...
02:04:13...you will regret the life you chose one day.
02:04:15Go on.
02:04:23The truth is right in front of you.
02:04:29Neither are you.
02:04:37Go on.
02:04:41That's enough, Mr. Yakup.
02:04:43You are the one who is right in front of the truth.
02:04:47You are the one who doesn't see the truth.
02:04:57I won't let you upset my wife...
02:04:59...with your stone heart anymore.
02:05:02Shut up, Aladdin!
02:05:03Shut up!
02:05:06Or I will kill you.
02:05:07Go on.
02:05:12You ruined our family.
02:05:17If you loved Gonca a little bit...
02:05:20...you wouldn't have sentenced her to this loneliness.
02:05:27Gonca is not alone, Mr. Mehmet.
02:05:38She has a man behind Gonca.
02:05:42And we are behind her.
02:05:45She has the Kayi tribe.
02:05:52You can't scare us with loneliness.
02:05:59Go on.
02:06:00Good luck.
02:06:02Go on, Mehmet.
02:06:07Go on.
02:06:37Go on.
02:06:38Go on.
02:07:05Mr. Gunduz.
02:07:06The Kayi tribe...
02:07:08...has surrendered their lives to God today.
02:07:16We know that...
02:07:18...death and life...
02:07:21...are only in God's hands.
02:07:24Even if God opens a path for His victorious servants...
02:07:28...even if we are faced with treacherous traps...
02:07:31...even if our hearts are pierced by cruel arrows...
02:07:36...our death is a martyr...
02:07:39...and our survivor is a veteran.
02:07:41Praise be to God!
02:07:47Hang in there, Elçin Hatun.
02:07:51Hang in there.
02:08:01...for the sake of divine order...
02:08:03...we have given another martyr.
02:08:06...we will give another thousand martyrs.
02:08:11We will never show...
02:08:13...the pain of Mr. Gunduz to the enemy.
02:08:18We will never let the blood...
02:08:20...of the men who have stood up...
02:08:22...so far like Mr. Gunduz...
02:08:25...to be wasted.
02:08:27We will not!
02:08:36My son.
02:08:45My son.
02:08:48How can I leave my heart here?
02:08:50How can I go, Mr. Ibrahim?
02:08:54Tell me, how can I go?
02:08:56Cut it, Melike Hatun.
02:09:06I will punish you...
02:09:09...when I go to Sinop.
02:09:15Now shut up.
02:09:21My son.
02:09:24Now I will go...
02:09:26...and I will kill you.
02:09:29I will kill you.
02:09:31I will kill you.
02:09:33Now I will go.
02:09:37But not because I gave up, you know.
02:09:40To come back stronger.
02:09:49I will not leave these lands...
02:09:53...that you built in Osman's hands.
02:09:57I will take all the lands in his hands.
02:09:59I will take them...
02:10:04...I will return...
02:10:06...to his house to punish him.
02:10:20Come on, Melike Hatun.
02:10:29Let's go.
02:10:49We will part ways from now on, Mr. Ibrahim.
02:10:55Where are you going, Tugay?
02:10:57Tugay has lost his way, Mr. Ibrahim.
02:11:01I will go where I belong now.
02:11:18Come on, Hatun.
02:11:27Come on, Tugay.
02:11:45I swear...
02:11:47...I will not leave Gonca in their hands.
02:11:50I will kill Saladin if necessary...
02:11:53...but I will not leave Gonca in that tribe.
02:11:58She took my daughter.
02:12:02She took my Hazar.
02:12:06She took her trust in me.
02:12:14You will pay for this, Osman.
02:12:18You will pay for this.
02:12:27You will pay for this.
02:12:42What does happiness mean?
02:12:46My daughter.
02:12:51How can I leave my life here and go?
02:13:03I am fine.
02:13:07I am fine.
02:13:18I will leave my heart here.
02:13:54I will return.
02:13:58I will return stronger than before.
02:14:03We will return, Mehmet.
02:14:08We will return.
02:14:27We will return.
02:14:28We will return.
02:14:29We will return.
02:14:30We will return.
02:14:31We will return.
02:14:32We will return.
02:14:33We will return.
02:14:34We will return.
02:14:35We will return.
02:14:36We will return.
02:14:37We will return.
02:14:38We will return.
02:14:39We will return.
02:14:40We will return.
02:14:41We will return.
02:14:42We will return.
02:14:43We will return.
02:14:44We will return.
02:14:45We will return.
02:14:46We will return.
02:14:47We will return.
02:14:48We will return.
02:14:49We will return.
02:14:50We will return.
02:14:51We will return.
02:14:52We will return.
02:14:53We will return.
02:14:54We will return.
02:14:55We will return.
02:14:56The messenger of a great state is the seed of a great state.
02:15:01God willing!
02:15:10Let's go.
02:15:13May God have mercy on us.
02:15:16In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
02:15:26In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
02:15:56La ilaha illallah.
02:16:00Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
02:16:06La ilaha illallah.
02:16:10Take Bursa, Osman Bey.
02:16:18I will take Bursa.
02:16:21I will take all of it.
02:16:22I will bring justice to this corrupt order.
