Tricky Riddles Even Sherlock Would Cry Over

  • 4 months ago
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00:00:00A woman went out of the airport. She hailed a taxi and gave the directions to the driver.
00:00:05As soon as they drove off, the woman started to talk. Her blabbering annoyed the driver.
00:00:11He turned to her and said, I can't hear what you're saying. I'm almost deaf. The woman
00:00:16was shocked and didn't open her mouth for the rest of the ride. Only after she got out
00:00:20of the taxi did she realize the man had lied to her. How did the woman understand it?
00:00:34If the driver had hearing problems, he wouldn't have been able to follow her directions.
00:00:39Detective James was invited to Long Hill College, where more and more students had their things
00:00:44stolen. The detective was asked to investigate these cases. In a week's time, the man had
00:00:50three suspects. What were you doing when the last theft happened, he asked them.
00:00:55Thomas said, that day I was away. I had to take my younger sister to her rehearsals.
00:01:01Amanda replied, I spent that day at the library, getting ready for my presentation.
00:01:05And Ryan said, this summer I'm going to Denmark with my parents. That's why I spend all my free
00:01:11time learning Dutch. Detective James immediately understood who was lying. Can you figure it out?
00:01:20It was Ryan. They speak Danish in Denmark. Dutch is the language of the Netherlands.
00:01:31Jason works in the same company as Amy, a bright and lovely girl. The guy has had a crush on Amy
00:01:36since they first met. To attract the girl's attention, Jason agrees to take part in the
00:01:41brain challenge game organized by their company. The first task is to crack a Rebus puzzle. Jason
00:01:47is given a piece of paper. That's what he sees there. It doesn't take the guy long to figure
00:01:51out the answer. What is it? It's broken promises. Jason is one of the few who gave the correct
00:02:05answer. He moves to the next level. He finds himself in a room full of random stuff. There,
00:02:11he needs to find an object that would be the answer to the following question.
00:02:15What goes up when the rain goes down? Look around and help Jason find the needed object.
00:02:29The guy chose a red and white umbrella. And that was the right answer. His next challenge was to
00:02:35get out of a basement. There are no windows there. Jason sees just one door with a letter
00:02:40combination lock. The only thing that can probably give him some hint is a note he
00:02:45finds in the farthest corner. P plus 3, N minus 1, B minus 1, N plus 4, S plus 1. What's the code word?
00:02:57Jason needed more time to crack this riddle, but he managed to get out of the basement.
00:03:02The code word was SMART. The key to this riddle was hidden in the alphabet. P plus 3 following
00:03:09letters is S. N minus 1 letter is M. And so on. Jason is amazed to find out he's one of the two
00:03:16contestants to make it to the finals. Now, he needs to find the key to the puzzle.
00:03:20And so on. Jason is amazed to find out he's one of the two contestants to make it to the finals.
00:03:26Now, he has to do his best to win. The guy comes up to the table with three cups on it.
00:03:31But only one of these drinks is safe to try. The other two are poisoned. And even though a mistake
00:03:37won't cost Jason his life, the consequences will be unpleasant. The drinks are tea with sugar,
00:03:43cappuccino, and hot chocolate. Which one should Jason choose?
00:03:50If it was indeed sugar in the tea, it would have melted completely. But it didn't happen.
00:04:00Cappuccino looks suspiciously green. It's probably unsafe to drink. Jason opted for
00:04:06the hot chocolate and won the challenge. Now, Amy will definitely notice him.
00:04:11Three people are hiding in bathroom stalls. Try to figure out who is a pregnant woman.
00:04:20It's the one wearing the untied sneakers. It's often difficult for pregnant women to bend over
00:04:30to lace up their footwear. Two people were born at the same moment. But they don't celebrate
00:04:35their birthdays on the same day. How is it possible? They were born in different time zones.
00:04:49In one of these zones, it was already the next day.
00:04:53Detective Brown was having dinner in his kitchen. Suddenly, he heard screams coming from his
00:04:58neighbor's house. He rushed there. The door was open. When he ran inside, he saw a paramedic
00:05:05bending over a lying man. Once the doctor saw the detective, he exclaimed,
00:05:09he fell down the stairs. Luckily, he's just unconscious. I need to take him to the hospital.
00:05:14Detective Brown didn't need to think twice. He called the ambulance and arrested the man
00:05:19on the spot. Why? When the detective was running towards the neighbor's house,
00:05:31he didn't see any car outside. Then how did the paramedic get there? And how did he know
00:05:36his help was needed? You don't have them when you're born, but you get them later.
00:05:42In several years, you don't have them anymore. But then they come again, but in a different form.
00:05:48Many years later, they might leave you again. What are they?
00:06:04A criminal appeared in a small town, and two young women went missing.
00:06:08Right now, the third girl is being taken away. When she comes to her senses, she finds herself
00:06:14in a well with two other girls. The well isn't particularly deep, so they decide to try to get
00:06:19out of it. The shortest and slimmest of them climbs on top of the other two, but she can't
00:06:24reach the edge of the well. What can the girls do to get out of there? The tallest of the girls
00:06:37should climb on top. She has the longer arms and will easily reach the edge of the well.
00:06:42You get lost in the woods in the middle of the winter. Suddenly, you see a cabin. It's dark and
00:06:48cold inside. There is just one candle on the table and a wood-burning stove in the corner.
00:06:53You pull out your matchbox and see there's only one match left. What should you light first?
00:06:58The match, of course. It was winter when an elderly couple finished building a pretty new
00:07:13house. The husband was responsible for the construction, while his wife was a self-appointed
00:07:17decorator. The house looked beautiful. Very proud, they invited their teenage grandchildren
00:07:22to have a look at their work. But within an hour, one guy and two girls managed to break
00:07:27several windows. They also knocked down the fence, removed the decorations, and ruined the
00:07:32roof. But the most bizarre thing, the retired couple didn't seem to mind. They just smiled
00:07:37looking at the teenagers. Can you figure out what was going on? The grandparents made a gingerbread
00:07:51house and invited their grandchildren to eat it. Five costs $25, and 25, $50. If you buy two fifty
00:08:01five, you'll pay $75. What is it that you buy and how much does one item cost? You're buying
00:08:17door numbers, and one of them costs $25. On a rainy Monday morning, a car hit a woman at the
00:08:25crosswalk and sped away without stopping. Luckily, the woman wasn't badly hurt. She even managed to
00:08:32describe the vehicle before being taken to a hospital. It was a green van. The accident happened
00:08:38in a small town. That's why the police figured out easily that there were just three cars like that.
00:08:43They found and questioned all the car owners. Gary said, My sister took part in a concert in
00:08:49another town. I gave her a lift and waited for the show to finish to drive her back.
00:08:54Angela explained to the police she'd been busy with some household chores, gardening, washing
00:08:58her van, and the like. Larry answered he was ill. That's why he spent the whole day in bed
00:09:03drinking hot tea. The police officers understood who was lying right away. Who was it?
00:09:17It was a rainy day. Washing a car and gardening when it's raining?
00:09:21Not the best idea. Angela must be lying. A man was in an eight-story building when
00:09:26a fire started. He jumped out the window but didn't even bruise himself. How is it possible?
00:09:33The man jumped out of the first floor window. Two people are standing near the river. Both of
00:09:46them want to get to the opposite side. But the boat can carry only one of them. It's summer,
00:09:51and the river isn't frozen. And still they manage to get to the other bank. How?
00:10:04They are on opposite sides of the river. One town had a weird law. All the men leaving there
00:10:11had to be clean-shaven, but no man was allowed to shave himself. The only person in the town
00:10:16who was licensed to shave them was a 40-year-old barber. But then, who shaved the barber?
00:10:22There was no need. The barber was a woman. A mother promised her son to pay him $60 per hour
00:10:37if he washed his hands for six seconds before eating a meal. The son did that,
00:10:42and his mom gave him his well-earned money. But the boy got upset. Why?
00:10:53Because he received just 10 cents.
00:10:58Today, I'm going to put your attentiveness to the test. Pay attention to every little detail,
00:11:04and you'll solve all the riddles in no time. Mark was walking along the river when he heard
00:11:10someone screaming. It was a young woman who was drowning. The guy immediately left his jacket and
00:11:16backpack on the ground and jumped into the water. Luckily, he was on time. When Mark pulled the
00:11:22woman out of the river, he saw a passerby standing next to his stuff. Unfortunately, I can't swim,
00:11:29but I looked after your things, the man said. Then why did you rummage in my backpack,
00:11:35Mark asked. How did he understand someone had opened his backpack?
00:11:47When he dropped the bag on the ground, the zipper was on the left side, but now it's on the right side.
00:11:56It was a scorching hot day when Thomas made a bet with his friends.
00:12:01At that time, they were chilling in the garden, drinking water and lemonade. Thomas told his
00:12:06friends that water produced by different companies tasted different too. You can blindfold me. I'll
00:12:12take a sip from two bottles of water, the one we have on the table and the one from a different
00:12:17producer. I saw it in the kitchen. I bet I'll be able to tell the difference. Then he did exactly
00:12:24that. His friends were ready to give Thomas the money he had won, but one of them cut in.
00:12:30You were cheating, he said. Why did he think so?
00:12:44It was an extremely hot day. No wonder the water had been outside for several hours,
00:12:49which was much warmer than the water brought from the kitchen.
00:12:53Someone robbed a bank in a large city. A police detective went to visit the main suspect, who had
00:12:59been detained several times before. I've been feeling unwell this week, and I haven't left my
00:13:05apartment for three days. Luckily, I didn't need food. My fridge is full. You can make sure of it
00:13:11yourself, the man said, and opened his fridge. But the detective realized the man was lying and
00:13:19arrested him. How did he figure it out? First of all, that loaf of bread on the table looks fresh.
00:13:34Plus, if the man had been staying inside for three days already, his fridge wouldn't be so full.
00:13:41Mr. Black sold beautiful, rare vases. There were dozens of them on the shelves of his store.
00:13:48One day, the man called the police. When they arrived, the owner had his head bandaged,
00:13:54and his store was a mess. Some guys in masks ran into my store and grabbed the money and the most
00:14:00expensive vases. Then they hit me on the head, and I blacked out. Police officers immediately
00:14:07understood that Mr. Black was lying to get the insurance money. How did they figure it out?
00:14:23Even though most of the vases are on the floor, they aren't even cracked.
00:14:27But if the vases had fallen down from the shelves during the robbery, they would have been shattered.
00:14:32Look at these two bloggers. As you see, they both seem to be very popular. They also have the same
00:14:38amount of likes. But there's something wrong with one of them. She must be hiding something.
00:14:44What is it?
00:14:55The girl on the right has a fake bag. The logo on it looks like that of Chanel,
00:15:00but it's written Gucci underneath.
