Pengungsi Erupsi Gunung Ibu Mengeluh Suit Fasilitas MCK dan Perlengkapan Bayi

  • 4 months ago
Kondisi warga yang mengungsi akibat erusi Gunung Ibu membutuhkan tambahan fasilitas MCK serta makanan dan popok bayi.
00:00 The number of residents of Halmahera West District who were evacuated due to the eruption of Mount Ibu is 1,560 people.
00:08 They come from 7 villages in the Red Zone of Mount Ibu.
00:12 Commander of Kodium 1501 Ternate, Colonel Armet Aditya Yuni Nurtono in a video released on May 21,
00:20 said thousands of residents were placed at 3 points of evacuation, namely the meeting building of Ibu district, Gamici village and Tonggute Sungi village.
00:28 Colonel Aditya mentioned the condition of the relatively healthy evacuees,
00:32 although some of them suffered from acute respiratory tract infection or ISPA,
00:37 but have been treated by health workers at the evacuation post.
00:41 For the needs, it has been met with some assistance,
00:48 only those who still need medical assistance and maybe baby food and diapers.
00:55 Previously, the government of Halmahera West District together with TNI and Polrim evacuated residents
01:00 from 7 villages in Tabaru district to a safe location,
01:04 following the increase in the status of Mount Ibu from level 3 to level 4 on May 16.
01:10 The news office team interviewed.
01:13 Thank you for watching.
01:18 For more information, please visit
01:23 For more information, please visit
