Amanda Batula Reveals the One ‘Summer House’ Roomate She Doesn’t Want Back | Happy Hour

  • 4 months ago
Amanda Batula Reveals the One ‘Summer House’ Roomate She Doesn’t Want Back | Happy Hour


00:00Everyone, it's Christina, and I am here with the summer houses Amanda welcome. Hi. Hey, so what we're here is cheers to you
00:06So this is happy hours if or spill let me give you some questions. You don't want to answer them
00:18Makes me miss summer summer. I know okay. Well. Let's talk about summer. Let's do a fun one first
00:23Okay, have you ever tried to cut Kyle's mullet and what will it take for him to chop it off? No?
00:28I have not although I've thought about it. You know when I'm really angry
00:34Took a pair of scissors, but I think the time is coming soon. Yeah, it's really it's happening
00:39I think yeah, I think I've complained enough
00:42How does he feel about that um I think he feels really connected to it?
00:47But I think he feels like if he's gonna cut it off it has to be a moment
00:51He's not gonna
00:52Just like go to the hair salon one day and cut it off and show up somewhere like it's right
00:56It's going to be filmed something capacity totally well summer's around the corner, so
01:01It's on Instagram or yeah, yeah, I think yeah, I feel like that could be like a theme party like cut the cut
01:07Yeah, I was like it should be a charity event, but we'll see that's true
01:10That's a good one who throws the best worst themed parties
01:14The best worst the best and we're sorry best okay best
01:18Throwing I think Sierra just does a really good job all around maybe they're not like
01:23Her costumes are just all out and she always pours herself into whatever theme
01:28She's throwing in every capacity, so she's done some great jobs, and then I
01:35Don't want to say there's a worst, but I think the only one I can think of is Gabby's disco party
01:40She was it was her first summer. I don't think she was like set up for success
01:44I don't realize how much she I don't think she realized how much she needed to
01:49Buy and how big the backyard was yeah, how many decorations were actually needed so although we had a lot of fun
01:56And that's where we got to meet Karma Brown. Yeah, that's true. Mm-hmm. Yes a decoration wise it was
02:03Not one of the not one of the best, but I love Gabby and she she yeah
02:07She makes up for it in many other ways. I love it which previous summer house castmate would you never want to have back oh?
02:14My gosh, I'm gonna say Jordan boy. Just because I don't even know where he is
02:20I don't even know like haven't heard from him haven't seen him
02:24Yeah, that's the the only one
02:27Yeah, that I would say
02:29Will you be renting out Lindsay's house in Nashville? No no I forgot that I can drink
02:34I'm also just gonna take a step
02:37I'm just answering all your questions. I love it um
02:40What do you think of Lindsay's like revenge body that she has going on now?
02:48Don't talk about woman's body is here
02:50I like that I like that if you could trade one summer house castmate for another Bravo
02:54Levery who would it be and why I always take the easy way out, and I say my husband
03:00And probably for just someone like really hot just like I would trade him out for someone to play my husband, okay
03:06Like a little I don't know who would be yeah
03:09Like an actor playing Kyle
03:18What would be a bigger red flag no sex for weeks or your partner accusing you of doing drugs um I
03:25Both, but I'll drink cuz I don't that's not really an answer
03:29That's okay. What is your favorite and least favorite loverboy flavor my?
03:35favorite is the lemon cello spritz mm-hmm and
03:42Who do you trust the least in the summer house
03:48Can you and wrapping it up can you give us your best summer should be fun
03:53Do you want to chime in with the Amanda not fun?
04:00Love it
04:04Thank you