00:15:04Marcel was driving along a dangerous mountain road. Suddenly, he saw a man sitting on the side
00:15:11of the road and stopped. It turned out the man hadn't managed to control his car. It fell off
00:15:16the road, and the man got thrown out of the window. And now, his very expensive car was beyond repair.
00:15:24Could you be my witness when I prepare the documents for my insurance company?
00:15:29The man asked Marcel. The guy agreed, but asked the man to show him what was inside the car.
00:15:36The man took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the damaged vehicle.
00:15:40I won't take part in this fraud, Marcel said. Why did he think the man was lying?
00:15:46If the man had been thrown out of the car, the key would still be in the ignition.
00:15:52Dylan and Susan had been happily married for 10 years. One day, Dylan went on a business trip.
00:15:59When he returned, Susan immediately understood that the man wasn't her husband. How did she
00:16:05figure it out? The key was in the ignition, and the key was in the car.
00:16:12Dylan always wore his wedding ring. If you were attentive, you must have noticed it on his finger.
00:16:18But the man who returned to Susan didn't have the wedding ring.
00:16:23The police found out that a smuggler was going to leave the country,
00:16:27through the largest airport in the world. The smuggler was a smuggler from the United States.
00:16:33He was a smuggler from the United States. He was a smuggler from the United States.
00:16:38The smuggler was a smuggler from the United States. He was a smuggler from the United States.
00:16:42A detective arrived there and detained three people who looked suspicious.
00:16:47Look at them and try to figure out who the smuggler is.
00:17:00It's the third passenger. His suitcase is full of totally random stuff.
00:17:05Women's shoes, some random socks, a pair of old dirty jeans, and even a wig.
00:17:12Plus, when closed, the suitcase looks much larger than when it's open.
00:17:18Sarah's husband, Michel, was a professional cyclist. He was about to have a challenging
00:17:24cycling tournament. I promise I'll bring you the bouquet they give to the winner,
00:17:28Michel told Sarah. Four hours later, he came back with beautiful flowers.
00:17:34But Sarah realized right away that Michel hadn't won the tournament. How did she figure it out?
00:17:49Those flowers are actually from Sarah's garden. The same flowers are growing next to their house.
00:17:56Look at these people. The man is in the hospital. He's lost his memory.
00:18:00And these two women both claim to be his partner. One of them is obviously lying. But which one?
00:18:16The woman on the left is lying. If they were married, they would have wedding rings on their
00:18:21fingers. Now, there are these three people. One of them is lying. Who is it?
00:18:30Look at this woman claiming that she's pregnant. See that Adam's apple? It's a man. He can't be
00:18:43pregnant. Look at these people. Can you figure out who's a vampire?
00:18:50It's this man. See those fangs? Creepy. Which of these girls is the man's wife?
00:19:07It's the girl on the right. She's wearing a necklace saying Kate. And the man has a tattoo
00:19:20with the same name on his arm. A store security guard stopped a man who was leaving a clothing
00:19:26store. The sales assistant claims you've stolen a pair of expensive gloves. These are my gloves.
00:19:33I've had them for ages. But the security guard immediately understood the man was lying.
00:19:39How? The man wouldn't be able to use these gloves. They're both for the same hand.
00:19:55Rachel reached the final of a game show. In the last round,
00:19:59she could win a gold bar, but only if she managed to get it.
00:20:03One of the bars was in a container with boiling hot water. The jar containing the second bar was
00:20:10filled with strong acid. And in the third jar, there were venomous scorpions. Which
00:20:15container should Rachel choose? The woman just needs to wait until the water in the first jar
00:20:29cools down and take the gold bar. Detective Adams came to a park to have lunch in the sun,
00:20:36but his attention was drawn by three men running around a fountain. Each of them was shouting,
00:20:42Catch the thief! The detective was confused. Who was the real thief? That's why he just kept
00:20:48watching. After some time, the distance between the men shortened. Detective Adams immediately
00:20:54realized who the real thief was. Can you figure it out too? If the third man was the thief,
00:21:09the second one would only have to turn around to catch him. The same goes for the second man,
00:21:14which means the man running the first is the criminal.
00:21:18If it rains at midnight, can you expect that in 72 hours it will be sunny?
00:21:23No way! In 72 hours, it's going to be night again. Can you crack this Rebus puzzle?
00:21:40That's right, it means accelerate!
00:21:55Karen is at a corporate party. Her boss, Mia, brings a bunch of identical envelopes and says,
00:22:01I personally put the grand prize in one of these envelopes. It's a certificate for a trip to Bali.
00:22:07But no worries, the remaining envelope contains consolidation prizes
00:22:11prepared by our sponsors. Can you help Karen win the trip to Bali?
00:22:24There's a lipstick print on this envelope. Mia has a similar lip color.
00:22:28She said that she had personally packed only one envelope, so the grand prize should be here.
00:22:34The day of Karen's flight to Bali has finally come. She calls a taxi to the airport. Soon,
00:22:40three identical taxis arrive at her porch. But only one of these drivers can actually
00:22:46give Karen a safe ride. Can you guess who?
00:22:53The second car has a flat tire, and the driver of the third taxi is a werewolf.
00:23:05Take a look at his claws! It's a full moon, so he'll turn into a wolf soon.
00:23:11Therefore, Karen should choose the first taxi.
00:23:15Karen's luggage is too heavy, so she goes to the cash register to pay for the excess.
00:23:21Oh no, her card holder is gone! Karen asks three people standing nearby,
00:23:26have you seen a pink card holder? The cleaner says, I've found two lost wallets today,
00:23:31but none of them look like yours. The cashier says, I was busy with another customer,
00:23:36so I didn't look around. And another passenger says,
00:23:40don't waste time, honey, block your cards as soon as possible. Who stole the wallet?
00:23:51Nobody. Karen put it in the fold of her hat and forgot it there. See?
00:24:00On the plane, the steward asks Karen to switch seats with another passenger.
00:24:05Karen can choose one of these three seats. Can you help her figure out the best option?
00:24:12This man has very long legs, so he'll probably kick the back of Karen's chair all along.
00:24:25The second option is next to this elegant lady, but she's stealing money from another passenger.
00:24:31Probably not the best company for a long-hour flight.
00:24:34Although the third guy looks like a vampire, it's just a costume.
00:24:38He's sitting by the window, but the sun rays don't bother him, so he's the best option.
00:24:44Karen arrives at a fancy hotel in Bali. The manager shows her the three best bungalows to
00:24:50choose from, but only one of them is safe enough. Can you help Karen to make the best choice?
00:24:58The first bungalow doesn't have a door, which makes Karen an easy target for robbers and
00:25:11mosquitoes. And there's a scorpion under the bed in the third bungalow, so she should choose the
00:25:17second one. On the beach, Karen meets three ladies who claim to be millionaires and show
00:25:23her pictures to prove it, but one of them is fake rich. Can you guess who?
00:25:37It's the first lady. She's just modeling for an electric toothbrush commercial,
00:25:42so her luxury is artificial. Karen is walking down the shore and sees a party.
00:25:48It's a beach wedding, so the bride and groom don't wear traditional costumes.
00:25:53Can you find the newlyweds among these people?
00:26:06Take a look at the cake. The letters say Harry plus Amy. This lady is wearing a necklace with
00:26:11the name Amy, so she's the bride. And now look at the flower garland around her neck.
00:26:18Only one person is wearing the identical garland, this guy, so he's probably the groom.
00:26:25Karen spots her former classmate, Tom, among the guests. He's talking to a strange lady.
00:26:31The lady is wearing a hoodie and standing with her back turned to Karen, so Karen can't see her
00:26:37face. Tom and the lady leave together and hide from everyone on the roof of the beach restaurant
00:26:43where the party takes place. Later that night, Karen also visits the roof. There's no one else
00:26:49here, but after checking the roof, Karen knows for sure which of these three ladies is Tom's
00:26:55secret girlfriend. How did she know? The third lady's dress is decorated with gold sequins.
00:27:10She lost one sequin on the roof. Tom sees Karen and invites her for a walk along the shore.
00:27:17She spots four weird things right away. Can you see them too?
00:27:31A mermaid is hiding in the waves. This sandcastle has electric lighting.
00:27:36Tree branches flutter in the wind to the right, but the flags to the left.
00:27:41And finally, the moon has a creepy face.
00:27:45The next morning, Karen goes to the buffet breakfast. She wants to get a smoothie,
00:27:49but there's no information about the ingredients in English. Unfortunately,
00:27:54Karen is allergic to strawberries. Can you figure out which smoothies are safe for her?
00:28:06It's all about the color. Only the green and yellow smoothies don't contain any strawberries for sure.
00:28:12Other options are risky. Karen enters a spa center. The manager asks her to wait for 15 minutes.
00:28:22Karen takes a seat and falls asleep. She wakes up after a while and finds out that someone had
00:28:28given her a heart-shaped tattoo. She questions three suspects. Bobby, the client, says,
00:28:34The client says, Lady, I've just arrived on my motorbike. If I see any crazy tattoo artists
00:28:40around here, I'll tell you. Leah says, I've been cleaning the bathroom within the last 30 minutes.
00:28:46And Tony, the massage therapist, says, Sorry, I was busy with my client,
00:28:51so I didn't look at you at all. Who's lying?
00:29:04Bobby, this motorbike has flat tires, and besides, it was already there when Karen entered the spa.
00:29:12Luckily, the tattoo was temporary and the massage therapist helped Karen to remove it,
00:29:17but he charged her $5 for his help. Karen arrived at the spa during happy hours when they offer a
00:29:2345% discount on all services, so Karen paid only $12 for a one-hour massage. Also, she had a
00:29:32pedicure for $7. When Karen left, she found a $50 bill on the ground. How much money did
00:29:39Karen spend in total? Can you count? Karen spent a total of $24. As for this $50 bill, it's fake,
00:29:56so it doesn't make any difference. Karen brings her clothes to the local
00:30:01laundry owned by three sisters. She returns to pick up her stuff in five hours. Unfortunately,
00:30:08someone has burned her favorite dress with an iron. Karen gets furious and questions the sisters.
00:30:14Mia says, I didn't iron today, it must be Pia. Pia says, Nah, I was planting roses in the garden
00:30:21all day, it must be Gia. And Gia says, I don't know who's guilty because I've been away all day.
00:30:29Who burned Karen's dress? It was Pia. Take a look at the garden. Can you see any roses? Exactly.
00:30:45Karen returns to her hotel room and finds a huge bouquet in a vase. The note says,
00:30:52Love, your secret admirer. Karen calls the reception to find out more. The manager says,
00:30:58One of the hotel's male guests ordered the flowers, but I can't reveal his name.
00:31:04Only three male guests stay in this hotel at the moment, Hans, Jacques, and Will. Karen meets them
00:31:11all at the beach and spots her secret admirer right away. Do you have any clue who it might be?
