Punto de Vista: Alyansa ng mga political party sa bansa

  • 4 months ago
Punto de Vista: Alyansa ng mga political party sa bansa
00:00Whenever the election is near,
00:02alliances with different groups or political parties are common
00:06to strengthen or strengthen an organization.
00:10This is what Professor Antonio Contreras,
00:13from Punto de Vista, is talking about, Professor.
00:22Thank you very much, Diane.
00:25This past week,
00:29we heard that the Nationalist People's Coalition,
00:37NPC, is now in an alliance with the Partido Federal ng Pilipinas,
00:40where President Marcos is a member.
00:44We also know that LAKAS is now in an alliance with the Partido Federal ng Pilipinas.
00:50The election is coming up next year.
00:54So, there is a need to strengthen alliances,
00:57allies to strengthen the competitiveness of the candidates
01:03who will run under the alliance.
01:06This is a part of democracy.
01:09On the other hand, we saw the balance in the Senate.
01:13We saw the replacement of its president,
01:16Senator Sobires,
01:19to Senator Escudero,
01:21who is now the President of the Senate.
01:23This is important because the role of political parties in democracy is important.
01:30And it is important that this is a manifestation
01:35of how the party,
01:38if we call it political science,
01:41represents the interests of the people.
01:45Now, let's first look at what happened in the Senate
01:49because it is the source of strength for political parties.
01:52It is normal for someone to replace the president.
01:56In America, it was the Speaker of the House who replaced McCarthy.
02:00And now, there is a replacement.
02:02Now, the Speaker wants to replace Mike Johnson.
02:07But this became the decision of the party.
02:11What I noticed in the changes in the Senate
02:15is that it is like a secret.
02:17We don't know who voted in favor, who didn't,
02:20who is in favor of Escudero, and who is against him.
02:25Now, it is important to show that this is not a party issue,
02:31but a personal one.
02:32It is an alliance of individuals,
02:36and not an alliance of parties.
02:38Why am I saying this now?
02:40Because if we look at the alliance between the PFP,
02:45the NPC, and the Lakas,
02:47we can see that these are initially parties.
02:50But what is a party?
02:54Theoretically, what we teach in political science,
02:57to parties, is what we call aggregators of public interests.
03:01Because the people have a lot of interests.
03:03But democracy is like a marketplace.
03:06Someone sells, someone buys.
03:09Who buys?
03:11Of course, it is us, the voters.
03:14Who sells services?
03:16The parties, because they should be the stores
03:20that say, this is our product,
03:22this is what we will give to you,
03:24this is our platform of government.
03:26And the parties should solidify
03:30what we call platforms,
03:32or ideologies,
03:34their views on politics.
03:36Are they left-wing? Are they right-wing?
03:38Are they conservative? Are they liberal?
03:40In America, there is a clear difference
03:43between the Democrats and the Republicans.
03:47Here, what is happening is,
03:51what is the difference between these parties?
03:53So what I am trying to say is,
03:55I hope that these changes in alliances
03:59will help us move forward,
04:01and especially help our President,
04:03President Marcos,
04:05to deliver.
04:07Because his agenda is clear.
04:09Our administration has an agenda.
04:11But if the alliance is based on personality,
04:15just because they want to win the election,
04:17because they are getting closer to the President,
04:19to the President's party,
04:21that is not based on their determination
04:25to push the administration's agenda,
04:29then we will have an imperfect democracy,
04:34an empty democracy.
04:36So, I hope that the movements of the parties
04:42will only start with alliances
04:47based on platforms,
04:49based on ideologies,
04:51and not just towards opportunities
04:54based on where they can win the election.
04:58Politicians are always like that,
05:02that when the election is passed,
05:04the flowers will smell.
05:05It should not be like that.
05:07We should build a principled party system
05:12that will make us feel sad if we are not there.
05:15So, this alliance of PFP, NPC, and LAKAS,
05:20this is a very good development
05:22if we can translate this
05:24to strengthen our political parties
05:28so that when the time comes
05:30for the President to replace the Senate,
05:33we know that it is linear because of the agendas,
05:35because of the replacement of...
05:37Isn't it like if you think about it,
05:40what is the reason?
05:41We are still asking questions.
05:43Then, there are people who say
05:44that it is because they did not do
05:46what the powerful forces want.
05:48While our politics
05:50should be based on the agenda,
05:52based on the platform.
05:54It is not based on whether you follow it or not,
05:57on what you are ordered to do.
05:59Because that will be the evidence
06:03that we are a mature democracy.
06:05That's all for today.
06:08Thank you very much, Dayan.
06:09Back to you in the studio.
06:11Thank you very much, Professor Contreras.
