FTS 8:30 20-05: Iran declares 5 days of mourning after pres. Raisi’s death

  • 4 months ago
FTS 8.30
*Abinader re-elected president of the Dominican Republic
*London Court to rule on Julian Assange’s extradition


00:03 In Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei approved the appointment
00:13 of first Vice President Mohammad Mugabeh
00:16 as the country's interim president
00:17 and declared five days of mourning for the death
00:19 of President Ebrahim Raisi.
00:21 In the Dominican Republic, Luis Avinader
00:26 was elected president for a second term with more than 59%
00:30 of the votes.
00:31 And in the United Kingdom, the London High Court
00:46 holds a hearing to rule on journalist and Wikileaks
00:49 founder Julian Assange's extradition
00:50 to the United States.
00:55 Hello.
00:59 Welcome from the South.
01:00 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesos Studios in Havana, Cuba.
01:04 We begin with the news.
01:05 The leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran,
01:07 Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, approved the appointment
01:10 of first Vice President Mohammad Mugabeh
01:13 as the country's interim president on Monday.
01:15 Through a statement, the highest Iranian political authority
01:18 assured that the vice president is
01:19 in the position of directing the executive power
01:22 and is obliged to agree on the election of a new president
01:25 within a maximum period of 50 days.
01:27 In this regard, Khamenei declared five days
01:29 of national mourning for the martyrdom of President Sayyed
01:32 Ebrahim Raisi after the helicopter in which he was
01:35 being transported was involved in an accident.
01:38 On the other hand, it was confirmed that until now,
01:40 Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri-Khani
01:43 will serve as acting foreign minister after the death
01:46 of Foreign Minister Hossein Abdullah Khan.
01:49 Earlier, the Iranian government confirmed the death
02:05 of President Ebrahim Raisi after the helicopter in which he was
02:07 traveling crashed near the border with Azerbaijan.
02:11 In an official statement, Iranian authorities
02:12 said that the 73 rescue teams reached
02:14 the breakage of the presidential helicopter
02:17 and found no sign of life of any of the crew members on board.
02:20 The Iranian government also emphasized
02:23 that the search efforts were carried out
02:25 in difficult weather conditions with dense fog and extreme
02:28 cold.
02:28 Furthermore, the authorities reported
02:30 that the foreign minister Hossein Abdullah Khan
02:33 and the governor of Azerbaijan province Malik Rafmati
02:37 were also on the helicopter and were also declared dead.
02:39 Let us review the route taken by the helicopter carrying
02:49 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi from his visit
02:51 to the Qisqalasi Dam to the crash site.
02:54 This Sunday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
02:57 traveled early in the morning to the Qisqalasi Dam,
03:00 located 220 kilometers northeast of the city of Tabriz
03:04 on the Aras River, the drone border
03:06 between Azerbaijan and Iran.
03:08 On the way back, two of the three helicopters
03:10 landed in the capital of the province of eastern Azerbaijan,
03:13 while the aircraft carrying the Iranian president
03:15 reportedly crashed in the mountainous area of Pindavur.
03:19 For now, the authorities identified the crash site
03:22 within a radius of two kilometers.
03:24 Ebrahim Raisi, 64 years old, served as national president
03:33 since 2021 when he won the elections with 61%
03:36 of the votes in his favor.
03:38 He was also a member of the Assembly of Experts since 2007
03:41 and served as attorney general between 2014 and 2016.
03:45 He also held the position of vice president of the Supreme
03:47 Court from 2004 to 2021 under the mandate of Ebrahim Raisi.
03:52 The state developed a strong foreign policy committed
03:54 to peace and regional stability.
03:57 He deeply rejected the Israeli genocide
03:58 against the population of the Gaza Strip.
04:00 In the internal order, he managed
04:02 to confront the sanctions imposed unfairly
04:04 by the United States.
04:05 Ebrahim Raisi grew up in Mashhad,
04:07 home of the holiest Shia shrine in Iran.
04:10 Coming from a clerical family, he
04:12 participated as a teenager in the 1979 revolution
04:15 that overthrew the Shah backed by the West.
04:17 In the absence of the president, the incumbent vice president
04:24 takes over the responsibility of the executive branch
04:26 as provided for in the Constitution of the Islamic
04:29 Revolution of Iran.
04:30 In Article 131, the Iranian Magna Carta
04:33 mandates that upon the death, dismissal, resignation, absence,
04:37 or illness for a period of more than two months
04:40 of the president, the vice president
04:42 shall assume the reins of the country subject
04:44 to the consent of the Supreme Leader of Iran.
04:47 In this regard, the temporary president
04:48 should form a council with the presidents
04:50 of the Islamic Consulative Assembly and the judiciary,
04:53 as well as the vice presidents, which
04:55 in turn, in a period of no more than 50 days,
04:58 will proceed to elect the new Iranian president.