00:31:27Karen received pink lilies. Take a look at Hans's shirt. It has a print with pink lilies. He loves
00:31:33these flowers, but this doesn't prove anything. Will has a tan line from a wedding ring and he's
00:31:39taking pictures of his wife surfing. But Jacques is writing in the sand and his handwriting looks
00:31:45suspiciously similar to the love note. Spotted! Karen and Jacques go for a walk. He brings her
00:31:53to a pier with three boats. Jacques says, If you manage to guess where my boat is,
00:31:58I'm going to give it away to you. Can you help Karen find the right answer?
00:32:09Someone's sleeping on the second boat, but this doesn't mean that the person is the owner.
00:32:16The third boat is called Jacques, but this name is quite popular. Let's take a closer look at the
00:32:22first boat. Can you see the red trousers on a hanger? They match perfectly with Jacques' jacket.
00:32:28Therefore, this is his boat. Austin throws a party at his parents' house. The next morning,
00:32:37he finds out that someone had robbed him. The thief took all the money and jewelry from the
00:32:42safe locker. Austin video calls four of his best friends and says, Someone robbed my house yesterday.
00:32:48Do you have any suspects? Mary says, I'm sorry, but I can't believe it was one of the guests.
00:32:55Julie says, I spent all evening downstairs. I didn't even come close to your parents' safe,
00:33:00so I didn't notice anything suspicious. Bob says, No way! Every single guest at the party is pretty
00:33:07wealthy. Maybe it's the pizza guy. And Rick replies, But Mary showed up with a stranger
00:33:13looking like a criminal. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he's the thief. Can you guess
00:33:18who's the robber? Julie, Austin didn't mention the safe. How did she know? This pen is only half
00:33:35filled with ink. How many words can it write? Pens cannot write even a single word. It's the
00:33:46person holding the pen who can write the words. One of these customers is not from Earth.
00:33:52Can you spot who? This guy is eating toothpicks.
00:34:05What about this company? Who's not from Earth?
00:34:14This person, who uses a laptop as a mug holder?
00:34:18Bobby, Stella, and Chris are having a roller skating contest in the park,
00:34:22but one of them is cheating. Can you guess who?
00:34:32Chris, take a closer look at his feet. His roller skates are not so simple.
00:34:38Wendy is selling flowers. One sunflower costs $24. The price of one narcissist is $9.
00:34:45Can you calculate the price of one calla lily?
00:34:59The price for one calla lily would be $1.50. Each flower costs $1.50 per petal,
00:35:05and a calla lily only has one petal. George and Nancy are having dinner in a fancy restaurant.
00:35:11Can you spot three weird things here?
00:35:23The violinist is using an arrow. There's a toad in these flowers.
00:35:28And this waiter serves a bitten apple.
00:35:32Emma, Ted, and Peter are having a speed swimming competition. Can you spot who's cheating?
00:35:41It's Ted. Take a look at his neck. He has a small chip.
00:35:47Therefore, he must be a robot, and he can't compete with humans.
00:35:53Andy and his wife Nancy go to sleep early tonight. In the middle of the night,
00:35:57weird noises from the basement wake Andy up. His wife is gone.
00:36:01Andy looks around the house, but Nancy doesn't answer. Andy goes down to the basement.
00:36:06Suddenly, a creepy clown pops out of nowhere and tries to grab Andy.
00:36:10But Andy just laughs and says, Stop fooling around. I know it's just a prank.
00:36:15How did he know?
00:36:23Take a look at the picture on the wall. Nancy and the clown are wearing identical sneakers.
00:36:30Bob visits this coffee shop every day because he's secretly in love with the local barista,
00:36:35but today he faced unpleasant news. Someone had replaced Kelly with her evil clone.
00:36:41How did Bob know?
00:36:47All Kelly's piercings and tattoos are gone, and no marks are left on the skin.
00:36:52Billy downloads a dating app to find his love. He finds three ladies and likes them equally.
00:36:58Elle is a travel blogger, vegan, and a huge fan of rom-coms.
00:37:02Ashley is a school teacher. She loves hiking and writes her own novels.
00:37:07Bella is a scientist. She's very busy at work. That's why she never has had a serious relationship.
00:37:12She's fond of ice cream and sunrises. Unfortunately,
00:37:16only one of these three profiles isn't fake. Can you help Billy ask the right lady out?
00:37:21There's a wedding picture on Bella's desk, therefore she's a liar. Elle says that she's
00:37:36a vegan, but she's eating a hot dog in this picture and a steak in this picture,
00:37:40so she's a liar too. So Billy should invite Ashley.
00:37:44Shelly runs an online shop. Although all her employees live in the same city,
00:37:48they only meet online. This morning their Zoom call was interrupted by a stranger.
00:37:53Can you spot the imposter? It's this lady. All employees live in the same city,
00:38:08which means in the same time zone. But take a look out her window. It's a deep night.
00:38:14Dan is hiking in the woods during the last weekend of March every year. But this time,
00:38:19he gets lost. Dan wanders around and finds this sign. He should choose one of the three routes
00:38:25to get out of the forest. The first route leads through a village of mutants. They hate people
00:38:31and no one has ever managed to escape from them. The second route is across a very old suspension
00:38:37bridge located under a river full of toads and worms. The third route leads through the habitat
00:38:43of a large family of bears. Which way is more or less safe? It's spring now, so the bears are awake
00:39:01and probably very hungry. Also, it will be difficult for Dan to deal with the mutants all
00:39:06alone. So Dan should take the second route. Even if he falls into the river, nothing bad will happen.
00:39:12Toads and worms don't bite. Rosie is baking a delicious chocolate cake in the kitchen. It's
00:39:18a gift for her boyfriend. When it's ready, she puts the cake in the fridge and goes upstairs to
00:39:22take a shower. In a while, Rosie returns to find out that someone had cut the cake and eaten a few
00:39:28pieces. Rosie questions three of her roommates. Samantha says, How dare you? I'm on a sugar-free
00:39:34diet. Pam says, I haven't been in the kitchen today. I'm too busy with my studies. And Harry says,
00:39:41I opened the fridge two minutes ago and the cake was full. Who ate the missing pieces?
00:39:57Nobody. The roommates pranked Rosie. The spoiled chocolate cake isn't Rosie's cake. Take a closer
00:40:02look. It has a different decoration. And her cake is still in the fridge, in this box on another
00:40:08shelf. Tom is having a job interview. The HR manager likes his resume and asks him one final
00:40:15question to check his logical thinking. These toothpicks indicate a group of fishes moving
00:40:20from west to east. Can you make them move in the opposite direction by moving just three toothpicks?
00:40:27Here's the solution. Victor is riding a bicycle in the park. Suddenly, someone throws a spray can
00:40:34of blue paint at his head. Victor loses balance and falls. He finds three suspects and interrogates
00:40:40them. Alex says, I was just sitting on the bench and reading a book. Victor says, I'm not sure
00:40:46what you're talking about. He says, I'm not sure what you're talking about. He says, I'm not sure
00:40:52Alex says, I was just sitting on the bench and reading a book. Barbie says, I was skating and
00:40:59didn't see any paint cans. And Ashley says, I was painting graffiti, but soon I noticed that
00:41:05someone had stolen my blue paint. Who threw the paint at Victor?
00:41:20Ashley has paint on her hands and that's okay because she's making street art.
00:41:25Alex has stains on his t-shirt, but it's just a design.
00:41:28And why would Barbie have blue stains on her hands if she didn't see any paint?
00:41:33Anna is waiting for her boyfriend Stan in a restaurant. He shows up with a box of donuts
00:41:38and goes straight to Anna. Suddenly, he slips on the wet floor. What is Stan trying to say?
00:41:49The donuts say, marry me? Stan is proposing to Anna. Fred sits down at a barbershop. The
00:41:57hairdresser says, you must be a visitor here. I love to cut strangers. It's better to serve
00:42:03two strangers than one local. Fred asks why? Can you guess the hairdresser's reply?
00:42:13Serving two is always more profitable than one.
00:42:17I have hundreds of legs, but I can only lean. Make me feel dirty so you feel clean. What am I?
00:42:27I'm a broom. The CIA arrives at Chris's house this morning. They suspect that he's a criminal.
00:42:41He sells stolen art to other criminals via Instagram, but Chris denies everything.
00:42:46Having searched the apartment, the agents find his phone.
00:42:49There are three suspicious people among his followers. Can you spot the criminal?
00:42:57It's this guy. His nickname literally says, top secret.
00:43:08You're at Aaron and Cleo's wedding. Here's Aaron, standing alone.
00:43:12Which of these ladies is his wife-to-be?
00:43:15It's this one. Look, there's her name, Cleo, on her bracelet.
00:43:20Three girls are fighting over a doll. It belongs to one of them,
00:43:23but each of the three says it's hers. Who do you think the real owner of the doll is?
00:43:35It must be this girl. Look, she and the doll have matching outfits.
00:43:54It's Halloween and some people got dressed as ghosts,
00:43:57but there's one real ghost among them. Who do you think it is?
00:44:05It's this one. Look, this person doesn't cast a shadow.
00:44:14Three friends went camping. Two of them are real people and one is a robot.
00:44:19Take a closer look at the photo of them and tell me who you think the robot is.
00:44:29It must be this guy. Take a look at the footprints each of them left.
00:44:38This guy's footprints are actually wheel prints, which is not very common for a real human.
00:44:44Amanda and her mom are participating in a game show.
00:44:47It's the final round and Amanda's task is to figure out which of these two women is her mom.
00:44:53Both women are wearing masks, so Amanda cannot see their faces.
00:44:57Can you help her?
00:45:08Pay attention to the woman's hair color. Amanda is red-headed.
00:45:12This woman has red hair too, so I'd bet it's her mom.
00:45:15In any case, Amanda must know what color her mom's hair is, so she's safe here.
00:45:21Local police got information that their little town had been invaded.
00:45:25Officers started walking around asking for people's ID cards.
00:45:29I'll show them to you one by one and you must decide who looks suspicious.
00:45:33For example, this one. What's your verdict?
00:45:47Look at this guy's birth year. No, it's definitely not a real ID.
00:45:51Here's another one. What can you say about this lady?
00:46:04Look at her place of residence. It's just the name of some place.
00:46:07There's no mention of a state or country. Nope, this person is suspicious too.
00:46:14The next person is this young lady and here's her ID card.
00:46:17Do you see anything suspicious?
00:46:21She seems fine to me. I'd let her go.
00:46:25Another one. What about this person?
00:46:37This time, pay attention to this photo. All document photos are suspicious.
00:46:42This one isn't an officially issued ID card, so I'd say he's suspicious.
00:46:47I have the last suspect for you. What do you say?
00:46:51Is there anything we should be concerned about?
00:47:02This one is a white background.
00:47:04It's not an official issued ID card, so I'd say he's suspicious.
00:47:09I have the last suspect for you. What do you say?
