Sen. Chiz Escudero, hinirang bilang bagong Senate President

  • 4 months ago
Sen. Chiz Escudero, hinirang bilang bagong Senate President
00:00 Senator Mig Zubiri was emotional when he was elected as Senate President.
00:05 Senator Francis Cheese Escudero was also excited when he was elected as Senate President.
00:11 Let's get an update from Daniel Manalastas. Daniel.
00:15 Yes Aljo, there is a new Senate President in the Senate and this is Senator Francis Cheese Escudero.
00:24 Earlier, Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri announced that he resigned as Senate President.
00:32 Zubiri admitted that he was hurt but this is not because of his position.
00:37 Earlier, Zubiri was crying while jumping.
00:41 I have never dictated my position on any of you, you know that.
00:46 I've always supported your independence which is probably why I faced my demise today.
00:52 I failed to follow instructions from the powers that be, simple as that.
00:58 I've listened to all my colleagues throughout my Senate Presidency and again I listen to them today.
01:04 As we head into a new period for the Senate, I fought the good fight.
01:10 If I've ruffled some feathers in doing so, then so be it.
01:15 Today, I offer my resignation as Senate President of the Republic of the Philippines.
01:23 And upon stepping down, I vow to serve as an independent member of the Senate.
01:28 My allegiance is ever belonging only to the Filipino people.
01:33 I leave with my head held high knowing that I did what is right for the Senate and for the nation.
01:44 Next, Zubiri's allies, Senator Joel Villanueva, who served as Senate Majority Leader,
01:53 and Senator Nancy Binay, JVA Herceto, Sunny Angara, and Lauren Legarda,
01:59 who served as Committee Chairmanship and other positions in the Senate.
02:04 In return, Senator Francis Tolentino served as Majority Leader,
02:08 and Senate President Pro Tempore, Senator Jingoy Estrada.
02:12 I thank Senator Escudero for his services to the Senate.
02:16 We cannot forgive the failures that we have faced during his time as President.
02:22 My hats off to you, Senate President Zubiri.
02:26 I salute you and I hope I will make you proud, you especially among all our other colleagues.
02:33 And hopefully, you will not leave my side whenever I ask for guidance, whenever I ask for help,
02:40 and whenever I ask for your wisdom.
02:42 You are far and you know more about me, especially as a President of the Senate.
02:48 I hope we will still be together in the future.
02:52 Earlier, Senator Escudero, as the new Senate President, along with his wife, Ms. C. Hart,
02:59 and his own leader, Aljo, was assured by Senator President Escudero.
03:04 He thanked his colleagues.
03:08 I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
03:14 So help me God.
03:16 I think that each of us is a member of a single Senate.
03:22 And if we are to bring a color for me,
03:25 for me, those colors should be the flags of the Philippines,
03:30 which is not just a coincidence that I am standing behind and in front of us now.
03:35 A white color that is a symbol of the equality of every Filipino.
03:40 A red color that is ready to die, not just to die.
03:44 A flag of the freedom of our country.
03:48 The blue color of the Philippines, of a unique race, of a different race.
03:56 So no one can say favor to anyone in the country.
04:00 All of us, I believe, favor the Filipinos and the Philippines.
04:04 Meanwhile, Aljo, she said earlier that she will be an independent Senator.
04:10 But she also said earlier that in a press conference, she will talk to her fellow Senators
04:16 about where they will go, either to the majority or to the minority bloc.
04:21 But Aljo, it is expected that there will be a vote in the committee chairmanship
04:26 because there are committee chairmen who voted.
04:29 Aljo?
04:30 Thank you very much, Daniel Manalastas.