05:02 Let's now look at the profile of Mohammad Bakber, Iranian first
05:05 vice president, which according to Article 131
05:08 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
05:11 assumes the acting presidency with the approval
05:13 of the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.
05:16 Mohammad Bakber is an Iranian politician
05:19 currently serving as the vice president of Iran
05:21 as of August 8, 2021.
05:24 He was head of the execution of the order of Imam Khamenei,
05:27 Bakber holds two doctoral degrees, one in international law
05:30 and one in administration.
05:32 He also serves as chairman of the board of directors
05:34 of a major banking institution and is
05:36 deputy governor of the province of Jusistan.
05:38 He served as an officer in the medical corps
05:41 of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps
05:42 during the Iran-Iraq War.
05:44 Let's take a short break, but remember
05:51 you can join us on TikTok at Telesu English, where
05:53 you'll find news in different formats.
05:55 News updates and much more.
05:58 Other stories coming up.
05:59 Stay with us.
06:34 Welcome back.
06:35 In the Dominican Republic, Luis Avinader
06:37 was elected president for a second term
06:39 with more than 59% of the votes.
06:41 Avinader obtained a wide advantage
06:43 over Leonel Fernandez, who received 27.30% of the votes,
06:47 while Abel Martinez obtained 10.41%.
06:50 Likewise, both candidates recognized the victory
06:52 of Luis Avinader.
06:53 Electoral authorities reported a turnout of 24.31%
06:57 of the electoral roll.
07:04 During the counting phase of the general election
07:06 held in the Dominican Republic, international observer Joao
07:08 Torres congratulated the people on the electoral team
07:11 for setting an example of how to conduct
07:14 democratic and transparent elections.
07:15 Today is a very important day, not only
07:20 for the Dominican Republic, but also for the whole world.
07:23 Because in a situation where so many democracies are threatened,
07:27 it is very important to see the commitment
07:29 of the people of the Dominican Republic to democracy.
07:32 It is also a very important signal for the whole world,
07:35 not just for Latin America.
07:37 What I have seen is a very strict adherence to the rules
07:40 and a very positive relationship between all the delegates who
07:44 were in each of the voting booths.
07:46 This is what I have been able to observe since the morning
07:49 with my colleagues who have traveled
07:51 a great part of the country.
07:53 Now we are in the phase of counting the votes,
07:56 and I continue to observe this example of citizenship
08:00 and correlation, interconnection among the people who
08:03 understand each other when there is
08:05 a moment of difficulty or doubt.
08:07 That is why this seems to be a very transparent process.
08:10 From here, I take a message of strengthening democracy
08:13 in the Dominican Republic, which is very important.
08:16 And as a Democrat, this makes me very happy.
08:21 In Mexico, the presidential candidate
08:23 of the Citizen Movement Party, Jorge Alvarez Maynes,
08:26 during his participation in the third candidate debate
08:28 assured that in his government, the salaries
08:30 would increase and equality would
08:32 be reflected as the main basis of his government.
08:37 The old politics accustomed us to inequality and poverty.
08:40 So we are the ninth poorest country in the world,
08:43 and one of the most unequal.
08:45 Only Mozambique, a separate African republic,
08:48 will concentrate income on 1% of the population,
08:51 more unequally than Mexico.
08:54 That is why we have proposed that they continue
08:57 to increase wages, and that we have a decent working day
09:00 policy with two days of rest a week.
09:04 Just like a few years ago, the prime
09:06 had the minimum wage of the 70 pesos a day,
09:10 and told you that if we increased it,
09:13 the Mexican companies will go.
09:15 Today, faced with our proposal for a minimum wage of 10,000
09:20 pesos a month and two days of rest a week,
09:23 that companies will go, I wonder where
09:26 they will go if the United States' minimum wage is
09:29 30,000 pesos and the working day is 40 hours.
09:33 They will not go anywhere, because in New Mexico,
09:37 companies and workers will win.
09:39 We are all going to win.
09:42 The presidential candidate of the Citizens Movement Party
09:44 announced that he will promote a policy of attention
09:47 to early childhood to generate equal opportunities.
09:52 Since the first debate, I have seen
09:53 that for the sake of all of us, we
09:56 must first put girls and boys.
09:58 If anyone suffered the ravages of poverty in this country
10:01 and discrimination and all the issues
10:03 that Luis second to mention, it is the girls and boys
10:06 of Mexico.
10:07 That's why we're going to promote an early childhood care
10:10 policy to generate equal opportunities from that moment.
10:14 And the best social program is decent employment,
10:17 which is why I'm talking about minimum salary of 10,000 pesos
10:22 a month and a decent working day that neither the prime
10:25 nor the brunette wanted to approve of the union Congress
10:29 with two day rest a week.