00:47:12Is there anything we should be concerned about?
00:47:14No, he's okay. Let him go.
00:47:16A rich lady, Mrs. Reed, was looking for a person to clean her house every week.
00:47:20She invited three candidates and asked them why they wanted the job.
00:47:24Amelia said she wanted to earn some money during the summer to travel to another state with her
00:47:28friends. Colton said his mother forced him to do something in the summer so that he didn't
00:47:33play video games all day long. Danica said she was totally broke and needed money to survive.
00:47:40When they left, Mrs. Reed saw that her diamond necklace was missing.
00:47:43She guessed that one of the candidates had stolen it, so she invited them again.
00:47:48Take a look at them and figure out who the thief is.
00:48:02It's Danica. She said she was broke. The last time she was there, she was wearing old clothes.
00:48:07But look at her now. She has new clothes, gold earrings, and an iPhone.
00:48:12She must have stolen the necklace and sold it.
00:48:14On a snowy winter day, police got a call that one of the houses in the neighborhood had been robbed.
00:48:20A detective visited people living there, but everyone said that they'd been staying at home
00:48:24because of the weather. Still, the detective understood who was lying.
00:48:28This person became the main suspect. Who is it?
00:48:37It must be the person living in this house. He said he'd been staying at home, but he obviously
00:48:48parked his car after the snow had already built up on the driveway. So, the car was away for a
00:48:53while. Why would he lie? Another day, another crime. Mr. Spencer, a businessman, was robbed.
00:49:00He said he'd had a heavy safe full of cash in his bedroom. Now it was gone,
00:49:04and he was worried that he didn't have any proof that he'd ever possessed it.
00:49:08Still, a detective said that he believed the man and asked for details.
00:49:12How did the detective know the businessman wasn't a liar?
00:49:25Look, there's dents on the floor. Something really heavy was indeed standing there for a long time.
00:49:32There was another robbery in a small town. And the main suspect was Damon,
00:49:36the victim's old friend turned enemy and ex-business partner.
00:49:40The next day, on August 7th, the police paid Damon a visit. He wasn't at home. When they
00:49:47reached him by phone, Damon said he was on vacation in Greece and that he'd left a week before.
00:49:53The police examined his apartment. When the detective looked around,
00:49:57he realized Damon had left recently. How did he understand it?
00:50:12Look at the calendar on the wall. It says August 6th, which is the day of the crime.
00:50:17If Damon had really left the week before, his calendar would date back to the day when he
00:50:21departed, instead of yesterday. In a small town, someone had stolen all the chicken nuggets from
00:50:27a local store. The store owner called the police and they started the investigation.
00:50:31There were three suspects. Mr. Jones said that he'd already been at work at that time.
00:50:36Mr. Collins said that his family was vegan, so he wouldn't be interested in chicken nuggets.
00:50:41Mr. Martin said the police had just woken him up. Who's a liar?
00:50:46The thief is Mr. Collins. He said his family was vegan, but look, they keep chickens. That's
00:50:52suspicious. Someone stole a bike in a small town, and the police were working hard to find it.
00:50:58There were three main suspects, all of them teenagers. Ava said that she'd been out with
00:51:03her friends and had just returned home. The police were looking for the thief,
00:51:07but they couldn't find him. The thief was a young man who had just returned home.
00:51:11Ava said that she'd been out with her friends and had just returned home.
00:51:15Brian said that his mom had made him paint a fence, and that's what he'd been doing.
00:51:19Caleb said he'd been playing with his brother in the garden. Who lied?
00:51:34Brian, look, the fence is red, but the grass next to it doesn't have any stains,
00:51:39so the fence isn't likely to be freshly painted.
00:51:43Aiko and Della were sisters. Aiko was broke. She asked Della to lend her some money,
00:51:47but Della refused. Several minutes later, Della went downstairs, and Aiko noticed there was a
00:51:53$20 bill on Della's desk, so she took it, with an intention to return it one week later.
00:51:59When Della came back and asked where the bill was, Aiko said that a gust of wind had suddenly
00:52:04blown inside and the bill had flown out the window. Della didn't believe her and asked
00:52:09her to give the money back. How did Della realize it was a lie?
00:52:23If a gust of wind had blown into the room, nothing would have flown out of the window.
00:52:27It would have been swept from the table to the floor, but not the other way around.
00:52:32James arrives at a beautiful haunted hotel in the mountains. He meets three people in the lobby,
00:52:37Gemma, Mike, and Peter. Each person claims to be the hotel manager.
00:52:43Can you help James figure out the real one?
00:52:56Take a look at Gemma. She's holding a badge with Mike's picture,
00:53:00and according to this badge, Mike is a cleaner. Meanwhile, Peter is holding a passport with
00:53:06Gemma's picture. Therefore, she's probably a guest, so Peter is the real manager of this place.
00:53:12Peter gives James this key and says,
00:53:15It's from our best penthouse. The room is yours if you manage to find the matching keyhole.
00:53:21Can you help James accomplish this task?
00:53:31He should choose the third hole. James should choose one of these three elevators to get to
00:53:36his room, but only one of them is safe. Which one would you suggest?
00:53:51There's a ghost hiding in the mirror inside the first elevator,
00:53:54and the third one doesn't have any clues.
00:53:58And the third one doesn't have any floor, so he should use the second elevator.
00:54:03James is walking down the hallway and spots three weird details. Can you see them too?
00:54:19The doors are numbered completely out of order. This painting on the wall
00:54:23is moving, and there's a snake hiding inside this plant.
00:54:27James enters his penthouse, but he immediately runs away screaming. Why?
00:54:42Someone's invisible hands are playing this piano.
00:54:46James asks Peter to give him another room.
00:54:49Peter offers him three options. Which one should James choose?
00:54:57There are spiders on the bed sheets in the second room,
00:55:06and there's a werewolf hiding under the bed in the third room.
00:55:09So the first room is the best choice.
00:55:12James unpacks all his things and finally goes to the shower.
00:55:16After that, he returns to his room and finds out that he had been robbed.
00:55:20Can you spot what exactly was stolen?
00:55:27A box of matches, shoelaces, and a book.
00:55:31James gets very upset because he keeps all his cash in the stolen book.
00:55:36He calls the police, but there's no service.
00:55:38James hits the road and gets stuck in this traffic jam.
00:55:42Can you figure out which car should move first?
00:55:45The third car should move first by reversing.
00:55:48Finally, James arrives at the police station.
00:55:51He sees these two women behind the bars.
00:55:53One of them is the wife of the jail guard.
00:55:56Can you guess who?
00:56:00The answer is the wife of the jail guard.
00:56:02The other one is the wife of the police officer.
00:56:04Can you guess who the wife of the jail guard is?
00:56:07The answer is the wife of the police officer.
00:56:09The police officer is the wife of the jail guard.
00:56:12Can you guess who?
00:56:23The second lady.
00:56:24They're both wearing similar pendants.
00:56:27Detective Green listens to James' story and goes to the hotel.
00:56:31He finds three suspects and asks them only one question.
00:56:36Did you enter James' room after he moved in?
00:56:40Mike replies,
00:56:41Nope, I cleaned this room early in the morning and I haven't entered it since.
00:56:45Maya says,
00:56:46I live next door and I heard James singing in the shower, but I didn't enter his room.
00:56:52And Peter replies,
00:56:54No sir, I was in the lobby the whole time.
00:56:56I would never risk my job by stealing a stupid book.
00:57:00Can you spot the thief?
00:57:13Detective Green never mentioned what exactly was stolen.
00:57:16The hotel owner fires Peter and offers his job to James.
00:57:20James agrees.
00:57:21The owner wants to check his logical thinking.
00:57:23That's why he offers James to solve a riddle.
00:57:27Can you find anything similar between the front of a lady and the back of a seal?
00:57:41The correct answer is the letter L.
00:57:44James gets the job.
00:57:46His first task is to take care of these four new guests who have just arrived.
00:57:50But only two of them are real.
00:57:52Can you guess who?
00:58:04The first lady is a ghost.
00:58:06Take a look at her feet.
00:58:07She's levitating.
00:58:09And the fourth guy is a thief.
00:58:11He's stealing a credit card from the second person's bag.
00:58:14So only the second and the third person are actually the guests.
00:58:19James goes to the restaurant to have some dinner.
00:58:21The cook serves him a big dish with sushi.
00:58:24But James didn't wash his hands, so he leaves for the bathroom.
00:58:27When he returns, he sees that someone has eaten a couple of items from his plate.
00:58:33James questions three suspects.
00:58:36Gemma, the guest, says,
00:58:38Honey, are you kidding me?
00:58:39I'm allergic to all kinds of seafoods.
00:58:42Tim, the waiter, replies,
00:58:45I was too busy.
00:58:46I took an order in another part of the hall and didn't look at your table.
00:58:49I'm sorry.
00:58:51Carl, the cook, says,
00:58:52That's too bad.
00:58:53I made this sushi only for you.
00:58:56Who's lying?
00:59:06Gemma, if she's allergic to all kinds of seafoods,
00:59:10why did she order this lobster?
00:59:13James goes to the hotel basement to check the storage room.
00:59:16This is how it looks right now.
00:59:19And this is how the storage used to look in the morning.
00:59:22Can you spot what's missing?
00:59:24Two buckets, one mop, and one bathrobe.
00:59:28James gets lost in the basement and finds these three doors leading upstairs.
00:59:33Each door hides something surprising.
00:59:36There's a creepy clown behind the first door.
00:59:39There's a hungry wolf behind the second door.
00:59:41And the third way is full of food.
00:59:44And the fourth way is full of food.
00:59:46And the fifth way is full of food.
00:59:48And the sixth way is full of food.
00:59:50The first one.
01:00:09Although the clown is creepy,
01:00:11who said that he's dangerous?
01:00:13There's a power outage throughout the hotel area.
01:00:16About an hour later, at 10 p.m.,
01:00:18The local mechanics finish all repairs and turn the lights back on.
01:00:23James returns to the lobby and faces one of the guests, Nancy. She's crying because someone had
01:00:29stolen all the money and gadgets from her room. James finds three suspects and asks them just
01:00:35one question. What were you doing within the last hour? Kim says that she was just chilling in a
01:00:41restaurant and had nothing to do with the robbery. Alex spent all his evening skiing in the hotel
01:00:47ski resort and Robin had just arrived from the city and it was quite a quest to find the hotel
01:00:52in the dark. Who's the thief?
01:01:06Alex. How would he ski in total darkness? James goes to the shower. He finds these three bars
01:01:13of hotel soap but only one of them is safe to use. Can you guess which one?
01:01:28The first soap had expired a long time ago. Take a look at the date. It was made in 1980.
01:01:35And there's a little scorpion hiding under the third soap. So James should definitely choose
01:01:41the second one. James decides to have a walk around the hotel before sleep. Unfortunately,
01:01:47he gets lost in the garden. Now he needs to get out of this crazy maze. Can you help him out?
