Glen Powell REVEALS If We Can Expect An ‘Anyone But You’ Sequel E! News

  • 4 months ago
Glen Powell REVEALS If We Can Expect An ‘Anyone But You’ Sequel E! News


00:00 Glenn Powell was the talk of Austin, Texas last night
00:03 as he attended the premiere for his new movie, "Hitman."
00:07 For Jessica Amaker was there and chatted with the hottie.
00:10 - This is the summer of Glenn Powell.
00:13 I wanna know, what is the best part of this journey, Glenn?
00:16 - You know, I think the best part about this journey
00:17 is the fact that like, I've gotten to do this job.
00:20 This is job that I've been dreamed about
00:21 doing my entire life.
00:23 And like literally since I was a kid.
00:24 - The fans would be remissed if I did not ask you
00:26 about "Top Gun 3" and "Anyone But You," the sequel.
00:30 What updates can we get on each?
00:32 - I mean, it's really nice when you make a movie
00:33 that people wanna see more.
00:34 I mean, that's been honestly the really,
00:36 like the really cool part about this is that,
00:38 you know, you make a movie with people you really love
00:40 that you really like connect with
00:41 and then you get a chance to maybe do it again.
00:44 So we'll see.
00:45 - If we were to have "Top Gun 3."
00:46 Hangman, what are we seeing?
00:47 - I actually haven't thought about that one.
00:48 It's out of my hands.
00:49 I know we're gonna be flying cool stuff.
00:51 That's all I know.
00:51 - I wanna know, what role haven't you played yet
00:54 that you're dying to play?
00:55 - You know, as a kid, I always wanted to be a firefighter.
00:57 I feel like, I was seriously, I feel like, we'll see.
01:00 - Are you gonna have the water and splash?
01:02 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all, it's all,
01:03 it's all drenched shirts and like, yeah, it's like,
01:06 it's more about the firefighting than the wet,
01:08 the wet shirt, I think.
01:09 - Well, Glenn also had some special guests
01:12 on the red carpet, his parents,
01:14 who brought their own props.
01:16 - All right, all right.
01:17 You gotta love parents who will troll their son
01:19 at his big movie premiere.
01:21 - And by the way, mom and dad, it is way too late.
01:23 Glenn Powell is already happening, okay?
01:26 - Right, he sure is.
01:27 But you know what, they're just trying to keep him humble
01:29 and on the ground.
01:30 - Yeah, important stuff. - It's like,
01:31 someone's gotta do it.
01:32 You can catch "Hitman" in select theaters May 24th
01:35 and on Netflix June 7th.
01:38 (upbeat music)
01:41 you