10:31 Because more working hours is not more productivity.
10:34 Because in this country, two out of 10 pesos that enter companies
10:38 are workers.
10:39 In Germany, it's the triple.
10:41 And Costa Rica is more than the double.
10:43 That's why we need a policy in favor of equality.
10:49 During the third presidential debate,
10:50 the candidate of the Forza and Hard Coalition for Mexico,
10:53 she called this risk indicate the alleged lack of attention
10:56 in health services during the pandemic.
11:00 50 million people do not have access to the health services.
11:03 Only three out of 10 million children have vaccines.
11:06 There is a charge of medicines that is the truth.
11:09 That is not the most serious.
11:10 The real scientists a few days ago
11:12 talk about the lag of the pandemic management
11:15 of the 800,000 death could have prevented
11:18 the death of 300,000 people.
11:21 300,000 people who lost a loved one.
11:24 In addition, Government syndicated
11:28 for his campaign proposal,
11:30 it is planned to strengthen national security systems.
11:35 The National Guard will have a civilian commander.
11:37 There are more forces will focus on the Constitutional
11:40 national security.
11:42 We will restrict them.
11:43 The state and municipal police have paid and will answer
11:47 defying them technologies.
11:48 The largest investment in culture,
11:51 the in sports and public spaces.
11:53 But above all, they will have a president
11:56 with character to confront criminals
11:59 with the heart to take care of you.
12:01 Claudia Sheinbaum, the candidate of the coalition,
12:09 let's continue making history,
12:11 said that 56 years later,
12:12 the country finds itself with the same pride
12:15 and those who fight for a fair country.
12:18 - Very good evening.
12:20 We meet here where one of the most painful episodes
12:23 in Mexico history occur.
12:25 The October 2nd repression when a priest president
12:29 ordered the repression and murder of young people
12:32 fighting for freedom.
12:33 56 years later, we find ourselves here
12:37 with the same pride and us,
12:39 those young sons and grandsons of 68
12:43 together with million of Mexicans
12:46 building a more just country.
12:49 - In turn, Sheinbaum expressed that they are working
12:51 on the recovery of rights and expanding them
12:54 and assure that today 28 million families
12:56 are served through a direct welfare program.
12:59 - For us, social policy means the welfare
13:04 and happiness of the people.
13:06 We're recovering the rights and extending them,
13:09 which the pride and turn into commodities,
13:12 privilege and businesses.
13:15 Today, 28 million families receive a welfare program.
13:19 Eight out of 10 families in our country
13:22 and directly without any intermediary.
13:25 The minimum wage increase
13:27 and also increase working condition for workers.
13:31 Poverty decrease and equality decrease.
13:34 For the good of all, first the poor.
13:36 It means justice, it means humanism,
13:39 and it also works because the economy
13:42 is better today than ever.
13:44 There is no turning back in the transformation.
13:47 - We have a fun short break coming up,
13:53 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:55 for our English speaking audience,
13:57 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
14:00 and share the link to reach more people.
14:02 Come to news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
14:04 as well as the rest of the world.
14:06 Stay connected and informed.
14:08 Until the soon, fun short break, don't go away.
14:11 (upbeat music)
14:13 - Welcome back.
14:29 In the United Kingdom,
14:30 journalists and Wikileaks founder,
14:31 Julian Assange faces a hearing
14:33 in the London High Court on Monday
14:35 to decide whether he will continue
14:36 to be held on British soil
14:38 or be exiled to the United States.
14:40 In this regard, the London hearing is expected
14:42 to determine whether the 52 year old
14:44 will have further chance to plead his case
14:46 in the British courts,
14:47 or whether he will have exhausted
14:49 all legal options of appeal in the country.
14:52 Precisely Monday's decision could lead
14:53 to his extradition or a likely application
14:55 to the European Court of Human Rights.
14:58 If the Supreme Court rules against him,
14:59 Assange says he could be on a plane to the United States
15:01 in as little as 24 hours.
15:09 At least one person was killed
15:10 and 16 others injured in an attack
15:12 by Ukrainian forces on a minibus
15:13 in the southwestern Russian province of Kherson.
15:16 The announcement was made by the governor
15:19 of the province, Vladimir Zaldo,
15:21 who said the attack was carried out
15:23 by a drone against a bus carrying civilians
15:24 from minority municipalities
15:26 who were expected to participate
15:28 in the strawberry harvest.
15:30 The Kherson region seceded from Ukraine
15:32 and became part of Russia at the end of September 22,
15:35 following a referendum won
15:37 by an overwhelming majority.
15:39 Russia currently controls 75% of its territory.
15:42 The eastern shore of the Dnieper,
15:43 including the city of Kherson,
15:45 remains in Ukrainian hands.
15:47 In the Republic of the Congo,
15:53 at least three people were killed
15:54 following a failed coup d'etat.