01:02:04Here's the only way to escape from this trap. Carl, the local cook, is making an exclusive
01:02:10soup using his granny's recipe. He mixes all the ingredients except for one last one.
01:02:16Suddenly, the wind blows off the recipe and the sheet of paper with the recipe
01:02:20flies into the fireplace. The cook is desperate. He doesn't remember the name of the last ingredient
01:02:26but he knows for sure that it stands on the shelf with seasonings. Also,
01:02:31he knows that the soup should be orange. Can you help Carl finish the dinner?
01:02:40When you mix red and yellow, they turn into an orange. That's why Carl should add red and yellow
01:02:53spices. James reads the hotel reviews online. Lucy writes, they gave me a room with a garden view
01:02:59but I wanted mountains. But the food is still amazing. Giselle says, this hotel is so noisy
01:03:07and dirty. Carpets in the lobby are stained. Gross! One star. Jessica writes, OMG, last night
01:03:16I saw a ghost in my room. This hotel is really haunted. One of these reviews is fake. Can you
01:03:23guess which one? The second review isn't real. There are no carpets in the lobby. Detective Tina
01:03:40received an emergency call from the local museum. Someone had stolen an exclusive scarab brooch
01:03:46from ancient Egypt. First of all, Tina checked all security cameras. This is what she found.
01:03:53Can you spot the thief just by looking at these two pictures?
01:04:07See this guy? He's holding an open paper cup in the first image. But in the second image,
01:04:11the cup has a lid. The guy hid the stolen brooch in his paper cup. Detective Tina hurried to the
01:04:18crime scene. When the brooch disappeared, the museum security system locked all visitors inside
01:04:23the building. But the guards didn't find the suspected person among the visitors. How did
01:04:29he escape? Have you guessed? Take a look up at the ceiling. See the shoe prints on the statue?
01:04:45The thief climbed this sculpture and escaped through the window on the roof.
01:04:49Tina went to the roof to search for some clues. Can you see any?
01:05:02The thief left the cup on the roof. There's a coffee shop name written on it. Bright Cup.
01:05:09Tina can visit this place and check the security cameras. Tina arrived at the coffee shop,
01:05:14located just nearby the museum. Unfortunately, they didn't have security cameras, so Tina
01:05:19questioned the staff. Kelly, the barista, said, Sorry, I don't know this guy. I'm just trying to
01:05:25do my job. Mike, the manager, said, This face looks familiar, but I'm not sure where I saw him.
01:05:33And Phil, the guard, said, Sorry, never saw him. You can trust me. I have a perfect memory for
01:05:39faces. Tina knew for sure that one of them had lied. Can you spot who exactly?
01:05:55Kelly, look at her iPad. There's an incoming call from her boyfriend.
01:05:59Take a closer look at the contact photo. It's our thief. Therefore, Kelly is an accomplice in the
01:06:06crime. Tina told Kelly, I'm afraid we should continue this conversation at the police station.
01:06:12But Kelly ran away through the backyard. Tina followed her and ended up in a dark basement.
01:06:18She got lost and found these three cages. The first cage is covered with fire. There are huge
01:06:24ice cubes all over the second cage, and the third cage is full of venomous scorpions.
01:06:30Tina has to choose one of them to get to the surface. Can you help her choose the safest option?
01:06:36The cage with the ice cubes. She can get cold, but it's still safer than the other two cages.
01:06:50The police caught Kelly and brought her to the station. During interrogation, Kelly told Tina
01:06:56four facts. First of all, this guy's name is Alex. Secondly, he's my ex-boyfriend. We don't
01:07:03get along anymore. We went to the same college and met in history class. And finally, I don't
01:07:08know why he'd stolen this stupid brooch. One of the facts is false. Can you guess which one?
01:07:24The fourth one. Look at Kelly's tattoo. It's identical to the stolen brooch.
01:07:29She definitely knows something about the stolen item. Kelly confessed that the thief might be
01:07:34hiding in an abandoned castle site outside the city. Tina went to check it out. But anyone who
01:07:40wants to reach the castle should go through this tangled maze. Can you tell which one of
01:07:45these four paths will bring Tina to the castle? The first path leads to the pond with crocodiles.
01:08:00The third one leads nowhere. And the fourth way goes back to the beginning. So Tina should choose
01:08:06the second path. Tina entered the castle and saw a room full of ancient artifacts. She spotted the
01:08:13thief right away. What about you? Can you see him? This mummy is holding a cell phone. Alex ran
01:08:29away to the basement and Tina followed him. Unfortunately, the door behind her slammed shut
01:08:35and she got stuck. Can you help her break the code to escape?
01:08:49A calendar on the door says, you force heaven to be empty. If you read the sentence again,
01:08:56you're going to hear a seven-digit code. U-4-7-2-B-M-T. In the next room,
01:09:06Tina got stuck in another trap. The creepy voice explained, if you press the right button,
01:09:13I'm going to let you go. But if you choose the wrong one, you'll stay here forever.
01:09:19You've only got one chance to escape. Good luck. Which button opens the lock? Have you guessed?
01:09:37She should pick the black button. This picture on the wall is a hint.
01:09:41The rainbow contains all colors except for black.
01:09:45Tina got out of the trap and entered a room full of old furniture.
01:09:49She noticed three odd details about this room right away. What about you?
01:10:04There are books in this burning fireplace, but they don't burn.
01:10:08Take a look at this painting on the wall. This lady's winking. And the reflection in this mirror
01:10:14doesn't match the room at all. Tina found Alex near these underground gates,
01:10:18leading to an ancient underground city. He explained that the scarab brooch hid a secret key,
01:10:24but there are four different locks on the gates.
01:10:27The guys only have one attempt to choose the right one. Which lock should they pick?
01:10:32The fourth lock is the only perfect match for this key. The guys opened the gates and entered
01:10:37the city. Alex had a map, so he ran away to find the treasures and left Tina alone.
01:10:42She looked around and noticed a three-way road pointing to the north,
01:10:46west, and east. Tina didn't know where to go. Suddenly, she saw a map on the wall.
01:10:52She picked up the map and ran to the gate. She saw a map on the wall.
01:10:57Tina didn't know where to go. Suddenly, she saw a lady. The local citizens always reply truthfully,
01:11:05but they answer only one question if they're talking to a stranger.
01:11:08What should Tina ask to figure out the right direction?
01:11:12She should ask, if the right direction is not the east, is it west?
01:11:17Here's why. There are three possible answers. One, yes, west is correct. Two, no, east is the right
01:11:27direction. Three, neither one nor the other. Tina should go north.
01:11:33The third answer is the right direction. She should ask, if the right direction is not the east,
01:11:39Tina should go north. Or, Tina might just ask the name of this lady and then introduce herself.
01:11:46This way, they won't be strangers anymore, and Tina would be able to ask as many questions as
01:11:51she needed. Tina went north and finally found the entrance to a cave with treasures,
01:11:56but the door has a combination lock. Can you help Tina figure out the code?
01:12:09Take a look at these figures. The number corresponds to the sum of intersection points.
01:12:16Therefore, she needs to calculate the number of points in the last figure.
01:12:20And voila, the four-digit code is solved. Inside the caves, Tina met a dragon. It said,
01:12:27I'm gonna let you in if you can crack my riddle.
01:12:31I'm gonna let you in if you can crack my riddle. I'm quite hot,
01:12:35but if you remove the first two letters, I become too cold. What am I? Have you guessed?
01:12:52The correct answer is spice. When we take away the first two letters, it turns into
01:12:57ice. To find the treasures, Tina has to walk through this round maze.
01:13:02She only has 10 seconds to choose the correct way. Can you help her out?
01:13:17Here's the easiest way. Tina found three doors in the center of the labyrinth.
01:13:21Each door leads to treasures. But each way also hides some danger. The first path is filled with
01:13:28poisonous gas. There are thousands of toads and bugs behind the second door. They crawl all over
01:13:34the floor and walls. And a hungry lion is hiding behind the third door. Which way should Tina
01:13:41choose? The second way. Although bugs and toads can be gross, they're not dangerous.
01:13:57Tina took the treasures and headed home. Suddenly, she met Alex. Tina decided to trick him and
01:14:03offered him a deal. If you manage to solve my puzzle, I'm gonna give you 100% of the treasures.
01:14:09But if you fail, you'll get nothing and go to jail. Here's the riddle. Move just one match
01:14:16to point this giraffe in a different direction. Alex failed to crack this riddle. What about you?
01:14:26Here's the correct answer. Pretty easy, huh? Can you spot something odd in this image?
01:14:48Yep, this little guy is just a wannabe.
01:14:52Will you be able to find the fork that's different from the rest?
01:14:57Here it is. Its tines are way shorter than those of its fellow forks.
01:15:10How long will it take you to find the glove that doesn't have a pair?
01:15:14But, of course, here it is. Wow, that was fast!
01:15:18Now let's make it trickier. Which snowflake is lonely?
01:15:31Exactly, this pretty one in the center.
01:15:35Try to spot the middle snowflake.
01:15:39Exactly, this pretty one in the center.
01:15:42Try to spot the rubber boot that doesn't have a pair.
01:15:54Here it is. You must have an eagle eye.
01:15:58Is there an imposter among all these X's?
01:16:10Yep, it's the letter Y.
01:16:13Have you just pressed the hard mode button? Okay, which lion is different from the rest?
01:16:28Right, this king of the jungle is missing one ear.
01:16:34Can you spot a sunflower among all these buzzing bees?
01:16:47Ah, here it is, hiding in the corner.
01:16:54Which avocado is different from the rest?
01:16:58This one. Look at its stone, it must be in love. What's your bet, is it ava or cotto?
01:17:13And now, the real game starts. You see most of these logos every day,
01:17:18but how well do you really know them?
01:17:21Do you recognize the logo of the world-famous producer of electronics?
01:17:27The left one looks much more natural, and no wonder, it's the correct logo.
01:17:40How often do you order stuff from Amazon? Let's see.
01:17:52If you picked the right logo, it must be often enough.
01:17:56What a tricky task! These logos look almost the same.
01:18:09And still, the correct one is the Netflix logo on the right.
01:18:14Think hard and tell me, where could you get a yummy sandwich?
01:18:26The correct logo is the one on the right. If you see the other one,
01:18:31you should probably refrain from entering that subway.
01:18:35Now, which is the correct YouTube logo? No cheating!
01:18:48The left one, of course.
01:18:51Which car do you use to pay at your local supermarket?
01:18:56The one on the right, of course.
01:19:07I'm sure this logo is familiar not only to avid coffee fans.
01:19:19The left one is the real Starbucks logo.
01:19:23Who hasn't seen a room of their dreams in IKEA at least once in their life?
01:19:28But which is the correct IKEA logo?
01:19:40It's the right one!
