Heyyy, It's The King Heyyy, It’s The King E013 Go For It, King

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 Hey, it's the King is next!
00:02 Hey, King, listen to this.
00:10 It says here that a guy in California
00:12 shot 200 baskets in a row
00:14 at a high school gym.
00:16 Wow!
00:17 200 baskets?
00:18 Imagine that!
00:19 Gosh!
00:20 Hey, what you reading there, big H?
00:23 It's the Guinness Book of Records.
00:25 If you set a record,
00:26 they put you in here and you're famous.
00:28 Huh? Listen up, guys.
00:30 The King's gonna get himself into that book.
00:33 You, King?
00:34 Doing what?
00:35 Dribble that ball, King!
00:44 Show 'em what you're worth!
00:45 The King's the best dribbler on this entire Earth!
00:48 Yeah, King!
00:50 All right!
00:54 The King's got all the moves.
00:56 Uh-huh!
00:57 Fantastic!
01:03 Fantastic!
01:05 Better take it easy, King.
01:09 You got a long way to go for a record.
01:11 Keep hanging in there, you'll show 'em, King!
01:19 The world's finest dribbler is doing his thing!
01:22 Yeah!
01:24 King, wake up!
01:26 (dribbling)
01:28 How you doing, King?
01:32 Fine, Clyde.
01:34 (yawns)
01:36 Fine.
01:37 King, wake up!
01:38 Don't go to sleep!
01:39 Come on, King, wake up!
01:42 (yawns)
01:44 (yawns)
01:46 Uh-oh, skids, there goes the record!
01:50 (dribbling)
01:52 Maybe he'll set another record!
02:00 Sleeping!
02:01 (laughs)
02:03 I'm sorry.
02:04 Hey, King, how you feeling?
02:10 Terrific!
02:11 How long was I asleep?
02:13 A whole week.
02:14 That's what I call laying on a lot of Z's.
02:17 We're sure sorry you didn't make the record, King.
02:20 Not to worry, Big H.
02:22 There's another record in here that I'm gonna beat.
02:25 It's for flagpole sitting.
02:27 Flagpole sitting?
02:28 You mean it?
02:29 The record is eight months and four days.
02:32 All the King's gotta do is eight months and five days.
02:36 Got it?
02:37 Got it!
02:38 Wow, Sheena, the King's been up there two weeks already.
02:43 Yes, Zelda, and not one peep of complaints outta him.
02:46 Is he brave!
02:48 Ah!
02:50 Hey, skids, give me another splash of lemonade, huh?
02:55 You got it.
02:56 Yuck!
03:00 Yeah, King?
03:01 Give me some shade, huh?
03:03 The sun's bleaching the King's mane.
03:06 Sure thing, King.
03:07 Now get me some popcorn, yucker.
03:12 You know I can't watch no TV movie without popcorn.
03:16 Right, right, you got it.
03:18 That's better.
03:24 Time for your daily massage, King.
03:27 Yeah.
03:28 Hey, easy, Clyde.
03:35 Don't mess the mane.
03:37 How long you think you can last up here, King?
03:40 Last? With my TV, my waterbed, my sauna and stuff,
03:44 I could stay up as long as the pole.
03:46 Spring and summer, winter and fall,
03:55 the King is gone out, last of all.
03:58 Yay, King!
04:00 Hey, there's a nip in the air today.
04:09 Hey, it's freezing.
04:12 What do you know? My waterbed froze.
04:18 It's the very first day of spring,
04:21 and who's still up there? Hey, it's the King!
04:24 I hope the King's got his umbrella handy,
04:29 'cause here comes the first spring storm.
04:33 Oh, oh, you see?
04:35 Come on, guys, the King's gonna go down the drain.
04:50 Sorry about you missing the flagpole, Wreck-It King.
04:53 You're sorry. The King is definitely upset.
04:57 Gee, King, you sure look like the world's fastest driver.
05:03 Which is exactly what I'm doing.
05:06 I'm gonna go get my umbrella.
05:08 I'm gonna go get my umbrella.
05:10 I'm gonna go get my umbrella.
05:12 I'm gonna go get my umbrella.
05:14 I'm gonna go get my umbrella.
05:16 I'm gonna go get my umbrella.
05:18 That's exactly what I'm gonna be.
05:20 Where's Skids with that souped-up car he promised?
05:23 He's coming now, King.
05:25 I'm gonna set a world's record in that.
05:31 Trust me, King, you got more power here than a jet plane.
05:34 If it had feathers, it'd fly.
05:36 Well, you're the expert.
05:38 Hold it, King. We'll send you off with a cheer.
05:40 Speeding down the salt flats, hey, hey, hey,
05:43 the King's gonna set a record today.
05:46 Yeah, King!
05:48 Thanks, girls.
05:50 Ready, set, go!
05:53 Whoo!
05:55 Hey, I did it!
06:19 I went faster than sound.
06:22 How about that, guys? A new record.
06:25 Sorry, King, they disqualified you.
06:28 Huh? For what?
06:30 For crossing the finish line without a car.
06:32 Terrific.
06:34 We've been out here an hour now and not one bite.
06:38 How am I gonna set a record for catching the biggest shark
06:41 if the sharks never bite?
06:44 You got a big one, King.
06:48 Yeah, hang in.
06:50 Yeah!
06:52 The world's biggest boy.
06:54 Yeah!
06:56 Hang on, King. I'll stop the boat.
07:01 Help!
07:09 We gotta go after him.
07:11 Coming, King.
07:14 (musique rythmée)
07:17 Yeah!
07:27 There he is.
07:32 Help!
07:34 Yeah!
07:40 (musique rythmée)
07:42 Way to go, King.
07:46 We'll save you.
07:48 Faster!
07:52 Yeah!
07:59 Phew!
08:03 Sorry you didn't catch that shark, King.
08:06 Yeah, what a bummer.
08:08 Listen, I'm just glad that shark didn't catch me.
08:11 Hey, King, this telegram says you set a record after all.
08:15 Huh? I did?
08:17 When that shark chased you onto the beach,
08:19 you set a new world record for barefoot water skiing.
08:22 Wow! All right.
08:24 Congratulations, King.
08:26 Hey, what do you know? Now that's a record.