15:56 Congolese Army Spokesman Brigadier General Silvian Ekenge
16:00 said the incident occurred early Sunday morning
16:01 in the vicinity of the presidential palace.
16:04 He said the Congolese Army was able
16:05 to thwart the attempted coup
16:06 by preventing the attack on the residence
16:08 of Federal Legislator Vital Vital Kameney.
16:12 The authorities have denounced the presumed involvement
16:14 of foreign agents and a military group
16:16 under the Zairean flag.
16:18 Regarding the coup in the Republic of the Congo,
16:26 a U.S. ambassador to the country, Lucy Tamlin,
16:28 expressed concern over reports of alleged involvement
16:31 of U.S. agents in the attempted coup
16:33 in the vicinity of the presidential palace.
16:35 Ambassador Tamlin said Washington will cooperate
16:38 with Congolese authorities in the investigation
16:40 and that any U.S. citizens involved in the incident
16:43 will be held accountable.
16:44 Meteorological authorities in Mexico warned
17:03 that a third heat wave would hit several regions
17:06 of the country on Monday,
17:07 with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.
17:10 According to the National Meteorological Service,
17:12 the climatic phenomenon will continue throughout the week,
17:16 and it was estimated that the thermometer could reach
17:18 45 degrees Celsius in regions such as Michoacán,
17:21 Guerrero, Veracruz, among others.
17:23 Likewise, the entity also informed that in addition
17:25 to the high temperatures, an atmosphere instability
17:28 is expected with the probability of developing cyclones,
17:31 which could intensify the rains
17:33 in the southwest of the country.
17:34 So far, at least 10 deaths related to the heat wave
17:37 have been recorded in Mexico in 2024,
17:39 while another 40 have been hospitalized for heat stroke
17:42 and sudden dehydration.
17:43 And in Brazil, more than 80,000 people have been rescued
17:51 after devastating floods that hit the southern region
17:53 of the South American country.
17:55 According to local authorities, besides the rescued people,
17:59 there is also a total of 806 injured and 156 dead,
18:04 as well as 94 people still missing.
18:06 Precisely, heavy rains in the state of Rio Grande do Sul
18:08 have damaged 90% of the territory
18:12 with floods and landslides,
18:13 making it the most affected state in the country.
18:16 In this regard, the state government of Rio Grande do Sul
18:19 announced the construction of four temporary cities
18:22 in the cities of Puro, Alegre, Canoas, Sao Leopoldo,
18:25 and Guaiva, where thousands of affected people
18:28 will be sheltered.
18:29 At least 50 people were killed in Afghanistan
18:36 in the province of Ghor as a result of flooding
18:39 caused by heavy rains affecting the nation.
18:41 Afghanistan has witnessed unusually heavy seasonal rains.
18:45 The western province of Ghor has been the worst hit
18:47 by the floods, local authorities reported.
18:50 Residents of the province are seeking shelter in hilly areas
18:54 amidst various problems after losing their homes
18:57 and land and sources of livelihood.
18:59 Meanwhile, relief teams remain deployed to help the affected.
19:03 Different countries around the world are affected
19:13 by the range of rains and floods due to climate change.
19:17 According to the United Nations, the rains and floods
19:19 have affected almost 1 million people in East Africa,
19:23 including more than 300,000 displaced people in Kenya,
19:26 Somalia, Burundi, and Tanzania.
19:28 In addition to the rains, the continent is facing
19:30 record high temperatures, especially at night,
19:33 when temperatures do not cool.
19:35 In that sense, Niger and Burkina Faso
19:37 had the hottest nights during the month of May,
19:40 with temperatures between 40 and 43 degrees Celsius,
19:43 while in Chad, temperatures have remained above 45.6 degrees
19:47 Celsius during the month of May.
19:55 Meanwhile, in Venezuela, the Wayu, Cariñas, Zaragoza,
19:58 and Tamunanque indigenous peoples joined this Sunday
20:01 in the closing of the great Viva Venezuela,
20:03 Mi Patria Querida festival, which
20:05 run for the past 10 days.
20:07 The show started in the afternoon at the Plaza Sucre
20:09 in Catia, in Caracas, where the ethnic groups showed
20:14 the best of the Venezuelan traditions with rhythms,
20:16 songs, and dances.
20:17 The show included the special participation of Master Jesus
20:20 Sevillano and some international guests,
20:22 as well as the presentation of the group, Garota, Nema,
20:25 and Taja.
20:26 In the coming weeks, the festival
20:27 will be extended to all regions of the country.
20:30 We have come to the end of this news brief.
20:39 You can find these and many other stories
20:41 on our website at Televisual English.
20:42 And also join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
20:46 Telegram, and TikTok.
20:48 For Televisual English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
20:50 Thank you for watching.
20:58 (upbeat music)