01:19:43Now tell me, how many hours do you spend watching TikTok videos?
01:19:52If you answered that the real TikTok logo is the one on the right,
01:19:59you probably open the TikTok app at least once a day.
01:20:04One of the best snacks out there, but which Pringles logo is the one you see on the box?
01:20:09The mustache guy doesn't have that much hair. The logo on the left is correct.
01:20:24Level up, which of these guys do you see when you buy your Pringles?
01:20:29The one on the left, of course.
01:20:37Absolutely, it's the one on the left!
01:20:41Let's see if you tend to take pics of literally everything around
01:20:45you to post them on this social media app.
01:20:47The real Instagram logo is the right one.
01:20:59Heh, you must be a real Insta person if you got that right.
01:21:03I'm sure you'll recognize the Pizza Hut logo in no time. Yes, you, pizza lover!
01:21:18And of course, it's the one on the left.
01:21:22Okay, we've determined that you're a real fan of pizza, but how about sports?
01:21:35The correct Adidas logo is on the left.
01:21:39And how extreme is your sweet tooth? Will you recognize the real Chupa Chups logo?
01:21:47I knew it was the one on the right!
01:21:56Which of these is the real IBM logo?
01:22:08That was a tricky question. I chose the logo on the right, and it was the right choice.
01:22:14How about this seemingly endless source of knowledge and wisdom? What's the real Wikipedia logo?
01:22:29Yep, it's the one on the left!
01:22:33If you watch MTV often enough, it won't take you long to find its real logo.
01:22:43Yep, it's the right one!
01:22:50How about these logos? Tricky, huh?
01:23:01The real Costa Coffee logo is the one on the right.
01:23:06Now this question is the trickiest of them all. Which is the correct Brightside logo?
01:23:13I hope you watch our channel often enough to have picked the light bulb on the right.
01:23:26And, you know, always stay on the bright side of life.
01:23:30And level up! Look at the pictures attentively and try to figure out what's wrong with them.
01:23:37Can you find out what's wrong in this picture?
01:23:44Ah, it's not about the numbers. It's the word mistake that's written incorrectly.
01:23:55Can you spot something really strange in this image?
01:24:07It's a barn. Why would it need a chimney?
01:24:10Examine all the details in this picture and figure out what's wrong with it.
01:24:24Oh, I see. The car doesn't have any license plate.
01:24:29Something is off in this picture. But what exactly? This one seems tough.
01:24:40April 31st? Hmm, such a date doesn't exist.
01:24:49How fast can you figure out what's wrong with this picture?
01:25:01The guy must have been dressing in a hurry. He's wearing one regular skate and one roller skate.
01:25:07Which picture is the odd one here?
01:25:18The one with the cat? All other items begin with the letter B, except the kitty.
01:25:25I gotta warn you, be very, very attentive now. Can you find the mistake?
01:25:37Oh, look at this symbol. It's not a zero, it's an O. Oh.
01:25:44If you cracked even 70% of these attention riddles,
01:25:48you're a very, very attentive individual. Now, what was that number again?
01:25:54Who is wanted?
01:26:04The girl on the right. She has the same mole as the girl on the poster.
01:26:10Who is an identity thief?
01:26:13It's the man on the right. His real ID is sticking out of his backpack,
01:26:16which means he must be showing a fake ID.
01:26:22Who is an imposter?
01:26:32The girl on the left. She has the same mole as the girl on the poster.
01:26:37The girl on the left. The script she's reading is turned upside down.
01:26:41It means she only pretends to be an actress.
01:26:45Who is the real thief?
01:26:57Both of these men are thieves. While one man is distracting the girl,
01:27:00the other is preparing to steal her money.
01:27:03While one man is distracting the girl, the other is preparing to steal her phone.
01:27:10The last will of Mr. Wilson, a rich businessman, got stolen.
01:27:14There were five people in the house at that moment.
01:27:16Mr. Wilson's wife, their cook, butler, maid, and gardener.
01:27:21They all told the detective what they'd been doing that evening.
01:27:25Mrs. Wilson was sitting by the fireplace embroidering.
01:27:28The cook was making breakfast.
01:27:30The butler was supervising several workers in the living room.
01:27:33The maid was sweeping the floors in the hallway.
01:27:36The gardener was watering the plants in the greenhouse.
01:27:39Right after this conversation, the detective arrested the thief.
01:27:43Who is the culprit? And how'd the detective figure it out?
01:27:56The cook is the thief. He said he'd been preparing breakfast,
01:27:59but the crime happened in the evening.
01:28:03Lily owned a flower store. One day, she got a call from the police.
01:28:07They told her that her shop had been robbed.
01:28:10When she arrived, shards of glass were on the ground near the store,
01:28:13and the pots and plants inside were broken.
01:28:16The police questioned three suspects.
01:28:18Jacob, Lily's ex, said,
01:28:20I was in a hurry and didn't notice that the windows were broken when I was passing by the store.
01:28:25I only realized what had happened when the police called me.
01:28:29Camille, Lily's friend, said,
01:28:31Lily asked me to help her with something in the store.
01:28:34When I arrived, everything had already been broken.
01:28:37I called the police immediately.
01:28:39Matt, Lily's ex-coworker, said,
01:28:42I was walking nearby and I saw someone breaking a window and sneaking into the shop.
01:28:47I left my phone at home, so I ran to the police station.
01:28:50Can you guess who's lying?
01:29:00Matt is lying.
01:29:02Shards of glass were laying on the ground,
01:29:04which meant that the criminal had to break the window from the inside.
01:29:09Let's take a little break.
01:29:11Now, you need to think fast.
01:29:13Mary's mom has four daughters.
01:29:15One daughter is called April, the second is named May, and the third daughter is June.
01:29:20What's the fourth daughter's name?
01:29:30It's Mary, of course.
01:29:34Who doesn't belong to this list?
01:29:36Napoleon Bonaparte
01:29:37Queen Elizabeth
01:29:39William Shakespeare
01:29:40Sherlock Holmes
01:29:42Christopher Columbus
01:29:43Donald Trump
01:29:53Sherlock Holmes
01:29:55He's the only fictional character on the list.
01:29:58Eight girls are in the house and each of them is busy with something.
01:30:01The first one is cooking dinner.
01:30:03The second one is lighting the fireplace.
01:30:05The third girl is playing chess.
01:30:08The fourth one is reading a book.
01:30:10The fifth girl is drawing a picture.
01:30:13The sixth is cleaning up the house.
01:30:15The seventh girl is watering the plants.
01:30:17What is the eighth girl doing?
01:30:28She's playing chess with the third girl.
01:30:32One woman turned 40 in 1850, but in 1860, she was 30 years old.
01:30:37How could this happen?
01:30:48This could only happen if 1860 was earlier than 1850,
01:30:53which means that the woman turned 40 in 1850 BCE and 30 in 1860 BCE.
01:31:03An artist was walking in the park when it suddenly started raining.
01:31:06He had neither a hat nor an umbrella to cover his head.
01:31:09He also couldn't hide under a tree because the downpour was too heavy.
01:31:13And still, not a single hair on his head got wet.
01:31:16How can that happen?
01:31:23The artist was bald.
01:31:27Now let's get back to our detective riddles.
01:31:29Robert won a million dollars in the lottery.
01:31:32He decided not to tell anyone about this, including his wife.
01:31:36At home, he put his money in a safe hidden behind a painting.
01:31:39The next day, the money disappeared.
01:31:41The police invited all the suspects for questioning.
01:31:45Emily, Robert's wife, said,
01:31:47James, Robert's business partner, said,
01:32:05The police arrested the thief.
01:32:07Can you guess who it was?
01:32:09It was a man in a white suit.
01:32:10He was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket.
01:32:13He was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket.
01:32:15Can you guess who it was?
01:32:26Robert's business partner did this.
01:32:28Robert didn't tell anyone that he'd won the lottery.
01:32:30His wife noticed an empty safe when she entered the office.
01:32:34But she didn't know what was inside.
01:32:37Marina was participating in a figure skating championship.
01:32:41She was a very strong competitor.
01:32:42And many people believed she could win.
01:32:45The time for a warm-up ran out.
01:32:46All the participants started preparing for the performance.
01:32:49Marina was the first.
01:32:51She was amazing.
01:32:52But suddenly, she tripped, fell down, and broke her leg,
01:32:56which made her unable to continue.
01:32:58The investigation revealed that someone had ruined her skates.
01:33:01The police interviewed three suspects.
01:33:04Anna said,
01:33:05I didn't do anything, but I saw Jacqueline and Kate walking
01:33:08into the locker room before Marina's performance.
01:33:11They're the ones who ruined her skates.
01:33:14Yes, I indeed went into the locker room to take my things.
01:33:17But I didn't see Kate there.
01:33:19And Kate said,
01:33:20Yeah, that's because I've been practicing in the gym until it was my turn.
01:33:24Besides, Anna is lying.
01:33:25I saw her in the locker room.
01:33:27Can you guess who's lying?
01:33:39She couldn't train in the gym.
01:33:40Because the time for the warm-up had been over by the time the competition started.
01:33:45Here's what happened.
01:33:46Kate went into the locker room and ruined Marina's skates.
01:33:49Jacqueline came into the locker room after her.
01:33:52And that's what Anna saw.
01:33:55Jane is afraid that she might have a stalker.
01:33:57She brought some photos of herself and her friends to the police.
01:34:01The police immediately found the culprit.
01:34:04Who is Jane's stalker?
01:34:11Jane's friend Mike.
01:34:13He's the only one who is present in all the photos.
01:34:15And sometimes, he even tries to conceal his identity.
01:34:21The investigation didn't have enough evidence to prove the suspect was guilty.
01:34:25Detective Reed decided to investigate their house, hoping to find some clues.
01:34:29And he actually did find something.
01:34:31He discovered a secret room.
01:34:33However, it had a combination lock and the word idea written on it.
01:34:38Do you have any idea what the code might be?
01:34:52The code is the number of each of the letters in the alphabet.
01:34:58The door opened to the suspect's secret office.
01:35:00At first glance, there is nothing suspicious inside.
01:35:03A table was set up on the table.
01:35:05Nothing suspicious inside.
01:35:07A table with a book in the middle, some dusty furniture, and a picture on the wall.
01:35:12The detective examined the painting and found a safe with a three-digit code behind it.
01:35:17Next to it, there was a note with a hint.
01:35:24Can you guess what the detective needs to do next?
01:35:36The detective realized that the note meant page 270, lines 7 to 8.
01:35:41He should check out the book on the table.
01:35:44The detective found the necessary lines on page 270.
01:35:47They read,
01:35:48After wandering through the desert for four days and three nights,
01:35:52I came across a couple of travelers.
01:35:54They fed me and gave me one of their camels.
01:35:57This is a clue that can help crack the code to the safe.
01:36:00What is it?
01:36:11Four days and three nights make seven.
01:36:14A couple of travelers is two.
01:36:16And don't forget about one camel.
01:36:18The detective opened the safe and found the evidence that proved that the suspect was guilty.
01:36:25In the middle of the night, someone stole a unique artifact from a museum.
01:36:29The museum guard claimed it had been a robber.
01:36:31Detective Ridd arrived at the crime scene immediately and questioned the guard.
01:36:37The man said,
01:36:38I was walking around the museum.
01:36:41Suddenly, I saw a dark shadow.
01:36:42I called out to them, but they didn't respond.
01:36:45But Detective Ridd noticed that something was wrong with this story.
01:36:49Can you guess what it is?
01:36:51There are only one person's footprints on the floor.
01:36:54If there was the guard and the criminal in the museum,
01:36:57shouldn't there be two sets of footprints?
01:37:00Detective Ridd asked the guard what he did next.
01:37:02The man said,
01:37:04I ran after the thief and saw them break the glass door and steal the artifact.
01:37:08The alarm didn't go off, as they had probably turned it off.
01:37:12The guard said,
01:37:13I'm not sure what you're talking about.
01:37:15I'm sure it was a robber.
01:37:17The alarm didn't go off, as they had probably turned it off.
01:37:20Is the guard telling the truth?
01:37:31The door is indeed broken, but it's also open.
01:37:34It can only be opened with a key.
01:37:36It looks like someone opened the door to prevent the alarm from going off
01:37:40and then broke the glass to hide the traces.
01:37:43The detective asked the man what had happened next.
01:37:46The guard said,
01:37:47I ran up to the criminal and tried to stop them.
01:37:49But they sprayed something in my eyes, and I lost consciousness.
01:37:53When I woke up, I immediately called the police.
01:37:56Is he telling the truth?
01:38:07His eyes look totally fine.
01:38:09The robbery happened just a few hours ago.
01:38:11If the guard was telling the truth, his eyes would at least look red.
01:38:15He must be lying.
01:38:17The guard turned out to be the thief and was arrested.
01:38:24Oh no!
01:38:25Someone broke into Monsieur Dupont's house,
01:38:28broke into his home office, and stole some important things from his safe.
01:38:32Here are two photos of the safe before and after the theft.
01:38:36Will you be able to find five things that the criminal stole?
01:38:45They stole a wad of cash, a ticket to Lyon,
01:38:48and an expensive watch, a necklace, and a gold statuette.
01:38:53Unfortunately for the thief, Gabriel Dupont is actually a retired detective.
01:38:57What a great way to remember the old days!
01:39:00Gabriel decides to examine the house and look for possible traces of the criminal.
01:39:04Do you see anything suspicious in this picture?
01:39:07There are boot marks on the floor.
01:39:10The size is quite large.
01:39:11These are most likely the footprints of a man's shoes.
01:39:15Now let's go to the hallway where the footprints lead.
01:39:17Do you see anything suspicious here?
01:39:25There are no footprints on the floor.
01:39:27The man's shoes are probably the footprints of a man.
01:39:30Let's go to the hallway where the footprints lead.
01:39:32Do you see anything suspicious here?
01:39:43There are shards of glass on the floor.
01:39:45It's strange because none of the windows seem to be broken.
01:39:48Could the thief have shattered something that belonged to him?
01:39:52The criminal entered the house through the window.
01:39:54Gabriel decides to explore the garden.
01:39:57Are there any traces there?
01:40:08It seems the criminal dropped his hat in a hurry.
01:40:12Now it's time to listen to witnesses.
01:40:14The day before, there were three people in the house.
01:40:17Gabriel's wife, Chloe, their maid, Mary, and the gardener, Adam.
01:40:22Each of them claims to have seen the criminal.
01:40:25But their stories differ dramatically.
01:40:28Chloe says,
01:40:29I was walking along the corridor and noticed a shadow in the garden.
01:40:33It was a man with long brown hair.
01:40:35He ran away as soon as he saw me, so I thought he was just passing by.
01:40:40Mary says,
01:40:42I was going to the second floor and noticed a shadow.
01:40:45It was a tall man wearing glasses, and I think he was bald.
01:40:48He noticed me and slipped through the window.
01:40:51It looked as if he dropped something when he was running away.
01:40:54I immediately called you, Monsieur Dupont.
01:40:57And Adam says,
01:40:59I was planting flowers in the garden.
01:41:01At one point, I looked up and saw a shadow in the hallway.
01:41:04It was a woman.
01:41:05She was tall with curly hair.
01:41:07I started running towards the house, but when I arrived, she was already gone.
01:41:13Who is right?
01:41:25It looks like Adam just saw Chloe.
01:41:27And Chloe spotted Adam.
01:41:29But they didn't recognize each other.
01:41:30As for Mary, she thought that the man had been bald because he'd had a hat on.
01:41:35She also said that she'd been wearing glasses.
01:41:38That's where the shards came from.
01:41:39Gabriel asks Mary for more details.
01:41:42She draws a portrait of the thief, a middle-aged man wearing a hat and glasses.
01:41:47The criminal stole tickets to Lyon, so Gabriel decides to go there.
01:41:52He takes a bus to the airport.
01:41:53On his way, he makes a decision to brush up on his detective skills.
01:41:58Which of the passengers doesn't have a ticket?
01:42:11The baby in that woman's arms.
01:42:13Gabriel boards the plane and decides to practice again.
01:42:17Which of the passengers is married?
01:42:28The girl with a ring on her finger.
01:42:31Gabriel arrives in Lyon.
01:42:33He comes to the hotel to ask about the criminal and is now waiting for his turn to speak to the receptionist.
01:42:38While he's waiting, can you guess which of these people is not a tourist?
01:42:52This man.
01:42:53He's the only one who doesn't have a suitcase.
01:42:56Neither does he have any souvenirs with him.
01:42:59Finally, it's Gabriel's turn.
01:43:00He comes up to the receptionist.
01:43:02Hello, he says.
01:43:04I'm a detective investigating crime.
01:43:06Could you please provide me with the footage from your security camera for the past few days?
01:43:11Of course, detective.
01:43:13But could you please help me to solve another crime first?
01:43:15I think my dog has stolen some of my papers.
01:43:19Can you help the receptionist find the dog?
01:43:26Here it is.
01:43:27The dog is hiding under the stairs in the hall.
01:43:30Gabriel has received the footage from the cameras for the last four days.
01:43:33Can you find the suspects in these photos?
01:43:45Here he is.
01:43:46On the first day, he arrived wearing glasses but without a hat.
01:43:50But look.
01:43:50He's wearing a hat.
01:43:52On the first day, he arrived wearing glasses but without a hat.
01:43:55But look.
01:43:56A couple of days later, he got a new hat and an expensive suit.
01:44:01That's the man I need, Gabriel says, showing the man in the photos.
01:44:05Oh, I know him, the receptionist replies.
01:44:09He's usually absent at night and returns only in the morning, at around 10 o'clock.
01:44:14Gabriel decides to check in at that hotel and wait for the suspect to return.
01:44:19After taking his things to his room,
01:44:20he sits down to solve a few logic puzzles before going to bed.
01:44:25The first one is easy.
01:44:26Here it is.
01:44:27Two fathers and two sons found three oranges and shared them.
01:44:32Everyone got a whole orange.
01:44:34How is it possible?
01:44:36There were three people, a grandpa, a dad, and a son.
01:44:41The second puzzle is harder.
01:44:42But Gabriel still solves it easily.
01:44:45Can you?
01:44:46A woman needs to bake six pies.
01:44:48How can she do that in 15 minutes if maximum four pies can be placed in a pan?
01:44:53And one pie needs to be baked for five minutes.
01:44:56How can she do that in 15 minutes if maximum four pies can be placed in a pan?
01:45:02And one pie needs to be baked for five minutes on each side.
01:45:17Step one.
01:45:18We put four pies in a pan and bake them for five minutes.
01:45:22Step two.
01:45:23We turn over two pies, remove the other two,
01:45:27put two new pies and bake them for another five minutes.
01:45:31Step three.
01:45:32We remove the two finished pies, turn the other two over,
01:45:36put the two half-cooked pies from the first batch and bake them for five minutes.
01:45:41The task is done.
01:45:42The last riddle has a catch.
01:45:44It goes like this.
01:45:46A deaf and mute man entered a store to buy a pencil sharpener.
01:45:50He placed his index finger in his left ear and made a rotational movement
01:45:55near his right ear with the other hand.
01:45:57The seller immediately understood what the man wanted.
01:46:01Sometime later, a blind man entered the same store.
01:46:04How did he explain to the seller that he wanted to buy scissors?
01:46:18He just said it aloud.
01:46:19He was blind, not mute.
01:46:23In the morning, the detective wakes up and goes downstairs to wait for the suspect.
01:46:27And he indeed comes in at 10.15 a.m.
01:46:30It's a middle-aged man wearing glasses.
01:46:33He looks at his watch and says,
01:46:35Oh, no, I have to hurry.
01:46:37I'm already 15 minutes late.
01:46:39Gabriel immediately jumps up.
01:46:41It's you.
01:46:42You're the thief who robbed me.
01:46:44How did Gabriel understand that?
01:46:56The watch the suspect was looking at was the one that once belonged to Gabriel.
01:47:01No, wait, I...
01:47:02The man says, backing away.
01:47:04And then, suddenly, he dashes away.
01:47:07Oh, no!
01:47:08Gabriel starts running after him.
01:47:09But the man has already managed to hide somewhere.
01:47:12He must have chosen one of these three ways to escape.
01:47:15There is a police car blocking this road.
01:47:17The second road leads to an alley, so dark that you can see nothing.
01:47:21The third road is blocked by a big crowd of people.
01:47:25Think, which way did the culprit choose?
01:47:30He probably picked the third road.
01:47:39Of course, he wouldn't run towards the police.
01:47:42It'd also be very dangerous for him to run in the dark.
01:47:45What if he tripped over, fell down, and got caught?
01:47:48So, he chose the crowd to blend in with.
01:47:51Gabriel notices the criminal in the crowd.
01:47:53He runs after him, but the man disappears around the corner.
01:47:56Gabriel follows him.
01:47:57On the left, he sees the central square of the city.
01:48:00There's a cafe in the center.
01:48:02On the right, he spots a road leading to the park.
01:48:07Which way did the criminal most likely choose?
01:48:19The one leading to the central square, of course.
01:48:22There are not so many people in the park.
01:48:24The culprit would look suspicious running along a deserted path.
01:48:27And if he took a seat in the cafe, the detective would immediately spot him.
01:48:33Finally, Gabriel reaches the square.
01:48:35While he was running, he managed to request police assistance.
01:48:38Now he needs to find everyone who looks like the culprit before the man escapes.
01:48:42Can you find five possible suspects?
01:48:55Here they are.
01:48:56These are all men in hats and glasses.
01:48:59The police grab the suspects and take them to the police station for questioning.
01:49:03They all look very similar.
01:49:05Unfortunately, the criminal has already managed to hide the watch.
01:49:09So, Gabriel has to find another way to identify him.
01:49:14Who is the thief?
01:49:26This man.
01:49:27He has the same wart on his nose as the thief did.
01:49:30Gabriel recognizes the criminal.
01:49:32His real name is Charles Winston.
01:49:34I didn't do anything.
01:49:36He claims, I started running away because I was scared.
01:49:39And you have no proof that I'm a criminal.
01:49:43Gabriel suggests that the police should examine the criminal's room in the lobby.
01:49:46They find a safe there.
01:49:48The password is a four-letter word.
01:49:50There's also a hint next to the safe.
01:49:58Can you figure out the code?
01:50:10The password is gold.
01:50:12The numbers correspond to the ordinal numbers of these letters in the alphabet.
01:50:17In the safe, there's Gabriel's gold statuette.
01:50:20Unfortunately, this is all they find.
01:50:22The criminal managed to sell the rest.
01:50:24But what matters the most for Gabriel is that justice has prevailed.
01:50:30Amy's elder sister Vicky gave her this shopping list and asked her to get some groceries.
01:50:35Amy took the list without even looking at it.
01:50:38But when she arrived at the supermarket, she realized that her sister had pranked her.
01:50:43Vicky has encoded the names of the products she needed.
01:50:46Can you help Amy figure out what she's supposed to buy?
01:50:58Here's the first product.
01:51:00It's blueberry.
01:51:04What about this one?
01:51:19Can you recognize this food?
01:51:30That's right.
01:51:31It's kiwi.
01:51:35Here's the next rebus.
01:51:36Can you crack this code?
01:51:51What about this one?
01:52:02Great job!
01:52:06Next riddle.
01:52:07Any ideas?
01:52:17Vicky needs some bananas.
01:52:22And how about this food?
01:52:33That's right.
01:52:34Amy should buy some oranges.
01:52:37And here's the final product.
01:52:40Can you figure out what it is?
01:52:55Amy took everything she needed and headed to the cashier.
01:52:58He said,
01:52:59I'll give you a 90% discount if you manage to solve my riddle.
01:53:04Amy agreed.
01:53:05Amy agreed.
01:53:06Here's the riddle.
01:53:08If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand,
01:53:12and four apples and three oranges in the other hand,
01:53:15what would you have?
01:53:17Can you help Amy crack this riddle to save some money?
01:53:20Try to think outside the box.
01:53:30Obviously, you must have very large hands to hold all this.
01:53:35Amy left the supermarket and headed home.
01:53:38But suddenly, she realized that she'd left her wallet at the checkout.
01:53:41She ran back to the supermarket, but the wallet was nowhere to be found.
01:53:46Amy questioned three people standing nearby.
01:53:49Bob, the cashier, said,
01:53:51Sorry, I didn't see your wallet.
01:53:53I had the other customers.
01:53:55One of the customers, Kim, said,
01:53:57I think I saw the cleaner take your wallet from the checkout after you'd left.
01:54:01And the cleaner, Nancy, said,
01:54:03Who do you think I am?
01:54:05I need this job to support my family.
01:54:19It was Kim.
01:54:20She's holding her own wallet in her hand.
01:54:22But there's also Amy's wallet hidden in her boot.
01:54:27Amy didn't want to waste her time.
01:54:29So she told Kim,
01:54:30I won't call the police if you give me back my wallet and crack my riddle.
01:54:33Kim agreed.
01:54:35Here's the riddle.
01:54:36Can you name four days which start with the letter T?
01:54:41It was Kim's lucky day because she managed to solve this riddle.
01:54:45What was her reply?
01:54:55Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.
01:55:01Amy, Vicky, and their boyfriends, Josh and Greg,
01:55:04went hiking and got lost.
01:55:06They wandered around the forest for a few hours and found this sign.
01:55:09There were three paths through the forest.
01:55:12The first one would take them to a toxic swamp.
01:55:15No one has ever returned from that swamp alive.
01:55:18Hungry tigers were blocking the second road.
01:55:20And to use the third path,
01:55:22the guys had to cross an ice-cold mountain river.
01:55:26Which way is the safest?
01:55:34The third one.
01:55:37See this sign?
01:55:38It says the river is only 20 inches deep.
01:55:41They can easily cross it.
01:55:44It got dark very fast.
01:55:46While the friends were still trying to find a way to cross the river,
01:55:49their phones had run out of battery,
01:55:51and they only had one torch.
01:55:53The river is too risky to cross without any lighting.
01:55:56If all four people started crossing the river at the same time,
01:56:00the torchlight wouldn't be enough.
01:56:02Plus, each person would be crossing the river at a different speed.
01:56:06Amy would need only one minute.
01:56:08Vicky would do it in two minutes.
01:56:10Josh would need seven minutes.
01:56:12And Greg, ten minutes.
01:56:14What's the shortest time needed for all friends to cross the river?
01:56:27Usually, people jump to the conclusion that the fastest person
01:56:30should guide everyone.
01:56:32In this case, Amy would have to accompany Greg.
01:56:35It'd take ten minutes.
01:56:37Then she would need one minute to come back.
01:56:39She'd guide Josh across the river.
01:56:41It'd take seven minutes.
01:56:43Then Amy would spend one minute to return for Vicky
01:56:46and make the final two-minute walk across the river.
01:56:49In this case, the entire process would take 21 minutes.
01:56:53But our task is to minimize the time.
01:56:56That's why we should find a way for the slowest people to walk together.
01:56:59So here's the correct order.
01:57:02Amy and Vicky cross the river, which takes them two minutes.
01:57:05Then Vicky comes back.
01:57:07That's another two minutes.
01:57:08Greg and Josh take the torch from Vicky and go across the river.
01:57:13It takes them ten minutes.
01:57:15Then Amy comes back with the torch, takes Vicky,
01:57:19and they cross the river together.
01:57:20That's three minutes.
01:57:22In this case, the total time will be 17 minutes.
01:57:26After crossing the river, the guys meet a woodsman.
01:57:29He promises to guide them out of the forest if they solved his riddle.
01:57:34What do an island and the letter T have in common?
01:57:38After the friends answered, the woodsman explained to them
01:57:41how to find the bus stop and disappeared.
01:57:44What did they say?
01:57:54The letter T and the island are both in the middle of the water.
01:58:00It took a while to find the bus station, and the guys got hungry.
01:58:03That's why they decided to buy some food.
01:58:06But only one of these vending machines is safe to use.
01:58:09Can you tell which one?
01:58:19Someone scribbled cash eater on this vending machine, so it's probably not working.
01:58:25Cockroaches are crawling all over the food inside this machine.
01:58:28The guys should use the second vending machine.
01:58:32When the bus arrived, the guys realized that they didn't have enough cash to buy the tickets.
01:58:37But the driver was very generous.
01:58:39He said,
01:58:48Amy solved this riddle right away.
01:58:50What about you?
01:58:58Because when it was hungry, seven ate nine.
01:59:04The guys took their seats on the bus.
01:59:07Can you find anything weird here?
01:59:17This elderly lady is transparent.
01:59:20She's a ghost.
01:59:22When Amy and Vicky returned home, they discovered that someone had robbed their house.
01:59:27The girls called the police.
01:59:28Detectives questioned three neighbors.
01:59:30Mary said,
01:59:41Love said,
01:59:47Joanna said,
01:59:54Who's lying?
02:00:04She said that Rick had gotten sunburned,
02:00:06but now he looks perfectly fine.
02:00:08And he doesn't look tanned either.
02:00:11Amy decided to get a new job to save some money for college.
02:00:15She sent her resume to the local bank and received an invitation for a job interview.
02:00:20The HR manager offered her a riddle to challenge her logical thinking.
02:00:25Imagine you have an unlimited number of coins in your wallet.
02:00:28What's the minimum number of coins you'll need
02:00:31to make sure that each of these coins will touch exactly three others?
02:00:36Can you help Amy get the job?
02:00:46The correct answer is four.
02:00:48She should place three coins flat on the table so that they form a triangle
02:00:52and their edges touch each other.
02:00:54And then she can put the fourth coin in the middle on top of the rest.
02:00:59Amy got the job in the bank.
02:01:01After her first day at work was over, she went home.
02:01:04But on her way home, she realized she'd forgotten her phone in the bank.
02:01:08So she went back and took her phone.
02:01:10Suddenly, the girl heard some weird noise coming from the bank vault.
02:01:15She went there and saw these three men inside the room.
02:01:18She noticed that one of them was an imposter right away.
02:01:22What about you?
02:01:23Can you spot him?
02:01:33The third guy doesn't belong here.
02:01:35Look, he's wearing a police badge.
02:01:37He must be working undercover.
02:01:40The robbers ran away and locked Amy and the police officers inside the vault.
02:01:45Now they have to solve this riddle to unlock the door.
02:01:49They have to find a way to connect these nine stars by using just four lines,
02:01:54all without lifting their hand even once.
02:01:57Can you help them find the right way?
02:02:07Such a task requires creativity.
02:02:10And this shape meets all requirements.
02:02:12But maybe you came up with something better.
02:02:15Amy bought flowers for her sister's birthday.
02:02:18She was walking down the street, holding the bouquet in her hands.
02:02:21Suddenly, a man in a mask ran up to her, grabbed the flowers,
02:02:25and ran to the nearest restaurant.
02:02:27Amy started crying.
02:02:28A patrol car stopped next to her.
02:02:30Amy told the police officer what had happened.
02:02:33They went to the restaurant together to find the criminal.
02:02:36There were four men with very similar bouquets.
02:02:39Can you tell who robbed Amy?
02:02:44This guy.
02:02:51Amy's bouquet was tied with purple ribbon.
02:02:55Vicky organized a birthday party.
02:02:57To avoid uninvited guests, she asked the security guard to set a special password.
02:03:02But her boyfriend Harry, who was most definitely not invited,
02:03:06developed a plan that could help him enter the party.
02:03:09He hid near the door and started to listen attentively.
02:03:13When the first guest arrived, the guard said,
02:03:16The guest answered with,
02:03:19Then the second guest arrived, and the guard said,
02:03:23The guest replied with,
02:03:26Harry thought he'd heard enough and walked up to the guard.
02:03:29The man said,
02:03:30And Harry replied with,
02:03:33After hearing this answer, the guard asked Harry to leave.
02:03:46Because the password is not half the number.
02:03:49It's the number of letters in the word.
02:03:51He should have said 5 because the word 8 consists of 5 letters.
02:03:58Can you count the number of squares in this image?
02:04:06The correct answer is 40.
02:04:37And that's it for today! So hey, if you pacified your curiosity,
02:04:42then give the video a like and share it with your friends!
02:04:44Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
